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S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Attached to this post is a zip file. Inside the zip is the restarter program, to put in your LFS folder.
Next time, please do not delete the restarter program, because it is part of the automatic update system.

thanks a lot Scawen
S3 licensed
cant open the site
cant download any patch file, because they all on
cant download it trough lfs when scaning for servers, it says - "could not open the restarter program"
Last edited by Scorpio, .
S3 licensed
Quote from giannhsgr1 :we waited 15 years for duke nukem to be released i think we can wait a few more time for an update to come..

I never waited for duke nukem 2, but still, i was very big fun of duke nukem 1, because it was really cool and fun game, of that time, back then.
Also i give Duke nukem 2 a try, and ... this game was feeling so old, so boring, and so about nothing, with non sense, perhaps i just grow up from this kind of crap games, and one more thing ??? why duke nukem 3 will not be released ? because everybody forgot about it when the second Duke came out i was like a trash game - done by amateurs .........
I just hope that with LFS, wont happen the same thing, i hope i will not grow up from it, and still, im 28, i have less and less time to play LFS, because its already 3 years the same GAME!!!!!!!!!
We "THE REAL FANS", want at LEAST that VW Scirroco - "to keep fans happy" - we dont want super buber unreal physics or graphic effects (right now or at the moment), just release that VW Sciroco ALREADY!!!!!!!!!
HOW BAD IT IS FOR THIS GAME, WHEN LFS DEVELOPERS ANNOUNCE VW SCIROCCO, and after 3 years of waiting, we see the real car on streets, its like showing to kids candy - and then hiding it from them - for next 3 years .......
If behind the LFS was Blizzard - i could understand why they dont say enything and keep the secrets inside. But its only 3 devs, they just dont have time or dont want to write a News Report on about the stage of developing, its just better like this
so what we are gonan do ? wait and hope for this christmass ?
may be next one ? or may be 15 christmass more ? - no one knows for sure, and that makes me sooooooo "happy" inside .........
i personnaly, want that sciroco, and want to try that car, and see how it is on track, set up the settings, paint it in all the 18 milion collors and go with it on all the tracks forward and backwards, it will be some time spend with joy, driving LFS, because it ALREADY HAVE THE COOL AND SEXY LOOKING VW SCIROCCO!!!!!

Volkswagen Scirocco TDI Top Gear - It's Explosive
Top Gear: Volkswagen Scirocco TDi #2
Top Gear: Volkswagen Scirocco TDi #3 Take 02

if i would be one of the LFS developer, i would released that VW scirocco WAAAAAY back in 2009-2010, or if it wasnt till today - i will do it right now!
So Mr Sir Scawen, and the Whole LFS Developers Team - PLEASE! Release this car as soon as possible!!!! PLEAAASE!!! :bowdown:
S3 licensed
even the this forum of "ANY" information on development is dead, LFS is so DEAD! and Scawen says, that hackers makes his life tough, so instead of developing the game and release "anything - tracks, cars, better physics, anything new" he once in a while is fixing the weak spots where hackers is having fun ...
this game need more developers for sure, because we can wait 5 more years and still nothing will be released ...
Last edited by Scorpio, .
S3 licensed
so, Definetly, devs dont care, what else we should wait ? 2013 ? 2014 ? 2031 ?
S3 licensed
I think only Scawen, can do this game, properly and correct, because thats why we love this game so much, his way, the correct way, he knows how he wants to see the phisics, the thing, is to write it and program it correctly - that everything behave corectly as was on the script or lets as as real as possible.
I hope very much, (and im gonna be very sad if not ) for the end of the 2012, to see some patch, or S3 the very first beta of the beta release, for me will be very important to see anything new, the sciroco, any other, RWD road cars, may be a BMW 5 series, or even M5, or something more hardcore such as Nissan GTR) new track (tracks), and some sweet little surprises, which S2 was full of, i remember first screenshots of ~FZR class cars, and i was so much waiting the final result! i was 101% convinced im gonna buy this game, and im gonna have so much fun !!! which i had all over these years
Of course for me there is some cars undrivable, because im with keyboard, (XFR, UFR) but mainly because i love the RWD cars ...
anyways, im confindent that LFS is still the best racing simulator existing at the moment, and im so much looking forward to try that S3 Release, at the end of the 2012
Last edited by Scorpio, .
S3 licensed
Quote from krugmander :
But then, there's people with absolute no hope of it. Quoting that the game is dead, or the devs don't care. If you think, LFS is one of the greatest racing sims out there. That obviously takes some work. Work = caring. I've also noticed, it seems to be the more veteran racers who think like I do about it, and the newer/demo drivers that are pretty much quitting the game because there's not constant progress reports or new content being released.<3

im racing in LFS, 9 years, i can say im a veteran, but since scirocco was anounced (Mon, Aug 18th, 2008 23:45), i can not see there anything, but promises ..., ok lets wait till the end of 2012.
Will be there any release, ANYthing ..., or there will be again a report, and a 2013 Happy christmass congratulation
Last edited by Scorpio, .
S3 licensed
Quote from Robilon :idea was fine but music choice was shit

thanks for your opininon, , i like dubstep, also the bass from this song anyway we all have diferent musical taste

Quote from Michael Denham :Nice. I like the manually controlled camera work for the outside shots.

thanks! i was trying, still i can do better, but need some more time, also some better drifting
S3 licensed
Quote from askoff :And we can all see what's happened to Rome. Maybe it's not always such a good idea to expand and grow. Advancement can be achieved as long as there's at least one person doing something with a vision and goal. We just need to be more patience. These things should not be forced.

yes but any news, progress, reports, anything will be apreciated
lets not think minimalistic, or conservatory, growing, enthusiasm and development, is the words, which means moving forwards
may be it 5% done ? may be 10% done ? may be 90 % ?
we want to know, anything ? and everything
or its, 3% done and they are scaried to tell us, instead they waiting for some meteor, to wipe out the earth, and nobody will find out never about the progress

ok, i just hope, at least, i will try the VW sciroco, 5th Generation in 2025, which is in just 13 years, not so much
S3 licensed
i of course know, and there is no news from Dec 28th, 2011 17:00
which i think is very wrong, there must be, at least every month, or every 4 months a report or some news
its like, there is no more enthusiasm, no ideea ...
who ever i ask, they all say LFS is dead, or they switched to iRacing
Flame CZE thanks again!
S3 licensed
omg, last post from - 31st March 2007, 16:42
and they were talking about S3
5 years later, still no S3 ...
any development ? news ? progress ? reports ? anything ???
how to edit/change signature ????????
S3 licensed
also a questions, cant find any buttons to edit my signature
any help please!
Live For Speed - XRT Drift + Slow Motion + Dubstep
S3 licensed
Hello Racers
im not a drifter, but drift looks better then racing in slowmotion
dont judge me too hard on drift ...
hope you like my video
put likes, enjoy video, and be happy
Last edited by Scorpio, . Reason : added XRT word into Tittle
Live For Speed - Scorpio Action Videos
S3 licensed
Live For Speed - Scorpio Action001

Live For Speed - Scorpio Action005

Live For Speed - Scorpio Action006
Last edited by Scorpio, .
S3 licensed
ok patch works fine
im ready to test the scirocco
XRT Valvoline Skin
S3 licensed
Was Using FXO Valvoline - and its very cool hot skin, like it a lot
but im also driving XRT car ...
so a redesigned it for XRT!

here is a preview PICTURE:

here is the Skin: