The online racing simulator
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Long time no see
S3 licensed
Wow.... been a while since i last visited the forums...

Well, my 5 reasons are as follows:

1: Best goddamn racing game out there! No other RACING game can match it. There are quite a few good sims out there (i for one am a serious ETS" junkie) but for racing, this is the S"#!
2: It starts Before you press the button. Seriously, on my SSD it starts incredibly fast!
3: I gotta have a racing game to play with my Carrera GT steering Wheel :-)
4: Still waiting for the new tracks/cars/physics and so forth. I haven't given up hope.
5: The multiplayer games are extremely competitive! Serious business!
The ability to race for 6 hours non stop is exhausting and a LOT of fun :-)