Why do you all think a black flag on a red light is too harsh? My thoughts about this ..
1.) Black flagging on crossing a red light at pitlane would meet the real life standards of racing. Due to LFS is a racing simulator and not a 'screenshot generator' (tm)

, why not simulating real racing rules?
2.) Me guess, that new racers will pass a red light only once in a lifetime, coz they will notice that they have done anything wrong, when they find themself in spect mode.
3.) Lighter punishments should only be given for passing a blue light. Crossing a blue light = Stop&Go or Drive through or time penalty.
I'm sure such a 'harsh' system will HELP A LOT on educating new drivers and prevent them from pitting out at a bad moment, only to race against people who are IN the middle of the race. Or maybe even that moment were YOU come along the pits, having lead of the race. Know what I mean?
++ make this a server option, so the server owner can decide to use it, or not