If this post is in wrong place, delete it, or move it in a correct place...
For a start, some time ago, i was a FILTHY cracker, but I bought the licence, because it just was kind of STUPID to play this awesome game and not be paying for it.
And the main reason for this post....
I think that the basic sounds of the cars are quite "lame"... They just don´t give that "racing" feeling....
So, I just wanted to share my "tweaks" and presets, (thought they are for the old version V, remember, I was a bad boy cracker)
So here is the thing; i have tweaked setups and made some presets which i like, and I thought that some one might be interested about them.
here are the links:
XR GT TURBO, (tweaked audi-s1 - 2700cc turbo inline-5)
XR GT TURBO (tweaked dodge charger - 8650cc dodge charger V8)
BMW SAUBER F1.06 (tweaked sounds only)
Sounds are "tweaked" with in the game control panel, i don´t know what it´s called

(edit_eng.......you know

I can post the presets here, if some one wants, just ask...
ps. Sorry for my bad? english
ps. ps. Please, make a similar tweaker for the new version Z
