cant make next thursday, first race anyhow. I'll be home about 21:30. Band have changed practice to thursday for next week. Not like I'm a contender for the crown anyway . Just watched replay of 2nd race my car was screwed the replay looked like I had square wheels, didn't feel too bad though.
Trying to get on or connecting to master game server, but it seems my IP is banned as I can get on here and using a proxy. Why? I have no idea why this would Help, or reason please oh master of the server.
Got this wheel today. I have been a mouse/KB user till now. The wheel works fine calibrates fine, but the force feed back only works when i plug the wheel in, before I fire up LFS. As soon as the game starts to load the wheel goes all limp ?
I have feedback switched on in options the force is set to 135% for test purposes but i have tried other settings. I have downloaded the driver for Vista 64bit from the saitek website and still the same trouble.
Hi, John skin looks good even if I do say so myself .
Well looking forward to some decent racing once i get a new isp Tiscali traffic shaping means I can't go to any other server than during any reasonable hours.