What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 15
Country: Estonia
Preferred Car/Track: GTR's and Single Seaters
How Active Are You? Every day
What Kind of Control do you use? Mouse
Time Zone: GMT +2
1. LFS Username: Max_74
2. LFS Display Name: SIADich
3. Current Team (N/A if none):
4. On a 1-10 Scale, how active are you? (eg: 7): 8
5. Personal Skill: [X]Racing - []Drifting - []Rally - []Drag
6. Skill level: []Beginner - [X]Intermediate - []Pro
7. Nation/Country: Russian/Estonia
8. Age and/or Birthdate: 06.02.2001
9. Will you be cooperative towards [TFL] Admins?: Yes
10. What events are you most interested in? []Drift - [X]Races - []Fun Nights/Playlists
Maxim Zinovkin
No 74
Race, Drift, Drag
Kyoto Ring GP Rev
GMT +2
Every Saturday and Sunday
I'm playing on a mouse but t's not a problem for me. I can drive fast but not as fast as world record-breaker. Sometimes I drift. Rarely I drag.