Hi man, just tested this on CV1, great job! It does look like the "Automatic" FOV setting is wrong for CV1. I get a strong fisheye effect. The real value seems to be around 90, maybe slightly more.
No visual studio or SDKs on my gaming PC. I'd recommend doing a 'sfc /scannow', a full run of windows update and making sure you have up to date versions of directx and .net. Really weird issue...
Works perfectly, absolutely amazing. So much better when looking at things in the periphery like passing cars. Makes a huge difference, you are a wizard!
Some people reported issues with having to turn it on in both the VIEW and MISC menus.
Otherwise you could just try turning off the FPS cap (since you are mentioning you are stuck at 90 fps I'm guessing you have this on). I've been playing with vsync off at 300ish fps and I think I prefer that to vsync on, as long as low persistence is also turned on.
**I'm running win 8.1. I had issues at first because I had set vsync to off in nvidia control panel, setting it to "application controlled" solved it.
There is, it's in the normal control options. I bound it to a button on the wheel. You can actually use that to adjust your position in the car by using the position tracking. Just move a little in the opposite direction you want and press the button.
Gotcha. However, when I do turn off the "Full screen vertical sync" option the "Low persistence" option is replaced by a Prediction setting in the View menu.
EDIT: Never mind, only on the initial rift selection screen.
So, this is a bit confusing. If I turn on low persistence that does make a huge difference. Much, much smoother. But if I turn off vsync (after enabling low persistence) I still get the effects from it even if it's running at 300 fps (screen is still dark, headtracking is smooth).
I though that was not supposed to be possible? Especially since you hide the low persistence button when vsync is off. I see no difference in headtracking smoothness between vsync on and off as long as low persistence is still on...
Just did 15 laps or so with and without vsync, headtracking is slightly smoother with vsync on. The game itself does feel smoother at 300 fps compared to 75 though (of course). Not sure which mode I prefer, need to do some more testing.
How is the chromatic correction coming along, difficult to implement?
Changing the mip bias sliders to all zeroes does seem to make the world look a lot more solid. Removes some of the shimmering and flickering.
I don't see any reason for working on vsync or low persistence at this point. With vsync off and fps limiter off it runs at 300+ fps and the headtracking is extremely smooth. I see no screen tearing either.
The chromatic aberation is by far the biggest issue now.
Nvidia Win 8.1. Maybe you can actually pick display device in the menus? To make the text more readable you can mess around with the r_manual_stereo_buffer_scale setting. 1.4 or even 2.0 makes a big difference. Does affect FPS though, I already have problems getting consistent 75+ FPS and my PC is pretty beefy...
I did not have to set the rift as main screen for ETS! Having it extended and second monitor worked fine. I've only had one demo refuse to start on the rift as second monitor even with -adapter 1 and in that case I could just use windowed mode and drag it over.
The car moving and bumping around is not a problem unless it's extreme. Independent head shaking is better to turn off. Pretty sure that was done by default in LFS, correct me if I'm wrong.
The fov change is noticeable and definitely affects the experience. The improvements in latency and image quality from DK1 is just enormous though. Especially latency when rotating the head, should make driving much more comfortable.