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S2 licensed
Basically we try every possible combination, 1st exactly the time the race started, 2nd by the time we were making the grid, 3rd Make a lag lap and then restart (just in case, but we didn't expect this to work:shrug.

Since the LFSTv is broadcasting 1 round and a half back and it is mandatory to have the right header first, the only case i could think as possible in order to have the beginning of a race would be, an option while pressing watch in the interface that would start the replay from the beginning or from the point of the current race. But as i can imagine this might be a totally different approach to the design of the program.

I'm really out of ideas, and i guess this might be a case that cannot be resolved so, all i have is try to explain as good as i can the case in order WolleT who designed and programmed this app, might have a way to resolve it.

Ps.. With the start of the race or without, i'm going to keep on using this app. Many thanks once again
S2 licensed
I would like to give some feedback about the LFS TV.

Today it was the first time that we used LFSTV broadcasting in a league race, everything is working fine except the fact that we realized that viewers coudn't watch the begginning of the race and the 1st and a half lap.

Would it be possible to do something about that?
S2 licensed
It's Working Great.
I did the following tests:
1st. I connected to a server and made a race with just one AI. The broadcasting started and i could view the replay from another machine with just a few seconds delay.
2nd. While the AI was racing i vote to end race and jumped into the track to race by my self. I didn't stop the casting. From the other side, the viewer saw the rest of the replay of the AI Racing and stoped (like Lag) (Normal). In order to view the new race he had to stop the Watch, reconnect(Watch again). And start the replay again.. (It's FINE).

Everything is working great.. Great job... Thank you very much..

Also i noticed that the replay continues from the point of the real race time but just a few second back. Which is AMAZING.. If there is a race for 15 hours, you can watch just from the point you want.

You did an amazing Job.. WELL DONE
S2 licensed
Hi there,

I don't want to push you or anything but, is there a way we can help you find the bug in this prog? I'm not the kind of person expecting everything in my hand. So if there is any way we can help you, just name it.

It's an excellent job you've done so far, and believe me it's appreciated by many many people.

PS. By the way.. Does these php scripts mentioned earlier work?
S2 licensed
I don't think that his (fireb0llch) version is U, it's just the name o the folder

@WolleT. Since you are still developing LFS-TV, could you create a user password per stream.

The reason asking this, is: Let's say that a member of a team is connected to a server and at the same time streaming, if many people (not from the team) connect to his stream, it will be for sure a problem (Lag).

PS. It's just and idea, not a command or something. Thanks again for the great work
S2 licensed
Hi There,

fireb0llch.... I Guess we were trying LFS TV at the same time.. I saw your broadcast.. I had my broadcast named Test.

Yeap same error for me2, i am starting a broadcast(1st Pc), i went to a second pc and tryed to Watch... LFS Crash...:schwitztwo pc's two Different s2 license, Mine and a colleague of me )

I'll give it a try with version but till now.. keeps on crashing lfs.

So.. I tryed version but i can't do anything due to the message "There is a newer version available. Please update". By the way version has the option to choose track, but doesn't. I've being a bit rude not saying even one Thank you.. So THANK YOU... Keep Up the good work..
Last edited by Caesar, . Reason : Tryed version
S2 licensed
Hi Falcon1,
I was looking for informations about the scripting system and i believe that i found (It Worked) a way not only to run commands locally, but also on the server (Dedi Host) side.

So what i have managed to do after a lot of digging is:
I created a folder named "script" in my dedi host path(data\script).
I created three Scripts with .lfs extension (The number of scripts can be infinite)
1st script Total restart of Dedi Host and insims(Vcom&LFSLapper).
2nd script Restart Vcom insim
3rd script Restart LFSLapper insim

Now in case of a total crash of the insims i can restart all of them or one by one.

All i used is a combination of LFS commands + some good old dos commands:
/exec (runs a script or a .bat extension file in my case, locally)
/hrun (runs a script or a .bat extension file in my case, on server side "host")

So my final file/script structure is:

killL.lfs -> having just one line with
Quote :/exec killL.bat (the killL.bat is placed on the root folder of LFS were LFS.exe is placed)

killL.bat ->
Quote :@ECHO OFF
taskkill LFSLapper.exe (Taskkill is an internal command of Windows Xp Pro & 2003) Drops LFSLapper.exe process.

echo Waiting for LFSLapper process to drop (just a text to echo)
ping -n 5 localhost > nul (Trick delay of 5 seconds) There is no sleep/wait/pause command that can make a delay for a specific time in dos without user interaction.
cd "E:\LFS_DEMO_DEDI_X10\LFSLapper5.12\bin" (Get to the path of the executable)
start LFSLapper.exe (Start the app)

After everything is set. I log on to the server as an admin and just type the command for the script i want to execute.
Quote :/hrun killL (I tried running the script by giving the exact path or even with the exact script name "killL.lfs" but it didn't worked so just try with the name not + the extension)

I thought that all these might be an interesting case of using the script system and from my point of view after the success of these commands the possibilities of handling a server, are endless.

I hope you (or anyone else) will find these informations useful.

Take care CU On Line.
S2 licensed
Well. As i have seeing, many people at least read my post. So for people wondering or having the same troubles / questions, i had my solution by starting setting up insims / Server from scratch.

For the 1st part. Don't bother, i still didn't manage to get admin commands to work, but with a VPN and a remote desktop on the server i can do whatever i want.

As about the 2nd part. 2 or more insims . Well, I made a clean install, this time i used deferent than the default ports (Not 29999, any other, "i used 29876" & "29877" for the 2nd insim) and since patch X supports up to 8 insims, well it worked.

Now i have Vcom & LfsLapper running on the same Dedi server. All i had to do after setting the insims interact normally with LFS DEDI is, Disable some function from one in order not to have duplicate messages.

PS. If you have any questions, pm me, i'm willing to help (although nobody even tried to help me:shrug.

Regards People.
Dedicated Server X +insims
S2 licensed
Hi To all,
The last few days i've being working on a Dedicated server. The 1st day i setup everything in Server and tested with about 10 people on line and everything was ok.
After that i started thinking about improvements, basically some insim that give some pretty useful informations and stuff.

1st problem
So i have chosen Vcom as the main insim, everything is working great (on Client side) except the fact that in admin commands Vcom does Nothing.
More specific when i send commands like /o vcom quit, or /o vcom mode xxx, i get an insim not open, after searching i found an insim option like /insim 29999 (Thats the port my server listens) and Vcom on 29000, i tried giving both insim ports,the insim port error stopped but Vcom didn't get a thing..
So Any idea about that?

2nd problem
I need to setup a second insim also, I've heart about patch X that allows up to 8 insims but i really can't find were i have to adjust settings in a dedicated server. Inside the Setup.cfg there is no option about that. Also after a lot of searching through all the forum, i found a thread with a reference to the lfsworld section about Insim relay, but for two days now the page is not available.

So? Any idea about that also?

1st Why Vcom doesn't react on ADMIN commands?
2nd How can i get 2(or more) insim apps work together?

PS. I've searched for Insim relay via Vcom, For insim gateways, or other apps claiming to do relaying or act as gateways but none worked. I guess since the insim change to V4 most of these old apps won't work any more.

Version of Dedi (Live for Speed S2 ALPHA 0.5X4 DEDICATED HOST)

Thanks in advance for your time reading or even replying this thread.
