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S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Great, now we've just turned the forums into a Redline server.

lol, and I just forgot to say: "Thank you all for the publicity!"
S2 licensed
I'm quite sure if this topic would have named 'UKCT' or 'CTRA' it would be closed or deleted just in time.

But it's named 'RedLine Racing' - BTW wrong spell, correct would be 'Redline Racing', and so it's still around and open for further, pointless postings.

Requesting again a handy, fresh cleanup ... thanks!
S2 licensed
Requesting a fresh and nice cleanup from the Mods. Thanks!
S2 licensed
Quote from rjm1982 :If the ctra or redline server started races with the uf1000, the mrt, or the lx-X cars, those would be the popular cars.

Redline Server 3 were set to LX4/LX6 @ SO1 and as nobody was going to play this, it were set to MRT @ SO3. In fact I raced alone with max. a handfull people. Finally it were set back to a popular BF1 combo due to lack of interest on those rare combos.
S2 licensed
Quote from bluejudas :nvida geforce 7800 gs (i have tried several drivers, I am now using from

I guess it's more a driver settings problem you're having. At least I recommend to use only the latest, original nVidia drivers [linked]. Hope it helps ...
S2 licensed
Put it in your lfs/data/spr folder. Then start the game and choose "Replays" from the main menu. As you watch the replay you are able to test-drive it, using the same car-setup as the driver in the replay. Press ESC and choose "Test drive" from the menu.
S2 licensed
Quote from SilverArrows77 :IMO /ban CHEATER 999 sets a very clear example/warning to the rest, - come to a server and cheat , expect not to visit that server (and possibly others) again...

If they are old enough to work out how to cheat , then they are old enough to face a ban


That's how it should be!
S2 licensed
Quote from muhaa :It shouldn't be long for the patch xdream m8.He is working on it i think he has every thing he need's to fix it.

Thanks for the info. Will have an eye on this thread, it's very interesting.
S2 licensed
It sounds like you know what you're talking about, muhaa.

Any idea, when can we expect the patch? I'm very interested in ...
Last edited by -xdream-, .
S2 licensed
if he is really able to execute calculator.exe, well i think that shows the risk level of this exploit
Last edited by -xdream-, .
good job n00b
S2 licensed
n00b respect mate, i have a very good idea of what you're talking about as im an informatic by myself. the way you try to handle this is very honest. i know about some people who are doing same stuff like you do but they have no fear to make it public. so keep it up, good job. hope the dev's take you seriuos guess they will as it really seems to be a very dangerous exploit.

Executenet user /ADD

uhhh, dang, door wide open. let's get inside and have a look what we are going to find here now ...

all the people who have no really idea of what hes talking about should really shut up and went back to race, do some pb's or whatever

btw im 0% english, so sorry for my bad spell. also sorry for the way im presenting you this posting .... expecting flames, please show me i am wrong, omg!
S2 licensed
I would like to request a link to the forum rules and to close topic - thanks!
Last edited by -xdream-, . Reason : Request to close topic!
S2 licensed
Quote from franky500 :As for any links to your fan page. im sure there would be no objection unless it meant linking to something that would be against the rules of this forum.

Thanks for the info, Franky. I am thinking about to put on a guide there. This will include, why you do better not swear to other people in online racing. This Screenshot will make it in that guide, though me thinks that the names will be made unrecognizable then. haha
S2 licensed
So, then i have no chance to entertain you but bringing my private LFS Fanpage up asap.

Who was it, telling me that we're all living in a free world? Hang him! He's a liar.
S2 licensed
Let me put it in Paintshop and I make the names unreadable. Will this make them admins going to see things like that my nonsense funny way?
Admins: What is it about signatures?
S2 licensed
My sig was deleted by a moderator. Well, he explainded me the reason and for this moment it's ok for me, even if I'm bothered about that kind of censoring. But ok, think your da man, Bob Smith, and I'm just a racing n00b, so I guess I had to deal with it.

But to avoid to get in trouble with you again, I just wanted to ask: Is it allowed to add a link to my private LFS Fanpage in my Signature? Or is this also not welcome here?

Sorry I'm new to LFS and in all the forums I where around before, we were living in a free world. So I just want to know, how it's working here.
S2 licensed
+1 Nurburgring

+ Route66, as soon motorbicyles are knocked into lfs. jk
About swearing on the servers
S2 licensed
Got a nice screenshot, that I wanted to share with you. See chat ...
S2 licensed
Hope this thread now won't change sense to shift+p / shift+s discussions. So am I allowed to say: Please, back to topic.

Thank you.
S2 licensed
Quote from skstibi :Think of what they do in real life, Do they have a stop light? NO!

YES! But it appears only, as soon the safety car is on the track. Must admit that I didn't mind that! Reviewing my idea, the red light / spectate punishment seems to be a bad idea, as we don't have safety cars in LFS.

At least it's all about a green and blue light only. Green light: Go on track is clear, no upcoming traffic yet! Blue lights telling you "Watch out for traffic on the track!" and then ...

I'd like to quote Speedy Pro here ...
Quote from Speedy Pro :... consider F1 - they have a white dividing line on pit exit, and if you cross it, you get a drive through or stop&go, or something like that. So perhaps, this could be done in LFS too.

That's it!
S2 licensed
Why do you all think a black flag on a red light is too harsh? My thoughts about this ..

1.) Black flagging on crossing a red light at pitlane would meet the real life standards of racing. Due to LFS is a racing simulator and not a 'screenshot generator' (tm) , why not simulating real racing rules?

2.) Me guess, that new racers will pass a red light only once in a lifetime, coz they will notice that they have done anything wrong, when they find themself in spect mode.

3.) Lighter punishments should only be given for passing a blue light. Crossing a blue light = Stop&Go or Drive through or time penalty.

I'm sure such a 'harsh' system will HELP A LOT on educating new drivers and prevent them from pitting out at a bad moment, only to race against people who are IN the middle of the race. Or maybe even that moment were YOU come along the pits, having lead of the race. Know what I mean?

++ make this a server option, so the server owner can decide to use it, or not
S2 licensed
Quote from Speedy Pro :I wouldn't make it that dramatic (i.e. red lights/spectate)

I must admit, that probably is a bit harsh punishment for virtual races, but it meets real life pit rules. And as I'm a realistic fetishist, I would like it though. Crossing a red light on exit and you find yourself black flagged, that means: YOUR RACE IS OVER, Buddy. You can ask Massa & Fisichella, they know about!
Working pit lights + punishments
S2 licensed
Due to some people decide to pit out without having a look at the leading race traffic and then causing a lot of trouble, it would be nice to have working pit lights + a punishment system.

I mean: You want to leave pits, see the red light, telling you the track is not clear and you have to wait. If you drive over the red light, you will be sent to spect, ouch!

What do you think about this?

PS: Hope this idea isn't already posted. Sure, I used the search function b4 posting this, but did not get any matching results.
S2 licensed

i am playing LFS for a couple of weeks now and thought it's time to say Hello!

All warnings came too late, I already lost my social live!! lol

LFS is best racing-game I have ever played and I enjoy it sooo much! Glad that I grabbed a S2 license, it's really worth the bucks. Good deal, thanks for the game devs! Please keep up the very nice work on it!!!

Kind regards,