With some cars I can look back and in some, I can have the digital speedo. Seems to be random but I didn't take not of what cars they were. Imagine what "Beta" will be like, probably ten times as good as it is now, and even then it's not completely finished (I think that's how it works anyway). I'm hoping we can have glass shattering and bits of the car flying off one day. Maybe if you get whacked at high speed by another car, you could add the ear ringing sound and a pixelated screen, and after a couple of seconds (depending on how severe the crash was) the view fades back into normal.
I think maybe a few people just don't yet realize that they have to stop the gas for a split second while you shift up. I didn't realize until some dude from another thread mentioned it. I just figured it was the same as before. Real easy to get the hang of. The cars feel nicer to drive for some reason as well.
I see. Well that's definitely the problem. Didn't think it was that realistic.
True man. I guess I didn't expect it to be as realistic as it as. I think the only problem though is having to start your laps all over again, like, if you were 4th, on your second last lap, and your engine buggers up, that's it, game over man. You gotta start from lap 1. But then that creates the motivation to be really careful, so it's good in that way.
I'm only disappointed in one thing really (more confused about it actually), that is, when your engine is buggered, do you have to press SHIFT + P? Is that your only option? When you pit, it only refuels and evens out the body, but I try to continue racing and the revs are real high straight away and changing gear makes no difference. Is there a button I push or something? It would really suck if SHIFT + P is your only option, but I'd adjust.
I was chatting with an internet acquaintance when he abrubtly said he was going to play "lfs", when I asked what that was, he directed me to the demo. So I played the demo until I got bored and got S2.
I'm not here to make myself look good
I'm not here to prove how intelligent I am.
I don't understand wtf you mean, I'm talking normally, discussing stuff. Wtf?
I mean I agree with what you're saying, but, I can't help the way other people view my posts... I'm not responsible for peoples reaction towards me. Bahahahah.... Are we not adults here?
With my old PC I'd run it in low resolution or else it would lag. But I bought this "peice of shit" for £350 brand new, and it turns out its got mad graphicz that apparantly are standard these days, I need to get up from out underneath my rock. So I run everything on high, high, high. Very high. Highest in fact. Bring on the hardcore graphicz...
I went to Team Inferno Setup Field and downloaded that setup package thing.
So, does anyone have any idea where I'm supposed to put them? Where abouts in the "data" folder? Thanks in advance.
See, I think I'm one of the most calm people on the track. And I hardly ever use the chat, when I do, it's definitely not to argue. I don't even protest my farking ban, even though it wasn't my fault, everyone just takes the side of the person trying to ban, because they just assume "Hey, I'm sure he's got better things to do than go around banning as many "noobs" as possible, he must be trying to ban for a legit reason", when really, the person trying to ban is a lame tard. It's funny yet FRUSTRATING, wanna reach through my screen AND... you get the picture. But frustration is justified there. Tards like that need a schlap.
I wanna say sorry to that guy if it came across like I was trying to insult you. It's just you was going on about something irelavant to what I was saying in my post. You got the idea that im all for revenge. False.
Hell, maybe it was my English that got him confused?
As for the rest of your post, I generally agree.
Yeah, but in reality you slow down abit when you do the clutch. That's kinda part of the reason I like this racing game, it's quite realistic (most realistic one I've found anyway), apart from when you crash and sometimes you take off into the sky, spinning and stuff. That's just hilarious (the good kind).
I've learned most of the basics, but you just gotta perfect it or something? That takes time. If you think im gonna stay on my own server and race bots out of fear of "ruining someones game", then you thought wrong!
My game is "ruined" all the time, people knock into me, cut me off, sit on the track. Have I used the kick/ban button ONCE? NO! It's not hard to just let it go. Sheesh. Coh. Blimey. Just realise that it was probably 99% not intentional, and if it was, you can obviously tell if it was intentional, MOST of the time, if you know people, haha.
"a lot of other people remain oblivious to common courtesy after months of racing."
Wtf is with that? I kindly asked someone for a setup for BMW suabre(sp) the other day, so I dont go to slow and cause anyone to CRASH into me.
But no. He literally just said: No.
Complete wanker. Most of the people I encounter are like that. Why? Not enough colours in my effing name?
And I can't help the manner in which I'm trying to get my point across. That's just the way I am... Get used to it, or ban me from the forum.
Just don't ban me from the game!!
Cool man ^
This thread should have been short and sweet. Didn't go as planned, people picking apart my posts, etc... good times.
But yeah, dood above me, you're right. I'm gonna drive/talk like an old women on the internet from now on lol.
And yeah that is what my name is supposed to be. I woulda put 420 but thats just lame, comon.
Firstly, that was one "phuck".
Second, I said that it's the players who constantly use the ban to get their own way, not admins. Excpet kiddie admins, and you can spot them a mile off.
Third, are you reading my godamned posts? Or just skimming over them? (Oh, wait, "Czech republic"... English probably isn't your first language?)
And realise, please, that it's the intention behind the word that matters.
Does everyone know this but pretend it's not true or something? Do people really get offended by that word, and if so, WHY? Not to mention you've got *'s all over the word. You'd think this would be enough but NOOO, we get offended by "*"'s now. The "****" is going on?
Anyway I'm not trying to start trouble, debate, get lectured, or banned. Just so you know.
Well I was trying to negotiate with him through PM, but like I said, it's like I'm his unwilling enemy from another life or whatever. Or he just had a bad day.
He was an admin. Therefore I was grasping at mere straw.
So true man. Although I disagree with the chat bit. I prefer it when people WARN me before BANNING me, you know? I'd be happy to see the ban option go. Keep the disconnect vote, because someone might be intentionally parking on the track, and THOSE are the people who need to be banned, not someone who ****s up once or twice. I can't count how many times I've been unjustifyably (sp lol) kicked/banned, just because I make a mistake. Gotta stop!
Aye right. You know what really tickles me. They want it all realistic and such, but when a crash happens, they cry and cry. How pathetic is it? Crashes DO happen, what world do you live in, omfg. Noobs at life.
Yeah I did train with bots some, but I just slaughtered them, too easy lol.
I need real, unpredictable players to learn anything.
Yeah something like that. I can't see that cruise one.
Already been banned from ConeDodgersRacing for trying to get used to the car... One of the admins bitches got annoyed because I wouldnt slow down fast enough for his blue flag, so he got me banned, like the little bitch I assume he is.
And I kinda was doing that ^ (Judging by this day)
I'll stop now, lol. Maybe it'll be populated tonight.