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I am sorry for all people that said there is no solution...because I have it

We all agree encryption is a bad solution, but why ?
Because it is client-side, and we can't trust a client

So the simple solution is a SRM (Skins Rights Management).
When you upload your skin to LFS World, an advanced algorithm will check if the skin is not already uploaded by someone else (not by checking the filename but by checking the picture itself !).

If it is not already uploaded, the author of the skin become the one who uploaded it. Once you uploaded it, you can manage the rights on this skin directly on LFS World : you can put it viewable for all users / few users / 1 user / no user and "usable" for all users / few users / 1 user / no user.

For the viewable part, it is easy, if you don't have the right to see it, it will not be downloaded when you join the game (DEFAULT_SKIN on other clients)

For the usable part, it will not change anything for any user, the skin will still be downloaded to "skins_x" folder and a bad user can still copy it to "skins" directory and play online with it ! BUT every users (except himself) will see his skin as a blank skin or even better ""

How it works ?
It's simple, when the bad user copied the skin from "skins_x" directory, he didn't renamed the filename (because he wants other people see his nice skin freshly stolen) the LFS server also know the name of the skin and an algorithm will just check if the LFS username has rights to use this skin [on the LFSWorld database] : if he doesn't he will send to all other clients to load "" instead of the good "dds" file

So as you can see it is server-side protection and it's way better than encryption because the bad guy don't even know that his skin is not show on other clients

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I hope devs will be here too
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That would be just awesome

EDIT : But no one will do the layout in the first day, good drivers will just spec to learn the layout perfectly :P
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"Continuous breaching of rules 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 may result in you being banned from the competition hosts for an indefinite period of time or even disqualification from the competition entirely. This will be decided by the competition organisation and cannot be refuted once a decision has been made."

It doesn't worth to prove anything now.
But if Victor say here my time will be put back if I send a good time on a SPR replay, I will do it.
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If you are the best in 3 events, you should win the 1st prize in thoses 3 events, simple as that
Bawbag will probably win them since I am disqualified
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What are you talking about ?
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If you are 1 km away from the cone, it will be hard (impossible ?) to hit it even with a big lag ...
If you are 0.1 cm close to it, a tiny lag can easily put it down even if on your computer you didn't hit it

If you can't understand this, I am sorry
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If you talk about cones, I have a lot of replays with people hitting cones

It's called lag and it happens often when you do a fast lap as I done, because you drive very close to cones
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Quote from Victor :yep, he's cheating and i'm gonna ban (from compo) and disqualify him now.

What the **** Victor ?
It was an amazing lap I done, no cheat at all

I trained whole day offline to make this lap this night, and you remove it, what the **** ?
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It was not "Continuous breaching", it was just an attempt, not the 100th attempts

End of story
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You cannot cheat anymore because Victor fixed all cuts issues
So why are you talking about cheat ?

Because I am currently 32th and you only 158th ? ...
Banned forever from Redline Racing server ?
No longer welcome
Hello guys,

EVO told me by PM that I am banned forever from Redline servers because I was arguing with him that I was not guilty in 2 collisions between him and my car (he already banned me before I send him a PM)

Some people already raced with me, and they know I am a fast, clean and fair driver, so I can't believe I am banned forever for NOTHING on a famous LFS server

Can you check the replay please, and tell me if I am totally wrong and I should be banned forever, ... or if EVO did a mistake by banning me ?
Maybe EVO doesn't like close fight, maybe I should let him overtake easily because he is admin ?!

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Thank you for reading.

XtremDriver (AKA Lewis Hamilton)