Hello humans I've known this for a while but ive found tonight to post it. It odsnt take much alcohol to put you off your times. For me two drinks can noticibly slow me down. Past 2, I get pretty damn slow.
What I find interesting is that I woulndt think that 2 srinks would have that much effect on my driving.
I've also found other interesting data concerned wi cognative ability. Ive found that while on an excessive dose of opiates, I at first am slower, but after 5 minutes am almost close to a sober lap.
I dont feel like typing anymore, but first, After taking a med used to keep truck drivers awake, I posted a new PB on a combo I was very familiar with!. And FWIW, every day I see someone leave to "smoke" Ive gotta go cut balls off and feed it to the dog now. Feces are dirty, dont play with them with your hands!