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S2 licensed
An harddrive CAN affect your download speed,


1. that HDD is dying

2. if your using too much programs doing I/Os on your drive ( ie. running a virus check, a defrag, a bittorrent downloader, and god knows what else, at the same type)
thought your hdd has to be shitty if its that under 1MB/s, but with realy high speeds over 800KB/s it could be it

3. Having low ram, low initial pagefile, and using shitty windows management of pagefile.

4. a combination of the 3

5. some other stuff i didnt think about on the top of my head

in all those case the download speed is slowed down because of the I/O limit of the HDD

i myself have a dying hdd and i must asdmit that while it slwoed down my games loading time considerably, it havent slowed down my downlaod speed t5o much yet..
S2 licensed
Aucune idee :-D

mais jai pas de probleme avec le son par defaut ( contrairement a celui de forza XD ) ( pas le 2 la, le premier )
S2 licensed
as JJ72 said, TomTom is the best ive seen ( i work in the furniture delivery business, we use alot of those )

Garmin is second choice if you either cant find a tomtom or just simply dont like it

but id go for a tomtom first
S2 licensed
lol u guys cracks me up, now everyone in the office wonders why im laughing
S2 licensed
any hint?

its not an LMP1 car, the headlights are painted..
plus it looks smaller...

looks like a car from GTP/groupe c
but those car are normally older and dont have that "ferrari enzo" look
Last edited by Archange, .
S2 licensed
isnt that the one that is road legal?

edit: nvm

mistook it for the Radical SR4
Last edited by Archange, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scrabby :BMW Nazca


italdesign/bmw nazca c2 ... amp;resnum=1&ct=title

it was in need for speed 2 SE
S2 licensed
Quote from 5haz :So it's not an audi A3 then?

its not an audi.

another hint: its not a cheap car
S2 licensed
its standard, this car is european and form the 90s

its also, IMHO, the coolest car ever made, or at least the most beautiful.

if you want ill post another part of the same pictures to help ya
S2 licensed
lol no...
S2 licensed
im also getting DCed alot and sumtimes have the did not receive stuff problem, since patch z too... so i dunno...
S2 licensed
there you go,

easy for those who know the car,
not as easy for those who dont

good hunt :-D
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
S2 licensed
looks late 80s early 90s

makes me think of the NSX but thats not hit + you wouldnt see an nsx with those kind of rims

i dunno why but it makes me think of a 85 trans am, you know like in knight rider, but i dont think its that,

from the reflection, it looks like an hatch back... ill keep looking
S2 licensed
Quote from G!NhO :1978

saying random year or not?

because the it looks early 70s or late 60s
S2 licensed
that looks like a nice book to have, especially if your a mclaren fan..
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :All pictures this week were very good... It was a close battle between JJ72, Quicksilver and Lynce for me... JJ's picture had too much of a cut-out nature for my liking and Lynce's did look a bit too crisp, so my vote goes to Quicksilver...

what he said
S2 licensed
yeah you lucky,

i wasent, my w580i screen broke when i hit those thingy keeping you from going without paying in a metro station ( cant remember the name )

the way the cellphone is made
the whol upper part of the top of the cellphone pushes on the screen if there is pressure on it, be caution it really doesnt take much to break this one ( i barely noticed the hit )
S2 licensed
... looks an hell lot like a ferrari 250GT from 1960 XD

edit: oh well i give up, gonna have to get back to work :-p
Last edited by Archange, .
S2 licensed
thats an EPS, its vectors.... it can be resized to whatever size you want....
S2 licensed
LFS doesnt really "Install" itself anyway (if it uses the windows registery in anyway, its at launch, not during install). so copying/moving the directory from you other pc is alright, but since i dont know how lfs operate at launch, you may want to switch the resolution and refresh rate back to default in case your new computer doesnt support it.
S2 licensed
that much fps may be nice, but unless ure using a crt at low resolution, you probably only got 60 or 75hz on your screen.
so that screen refresh the image 60 or 75 times per second, so even if your gfx card can dish out 300fps. you wont be seeing them anyway. its a nice thing to have sucha computer though, dont get me wrong, but in LFS cases, it wont change much.
S2 licensed
i mean Elite, Lotus Elite :-p the one from the sixties.

ps. hell, alot of car form that era looks like that, can we have an hint? :-p
Last edited by Archange, .
S2 licensed
an old lotus elise?