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Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Quote from E60-Tomba :

That's my xrt.. Made the skin and rims myself.
And thanks for that who made these led-lights!
Without those my car would look like an ass.
I edited the lighting of the pic with photoshop.

Edit: I took the screenshot in my friend computer, Because i don't have s2 yet

can you attach the skin, and also: how do you make rims? thanks
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
no more convertibles any more with patch x because when you reset car after you have landed upside down, the car is repaired
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Quote from Riders Motion :Well demo racers like you are considered as bs...

bs as in bad racer or just stupid not to get s2?

Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Quote from niall09 :but beware, you lose your social life

lol, but i seriously think demo is pretty good (considering its free)
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
still not sure. does the s2 license also enable the s1 cars?
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
as of now im thinking of ending team omni, sadly, so i think this competition is over. moderator please close this topic
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
thanks guys, but now im not sure if ill get s2 because of school (school always comes first), and also because im not sure if s2 is all that good. some of my friends who own s2 use demo half of the time, and im not sure if $50 USD is worth that. ill think about it
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Quote from AlexandreAkerman :wtf,.... i hate team omni... one of u guys entered to my server.. and started crashing people.... and this repeated several times... i dont remember the racer sorry

there have been people pretending to be a team omni member even though there not. most likely, it was one of them, but sorry anyway

@ e rocker: maybe if i get s2 i can rebuild the team
Team OMNI Finished?
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Hello racers. After a while of contemplation, I have thought of finally ending Team OMNI, a demo team. I believe this is justified because of the mess gaming can make on school. Also, as the team seems to be moving slowly and the Team OMNI Selective Competition ( seems unsuccessful, the team is a bit useless. My attempts to start a great team, and possibly start a revolution in the idea of a demo team, have failed because the team is generally slumping and it will soon come to an abrupt slowdown after a while. I am sorry that this has to happen, but what needs to be done will be done. Thank you and good luck @ fellow team leaders.
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
ill wait until i consult with every final team leader before i put any date. thanks. btw: are you the TRDT leader?
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
notice i said "not official" . ill wait until i consult with every final team leader before i put any date. thanks. btw: are you the TRDT leader?
Last edited by Team OMNI(R)-John, .
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
are the team leaders on the list okay with the time and race? the race is approaching quickly, so everyone please write any grip race teams you know here. thanks
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
are the team leaders on the list okay with the time and race? the race is approaching quickly, so everyone please write any grip race teams you know here. thanks
Team OMNI Selective Competitions (TOSC)
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Hello. I have recently established a series of competitions from my team, Team OMNI, (Team OMNI Selective Competitions (TOSC)) for selected demo teams that will take place during this summer. Teams will be chosen based on skill, experience, and other important factors of the team. Post here if your team isn't well-known and you think your team is of a high skill level so your team will have a chance to enter the competition. Please remember that these teams won't be randomly selected. I'll PM the team leader if the team is invited to join. keep an eye out for new updates


-competitions of grip and drift will take place soon (Team OMNI Selective Competitions (TOSC))
-date and time of the first TOSC competition has been selected (but is not official yet): June 18 at 5:00 pm GMT (17:00) (not official)
-first competition race: Grip Blackwood GP Track Forward (15 laps) ; Server: *undecided*
-i'll give more information in this thread if necessary, so keep an eye out for updates
-3 demo teams will be selected (3+OMNI will race) (i will Private Message the selected team leaders and i will post the teams in this thread)
-3 members from each team will compete (@ team leaders: select your 3 best racers)

**Please post here any skilled demo teams that you think should join the competitions, or that aren't well-known, or if you are a demo team leader and want to join the competitions (please give information about the team also)**

Teams of interest (not official):
-BMW M Sport

**more to be added**

Thank you

Feel free to PM me for more information

Team thread:
Last edited by Team OMNI(R)-John, .
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome

Go to for the official TOSC competitions thread

-competitions will take place soon (Team OMNI Selective Competitions (TOSC))
-date and time of the first TOSC competition has been selected (but is not official yet): June 18 at 5:00 pm (17:00) GMT (not official)
-first competition race: Blackwood GP Track Forward (15 laps) ; Server: *undecided*
-i'll give more information in this thread if necessary, so keep an eye out for updates
-4 demo teams will be selected (i will Private Message the selected team leaders and i will post the teams in this thread)
-3 members from each team will compete (@ team leaders: select your 3 best racers)

**Please post here any skilled demo teams that you think should join the competitions, or that aren't well-known, or if you are a demo team leader and want to join the competitions (please give information about the team also)**

Teams of interest (not official):
-BMW M Sport

**more to be added**

Thank you

Feel free to PM me for more information
Last edited by Team OMNI(R)-John, .
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
as of now, the team has officially begun (june 5). soon after practices, we will seek to establish a league and have many competitions for selected demo teams. post here if your team isn't well-known and if you want to have a chance to enter the competition. note that these teams won't be randomly selected but will be selected based on skill and other important factors of the team. ill PM the team leader if the team is invited to join. keep an eye out for new updates
Last edited by Team OMNI(R)-John, .
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Quote from Bob Smith :a) did you perhaps think of trying the first post? The download link still works for me
b) this program only works with licensed copies so you're outta luck (until you purchase an LFS license)

i said that because i wasnt sure if the tweak i downloaded from the first post was working, because it keeps saying that it cant find the car. and: all tweaks dont work with demo or only the patch v tweak doesnt?

Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
wow 2009? u have to be kidding
im definitely not waiting that long to buy it, so i think ill get s2

news update:
-as the time that team omni will be officially started nears, i am going to make a league for selected demo teams to compete in frequently. ill let u knw when this happens
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
ok ill remember that if i do purchase it, but i dont think ill be buying s2, unless s3 isn't released this summer. btw: wat comes after the alpha stages of s2? beta? and what do those stages progress to? thx
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
Quote from DANDAMAN05 :why are we talking about S3? ... we dont have S2 full yet! You forget that S2 is still in ALPHA stages!

what comes after alpha? beta? then what?
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
i was trying to avoid using that, but o well . its worth it. thanks
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
im not much of a computer tech guy, so i dont know much about this kind of stuff . is there anywhere i can find in-depth instructions on how to make a server? thx
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
anyone know when lfs tweak for patch w is comin out, or where i can download the tweak for patch v? thx
Team OMNI(R)-John
No longer welcome
i think tweak is for anyone, but it only allows the 3 demo cars to be used. im not sure i know what you mean.