Scawen, sorry for offtopic. Taking this opportunity, I would like to ask you about something else. We are drifting in real life, and we train in the LFS. We really miss a few things.
1) The most important. We need a big autocross. 5x bigger than now. We make layouts based on real tracks where competitions are held in which we participate. But they just too large for autocross. We just need a large flat autocross - 1000x1000 meters.
2) - here post about special drift car. Rly need it.
I don't know, may be it's hard to do, but It will help us a lot.
Yes, it's same version I got from SteamVR folder.
Unfortunately no effect :-(
If you will have some free time I can give you TeamViewer or RDP access to special 24/7 online PC with clean installed Windows, LFS, and connected Odyssey+. You can install any software(debug maybe). May be you will understand whats wrong in realtime.
p.s. I'm afraid that somebody will not pay enough attention when he/she will be using Odyssey+ in LFS with this bug. When you play LFS with this offset, after 5-10 minutes your eyes adapt to it. When I used it for the first time, I noticed that something was wrong, but after 5-10 minutes of trying different settings, I felt that everything is ok. But when I took off the headset after 30 minutes of LFS I couldn't focus in real life. My eyes hurt a lot. Somebody can get serious injury.
I've replaced openvr_api.dll with new one which I got from SteamVR folder.
There is no error with latest LFSOpenVR.dll now, but offset still bugged :-(
I've got image that I see in headset (with WMR overlay).
First image - SteamVR room. All is ok in this.
Second image - LFS with old dll.
Third image - LFS with new dll.
I've replaced this dll. Looks like now it's a little bit better. But still have incorrect offset.
It's simple to check - when I'm changing IPD on my headset, I see WMR overlay with IPD. This overlay not visible in LFS window on PC monitor. This overlay have no problem with offset. Then I made this steps:
1) I'm closing Right eye.
2) I'm opening slowly right eye and in this moment I'm closing Left eye.
WMR Overlay with IPD settings staying in one position. But LFS image getting offset when I'm trying to do this.
Ok, I was setup my Odyssey+ headset to - Yaw:0, Pitch:0, Roll:0 in LFS.
Then I took screenshot, and then drew horizontal lines between eyes to compare.
p.s. Atm I can't do same things with Odyssey 1st gen, cuz my friend took it and will back it in a few days. Will do it asap.
I've compared IPD in Windows Mixed Reality debug window and IPD that LFS shows. They have the same values. When I'm changing IPD on headset - LFS shows right values.
But in Odyssey+ I'm feeling how left and right eyes have incorrect IPD. And it's not only horizontal problem . Vertical position between left and right eyes are incorrect too. Looks like right eye have a little bit +right and a little bit +top values.
p.s. I've tested Odyssey+ on two different PC's, with clean last version of LFS. I've tried to use different NVIDIA drivers, different versions of STEAM VR. And I've tried to switch between Odyssey 1gen, and Odyssey+. Every time I used Odyssey 1st gen = all is good, and Odyssey+ had this issue.
I bought Samsung Odessey Plus yesterday. I used Odyssey 1gen before and all was good. But in Odyssey+ something wrong with IPD. Only in LFS. I tried 5-6 SteamVR games + few WMR games and they are all ok.
When I run LFS - my eyes feeling like "lazy" eyes. I Can't focus. Looks like the LFS read IPD incorrect and building image to second eye with more padding then need.
I still have Odyssey 1st gen, and when I switch to it - all is ok.
I spent 6+ hours in trying to fix it with SteamVR and WMR preferences. No effect.