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Demo licensed
LOL, be :-)

I searched in the Suggested improvements log , pointed out by Gabkicks and I couldn't find the suggestion i used as an example,weird

"Mouse y-axis as accelerator, but brake in a button"

I think this suggestion is excellent regardless, if even someone else before suggested it considering that, a high percentaje of LFS buyers use mouse to play at WORK, during breaks, and cant use a wheel, at home they probable have one.
Last edited by mamas6667, .
Demo licensed
Is true that some suggestions, are already posted.
Sorry for the trouble.

You could say
Quote :do you really think nobody else has made a thread already discussing these things?

And then address any of the suggestions
I might be a noob, but it took me sometime to write those suggestions, based on my driving experience. plus I got about 10 ppl to start playing LFS, 1 of them already bought a license

I was pointing out my experience in the game.(1st post)
I think that ideas are more important than opinions, i was hoping that someone, would comment on the suggestions that they have not seen before.
for example:"Mouse y-axis as accelerator, but brake in a button, thats a nice suggestion m8, bla bla bla"

So that we can improve the game!

Basically pls give us more tweakable options, like in Unreal, and Quake

7 answers, most are non-constructive.
Well, anyhow have a nice day, and be positive!

Thks again for such a nice SIM!
Night Racing, + more "Option" tweaks, Brightness, Hud, etc
Demo licensed
First THK you for such an excellent SIM, best yet for me.

- Night Racing. pitch black only car lights
- Opengl support, which would allow MAC/linux porting, plus would make a lot os us happy(hard one, i imagine)

- Mouse y-axis as accelerator, but brake in a button(Mousers would love this one)

- Favorites tab, pls pls pls
-Fix BUG that makes cars dissapear, and continue racing even win, eventhough you see them at same spot on the HUD map
- Restric entering/exiting "Pits" frecuency, ie.- 2 pit entries per X seconds(sometimes I've crashed in a turn from excess pit activity of non racers)
- Option to remove serverside mesages and beeps during a race,but not when race is finished, like "visit our forum at"
- Disallow race restart at last lap, or last 2 laps.

- Ability to place rev meter and speedo, higher and more center like when you press "n", or in more customisable positions.
Sounds (more range, to improve mixing)
- XRT turbo high pitched sound, gets annoying/unhealthy after a period of time.
- Higher Wind volume, more than WIND_B 1.00
- Lower engine volume, less than CAR 2.00
- Heavy Skid sound is OK, but Tyre sound low and small skid low too(better balance)
- Menu option to remove beeps (also the messages woul be nice), when someone joins, leaves pits etc, it's anoying when racing, at least for me.

- Slide bar to Increase/decrease brightnes and/or gamma
- Option to lower or remove Far away buildings, crowds etc. to improve FPS
especially at start, and first turn.
- Menu option to turn High geometry car in front, OFF
- Basically allow lower spec systems, to race without having to use User LOD 0.25, which doesnt allow to see cars ahead, and makes Track really ugly.
User LOD 0.65 makes it bearable but at a cost of 15 FPS

- Connection speed option 512/600/1024/2048 kbps not sure if it would help though. just guessing

Generally more tweakable options.

what is??:
"Use Track LOD 1" value for?? and is it selectable from "Options" or just tweakable from "cfg.txt" ??????
"Screen" -> "Wide screen effect" does it raise or lower FPS ????

Well if you read this far thks, and i hope any of this ideas, can help us enjoy LFS even more! :-)
Last edited by mamas6667, .