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Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
I'd be surprised if Scawen didn't get depressed after reading this thread.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :I was saying to Clownpaint the other day I think patch Y killed it for me. Not because of the clutch heating or the more complicated gear shifting, but because all my setups went up the spout and some of my car control configs don't seem to work any more. A year ago I would've happily started again with setups and figured out what was up with the scripts, but after three years of S2 I'm not excited enough about racing to do it so I packed my wheel away and made room for a midi controller and a firewire audio interface.

So yeah I see what you mean.

Patch Y made me a lot less inclined to play LFS, because it overhauled the game right as I was far into the process of learning it. As a result, I got frustrated, went on hiatus for a while and only recently started to get involved with it again. As much as I like a challenge, it's disencouraging when the game undergoes such a major change just as you're beginning to learn to be competitive.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from -DrftMstr- :Try that again after you get S2. bye.


There are no demo racers here lolol.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
I now need to make an .ogg file out of this and include it as menu music for my LFS. I actually quite like the noise and the unwanted sounds that you mentioned, it makes the song sound like it came from an old-school vinyl.

Please do make other songs like this one.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
The original post confused me quite a bit. Then I read the whole thread and somehow got even more confused.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Heh, you really are a helpful bunch. I'm looking forward to going out there and just enjoying the races, rather than looking at my splits everytime. All the advice is certain to significantly improve my racing skills.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
That's some brilliant advice, everyone, it's just what I needed, cheers.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
How do all of you maintain your focus during a race? I find that nearly anything can get me out of my rhythm. Being nervous in a race makes me lose entire seconds in my lap times, being wrecked makes me completely lose it, so I start spinning out everywhere, and so on..

I'm looking for ways to remain focused regardless of what happens, and also a solution for being nervous.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from 1987SupraTurbo :Only 2 cars, both Toyota Supras, and both lucky finds.

Yeah I've had 2 jobs, one at 14 holding a sign for a pizza place. And now I'm currently working with/for my grandpa arc welding. We usually weld handrails but sometimes hitches and farm equipment/repair.

As of driving, nope, in the state of Kentucky you have to be 16 to be a permit holder, 16 & 1/2 to be an intermediate license holder, and 17 to be an unrestricted license holder. But I still take it around the block after tuning =D

Ohh, right, that explains it all then.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from 1987SupraTurbo :
To start off I'm 15, and I've owned 2 Toyota Supras. One was a 1983 Celica Supra. We did a na-t on it, and eventually parted it out. Now I own a 1987 Mark 3 Supra, and I can't believe how close it is to the XRT in LFS. I have brought pictures along with me, and was just introducing myself.

You've owned 2 Toyota Supras?
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from mrodgers :Why are we getting improvements to the AI in the next patch? The current AI problems are "part of our life." Shouldn't we have just gotten use to it?

I might be straying away from the subject, but I need to say that the AI really does need improvements. It's impossible to have a fair race against the AI right now. Currently, the AI only serves one purpose, wrecker avoidance practise.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Forget suggestion #2, I have an even better idea.

Have an admin option that makes it so all the cars on the track have a top speed of 40 km/h, including the BF1. That would make for some UNBELIEVABLY THRILLING, ACTION-PACKED, FURIOUS RACING!!!
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :Best not to follow them too closely if you're doing that - braking when you see the car infront brake will always cause a collision because they will have started braking before the server told you about it.

Nice one, I didn't know about that detail. I always make sure to keep a fair distance between me and the car in front, though, particularly when I don't know the combo.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from Matt0snap :
Some ppl say that you can go straight to online, but if you have to clue were the braking points, the correct lines, and turns are, then you will probably cause a crash.

Not true. If you're on a regular server, you can just join the grid in the last place and follow the backmarkers, which are usually quite slow. You do need quick reactions so you can brake exactly when they do, but that shouldn't be too difficult.

That, combined with general cornering knowledge (out-in-out cornering, chicanes, S-bends, high speed cornering, etc..) and a sense of safe driving should keep anyone out of trouble.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Heh, I'm quite pleased with my progress, my latest hotlap with the FOX at BL was 1:09:370, and was done with Gentlefoot's BL FOX setup. I plan to knock off some time and go down to 1:08:XXX, because I know I had a concentration lapse at T3 that cost me.

I think I could do well, competing in a FOX. I connect quite well with the car, and when something goes wrong, I know exactly what caused it. I'm seriously considering trying out for a FOX seat in the GFC races.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
You should definitely play online as often as you can, but don't forget to practise offline as well, after all, even real F1 drivers have some off-season practise when it's time for testing.

If you follow the tips the previous posters have given you, you'll advance progressively. Soon, you'll be able to do battle with the backmarkers, and if you keep at it, you'll eventually reach the middle of the standings. In case you're really determined, you might even become a leader, but that will never come without a lot of hard training and dedication on your part.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from kaHEN :it doesnt matter to use every cars in demo servers, it can be just one but the fastest one for s2 users,

So when they joined demo server they will use that fastest car (f1 for example) and demo users will say I wish I had that car and they will buy license too. thats my idea..

Or be rightly pissed because it's unfair. I sure wouldn't buy the game if I noticed childish S2 users using the fastest car in the game just to lap me all the time. It's a racing sim, and a race normally involves competition, not "I'm gonna get...VROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM...lapped..AGAIN".
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Quote from kaHEN :exactly! this situation will effect the demo users and they will buy license.

And like I said, it will also affect S2 users. Suppose you can't find a car/track combo that suits you on S2 servers, so you go over to Demo ones. You race with your favourite car, which isn't one of the fastest, then soon comes someone in his BF1 and blows by you, giving you no chance to compete. But since your car is also faster than Demo cars, you can't compete with Demo players either. How fun would that be?
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Horrible idea. If we allow licensed users to compete in Demo servers, there won't be any "race", just licensed users lapping Demo guys again and again and again..

Racing in Demo servers is sometimes the only option even for S2 licensed holders, because there are few S2 servers compared to Demo ones. I'd hate to take a slower car to compete with some fast, legit Demo racers, only to be lapped or wrecked by crazy Ivan in his BF1. Your idea would kill the racing experience for everyone, not just Demoers.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
For avoiding collisions, you only really need to remember a few things:

1 - The driver in front has the right to take whichever line he (or she) wishes to take, and the driver behind is responsible for avoiding a collision, that means he also needs to account for early braking on the part of the driver who is in front of him.

2 - When overtaking in a turn, the driver in front needs to be aware of the other driver's intentions, and the right of way will be determined by significant overlap. A driver has overlap when the front of his car is in front of the other driver's HEAD, not his front bumper. If that condition is met, the driver being overtaken must then lift off ever so slightly, just so he can get out of the corner right behind the other car and remain battling normally.

3 - Blocking is okay if done once before each corner, as the previous poster said. If done wisely (but safely, otherwise you'll just clip the front bumper of the trailing car..), the driver who's attempting to make an overtaking maneuvre will need to lift off and will lose time.

4 - Abrupt reductions of speed are definitely not recommended, even when being lapped. The car being lapped must lift off slightly and remain in one place until he is lapped, because the driver behind has a better view of what is happening. Once he's lapped, he may continue racing normally. If he loses speed too suddenly, there's a chance the driver who's lapping won't have time to react. If this happens in a turn, the driver being lapped has to take a line that is not the ideal one, and remain in it until he can continue racing normally.

Sounds like too much to keep in mind, but they're really simple rules that could be summed up in one or two lines.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
NO. Ramming is considered to be extreme unsportsmanlike behaviour in NASCAR, and what actually goes on in the track has nothing to do with what happens in Days of Thunder. What DOES happen is bump-drafting, which is something totally different. In bump-drafting, the car behind "pushes" the car in front with its front bumper, so that both cars can travel faster along a straight. Doing the same thing on a turn is dangerous, so the car behind will usually back off just enough to avoid contact, and wait until both are on a straight again.

Another technique utilised by NASCAR drivers is the "bump and run", which consists in the car behind tapping the rear end of the car in front so it gets lifted off momentarily, normally during a turn. The driver of the car in front will need to make corrections and will thus lose speed, making it so that overtaking is much easier for the trailing car. It is seen as dirty, unethical driving, though. With the new COT cars, this maneuvre has become a lot more difficult to do, as the COTs have a lower rear end and a higher front bumper.

However, outright ramming like in Days of Thunder is not acceptable, and even punishable.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Meh, I'll just stick to training hard with the FOX. I love open wheel cars, but I prefer something a bit less intense. I like being able to actually see the turn before I take it. Which brings me to the recognition that the sense of speed in LFS is vastly superior to what you get in most sims, or games that pretend to be sims (such as the Formula One series for consoles). You can even jack up the FOV and experience something that resembles an animation explaining special relativity. (LFS at the speed of light, heh)
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
I don't know any good BF1 servers, but I can't help but drop in to say that I believe those who are able to drive a BF1 quickly and consistently is a LFS hero. In my opinion, it's the toughest vehicle in LFS, due to the fact it's sickeningly fast and requires surgical precision when steering.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
I have the feeling that leaving the aid turned off improves my lap times a tiny bit. I may be wrong, though.
Aiden McGeady
S2 licensed
Only when I'm hotlapping and can't get a faster time to save my life.