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S2 licensed
If you need 3 months there is another offer with 12 dollars for 3 months.

You can use me as referral for this LOL

S2 licensed
just a quick question. Does this works along with AONIO or apps like this?
S2 licensed
it is impossible for teams to calc places if there are disconnections like #08 and #37
S2 licensed
is there a tracker available for the race to see positions of disconnected drivers?
S2 licensed
Session: race
Lap: lead lap 51
Timecode: 1:47x
Cars: #11 and #01
Description: #01 in his effort to lap #11 tried a dangerous pass in a place where #11 had no room to give. During this #01 hit #11 resulting in a spin that cost places. (#11 had to wait to enter safely into the track again)
S2 licensed
Just to add to my previous comments about the disconnects that one of the time that we have 5-6 teams disconnected the only driver that lives in Germany didn't disconnect!!!!

Moreover when we was not driving and his team disconnected he tried to connect but he couldn't. (this must be masterserver to server issue). (someone mention that when online master server problem does not disconnect you from server.)

So the disconnect might was between server and MS + to some users for the "same reason".
S2 licensed
Quote from Bean0 :One of our drivers who suffered from the disco's is in Germany.

I see, so it's still a mystery for me.
S2 licensed
Sεconds before each disconnect and during each disconnect, team speak had a major "lag" problem where you could hear that someone is speaking but there was no way to understand it because of voice "breaking".

after a couple of minutes Remote was working again, ts3 speech was again ok and we could connect to the server the first that could connect was taking over the car.

I've wondering if the fact that only some of the teams where disconnected (and most of the times the same teams) is that connected member where outside Germany and there was a network problem in the Internet connection of reaching the server from outside?

Just a thought that may help you reach a conclusion of what really happened.
S2 licensed
There is no layout after restart.
S2 licensed
Mine shipped 2 days ago from zavvi. Expected to be here sometime from Friday to Monday...
S2 licensed
Best driver Overall: Webber

Fastest driver: Hamilton

Most Consistant: Webber

Most Improved: Kubica

Most Impressive: Hamilton

Most Overated: Alonso

Most Underated: Heiki

Best rookie(see previous topic to see whos included): B. Senna

Worst driver: Sutil

Most exciting: -

Best old timer(35 and older): Barrichello
S2 licensed
Everything is great so far!!!

1 question + 1 request

Question: Does AONIO works with exe running in different PC on the same network? (I've tried already but only few items where updating in the screen)

Suggestion/Request: Since I use Matrox triplehead2go and there are a lot of users that have more than 1 monitors (softTH - Eyefinity etc), Is there a way to move panels to other monitors instead on the main (center) one???

Thanx again m8
S2 licensed
You are just great !!!

Can't wait for the next one. Good job.
Last edited by beastie74, .
S2 licensed

1. The selection about which drivers are selected to have their points count for the team result should be visible from Sunday Morning to all Users, so that other teams should know what they have to expect.

2. One good thing about leagues is that you compete against others in the same amount of races and most of the time in the same amount of chances or opportunities. THis makes drivers competitive and also careful. The know that one penalty helps the opponent score more points and makes his effort harder.
In OLFSL most of the times we see bad behavior either with no penalties or with minor penalties or -the worst part- we see people that race only for a couple of races ruin races of regulars. Maybe in top pool this is rare but in that pool we have the other event.
Racers that like a combo (and they know it very good) come and race mostly in pool1 for only one race, sometimes without respect for regular racers that compete for drivers/team championship.
I do not really know a solution about this but maybe someone else has more thoughts to make this better.
S2 licensed
Name: Kostas Giagias
Car Selection: FZ5
Car Number: 74
Team: Hellenic Racing team (HRteam)
S2 licensed
I was really slow since I had no time for practice. New car and new track for me, but I loved the 1 hour 40 mins of it!!!
S2 licensed
Hi all I am Kostas from greece...

I installed the game today but I can't get it to work online... Cannot connect to server.

both posts (63392 and 29339) are open for tcp an udp