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S2 licensed
Sorry I didn't explain well, but what I want to allow vote ban and vote kick for every user, I can't do this now,only admins. i supouse yor response is for the admin privileges for determinate users you want, no?

What is the sentence for allow vote eberybody? You can add user names, but what's is the code for all users. I don't know it

Thank mate again
Last edited by Balsalobre, . Reason : Error
Ban and kick
S2 licensed
Hello!, I installed latest lapper recently but when I use it in the server he players that aren't admins can't ban or kick anybody. How can enable ban an kick in lapper for anybody?

I didn't find it in config file

Last edited by Balsalobre, . Reason : Gramar
GTR's Info screen
S2 licensed
Hello, I'm very interested in one external addon like GTR's Screens.

Is there any way to buy a screen like this and working with LFS data??

S2 licensed
I just installed the last Boot Camp Drivers and use a higher screen resolution and it goes well

Graphic Problem
S2 licensed
since I install X update I see rare objets in smoke textures (like points in texture). I don't know how, the game ran perfect until today.

My Hardware is an Intel Core 2 Duo iMac 20"

any idea???

S2 licensed
Quote from RiGun :I belive that the STCC system is OK, but i wouldn't like to be restricted (in all servers) to a certain class of categorie because I don't have a "licence" for other cars.

About the question involving "it really adds a lot to the game the way its done" I'm not able to see your point, there is already a ladder system in a server so the only thing that an official ladder could add is a racers ranking, a ranking involving acumulating ponts and everybody knows that oval racers tend to earn lots of "points" if you undestand what I mean, so at the end I adds nothing to the game.

Totally agree