I think it's a different issue, but if I'm playing with v-sync enabled then after a short time I start getting very small vertical jitters (image jittering up/down very slightly). This happens even when keeping the headset perfectly stationary. This is different from the 'judder' that many people seem to report which is where the head movement seemingly taking discreet steps as the head rotates rather than a nice smooth movement.
Covering the camera momentarily (or covering the rift's IR LEDs) fixes the jitter issue temporarily but it soon comes back a few seconds after the camera can 'see' the rift again.
Disabling v-sync does seem to entirely eliminate the issue so that's what I've been doing for the time-being.
I get similar problems in some other (but not all) Rift enabled apps, Whirligig being another where the issue is particularly noticeable.
I attempted to make a video showing the issue but if I'm running OBS to mirror the rift's image to the primary monitor the jitter isn't visible there ...only on the rift display itself. I've not yet got around to sticking a camera inside the eyepeice to record the issue directly but will probably have time this evening or later in the week.