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Alcohol does it faster!
S2 licensed
Hello humans I've known this for a while but ive found tonight to post it. It odsnt take much alcohol to put you off your times. For me two drinks can noticibly slow me down. Past 2, I get pretty damn slow.
What I find interesting is that I woulndt think that 2 srinks would have that much effect on my driving.
I've also found other interesting data concerned wi cognative ability. Ive found that while on an excessive dose of opiates, I at first am slower, but after 5 minutes am almost close to a sober lap.
I dont feel like typing anymore, but first, After taking a med used to keep truck drivers awake, I posted a new PB on a combo I was very familiar with!. And FWIW, every day I see someone leave to "smoke" Ive gotta go cut balls off and feed it to the dog now. Feces are dirty, dont play with them with your hands!
S2 licensed
Ok nobody wins. Ive searched for hours about this and this never came up. It seems to only be activated in single player, and not hot lapping. I never use single player. And I dont understand why anyone would considering how poor the AI is in the current patch.

Thanks for your help
S2 licensed
OK so ive tried this again on my parents computer and the same exact thing is happening. I do not get any part of the menu on the right side of the screen. Also I dont get any of the editor capabilites like add placing or removing objects. That seems like a big part of the problem. Anyone know whats up? This is two different computers im having the exact same problem with.
S2 licensed
Yeah unfourtinatly ive done all that. although im not sure what you mean "name"s" over the "car"s".

ive also downloaded about 15 lyt's all from the fourm.

also when i load autocross its says no checkpoints availible- dont know if thats common.
and shift u is sussposed to bring up a follower screen? w/ keys on the top left and following options on the bottom left?

Im pissed now cause i have a karting meet tommorow and wanted to mess around w/ this
Last edited by MisterKris, .
.LYT Problems.!!!
S2 licensed
Ok cant find help. Trying to use lyt files. I've put them in the proper place, checked the proper tracks, Installed a 2nd LFS. When I shift+U I dont get any option to load or open a layout. I have a feeling it might be the way windows is associating the files when I save them. I've downloaded the lyt layout editor and it opens the layouts. What could it be? Im very frustrated pleas help.
S2 licensed
im uploading mine now. might take a couple of mins. Never uploaded this many files b4. Nor have i used this service so im not sure what will happen. Will see.
S2 licensed
Quote from ajp71 : I really can't see the need for the TC to be adjustable in race though and doubt real drivers bother adjusting it.

Since it isnt adjustable i assume your reffering to real f1 drivers. If you watch cockpit veiws durring a race, on many tracks its changed multiple times during one lap (certian drivers/chasis do it more than others). Its also standardly changed during the life cycle of the tyres.

As far as missing the point of having fun/winning- i find that a interesting situation. Sometimes i i end up slower because i want the simulation to be as real as it can. But in the end i ultimatly feel that its part of racing to take whatever advatages are available to you in order to be fast. So in a sense it is just a game. You do it have fun and enjoy yourself. If figuring out a way to go faster gets you off than i dont see it as a sacrelig even if it comprimises the authenticity of the simulation.(except the obivious speed hackers)
Also to clear up my point, I dont want more traction control. I dont use it in high doses. Im looking forward to f1 w/o it in 08. It would make the sim more fun for me if i could ty to dial it accordingly to different corners on a track - The same thing that is done in "real life".

S2 licensed
Wow i cant imagine starting a race on R3/4's w/o TC competitivly. I sometimes run very low tc settings for certin off camber tight turns but have lost positions off the grid. I havent noticed any BF1 WR's (maybe one) that dont use TC, so i find it hard to belive that the car would be more competitive w/o it.
Also as far as using your foot to control the tc: I do. I often use very "low" settings because if i can just get it to jump in a tiny bit after ive caught grip it greatly reduces understeer w/o inhibiting momentum.

Variable TC settings for BF1
S2 licensed
As in the car the BF1 is based, it would be very helpful for me if i could easily change the TC settings while on track between corners. For instance on WE int. i can get quick hotlaps but the TC set isnt appropriate for a race start. Also the tight off camber turns require a much different setting than recovering from the long sweepers or the chicane. Is this possible,wanted,or already availible
S2 licensed
Even though the eye cant register any faster than 2X. the input from the your wheel can react quicker than that. I can tell a visiual difference from 25 to 100 fps easily- and can feel the smotther input from the controller.
S2 licensed
thanks for replys guys
UKCt Track selection
S2 licensed
just got s2 last week,and to me it seems the most consitant racing is on the ukct server. im wodering if there is any method to the track selection, what the tracks are, or what the most common tracks are on the server. seeing as i just got s2, im not familiar w/ most the tracks and would like to be able to practice b4 I race.
S2 licensed
Yes I understand that a faster computer dosnt change the operations of the program itself, or however you want to say the same thing. I never elluded to the oppisite and think that the concept is pretty obvious.

Now I understand that a faster computer makes your car faster.
Last edited by MisterKris, . Reason : im suicidel
S2 licensed
Thus quicker lap times.
S2 licensed
well for some reason I cant shift or turn or brake when I want to below 10fps but the car reacts much better at 100fps. When your screen is blinking and you cant control the car your saying you have the same lap times?
S2 licensed
The inputs given are more fluid and accurate. plus the car reacts much quicker to inputs. With your logic you can have the same lap times at 1fps and 500 fps.
pc performace affecting lap time
S2 licensed
It might be kinda obvious but at home on my pc witch runs around 15-20 fps a good hot lap is in the mid 1:34's w/ GTI on BLGP.
Im house sitting for my parents and brought along my g25. their pc runs lfs around 100fps. after gertting used to piss porr seating I ran a high 1:33 and susbsequent mid33's. I think im gonna swap computers on them since its the same dell enclosure. Just aheads up for any1 looking for quicker laps.

If its a current repost you dont have to pee on me.