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Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I also thought about LFS when I see those videos on youtube. I remember that Scawen programed LFS because he wanted an AI faster than human. Now it has the opportunity
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I like drift, what I don't like is most of drifters, are just stupid.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from hp999 :one lap of rockin'ham national circuit is 2.74 km long

one lap of nordschleife is 20.8 km

one lap of nordschleife is just over 10 times longer than one lap of rockin'ham national circuit

your argument is invalid,
- ur personal troll


Where you study maths?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Thanks Scawen for this report, now we all know that you are hard working on. I understand you like a perfeccionist, you want to do better and better, and I like this philosofy, also I admire your patient, because like a perfeccionist, I had left the project bored lot time ago...

I respect and admire you, and I like the way of LFS project.

But like a old user I have more things to say. So after some years racing LFS every day, I was bored to race in the same tracks, the tire model is needed but, also is needed more tracks, and I'm not talking abuot Rockingham. I do some tracks for rFactor with Bob's Track Builder, and with no experience I see that it is not too much hard to do a nice track.

What I demand you is more entertainment for us, and the easy and better way is adding tracks, also if you can't time to do tracks, why no to add a tool to add tracks from 3D Studio?

Drifters, Racers, Drivers.... all will appreciate new layouts

Also, on the topic of tire model. I race with a kart and I feel every day different feelings, and this changes are producing in 80% by the track surface. I read that you have thoroughly studied the tire, but you have thoroughly estudied the track surface?

Greetings and Happy Holydays
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Bmxtwins :Yes because ISI's rfactor is so realisitc..


I tried to improve the kart mod, so I have a real kart (shifter kart with 42bhp) and I saw that all kart mods are based on the first one, and when I try to modify it to put real data and meassurements I saw that was impossible. The car needs to be weigth miniun 400kg or will fly over the track and down to infinite... Also if you put 400kg for a kart (that weigth 160kg with pilot) need to put more horse power. The grip is too much exagerated for the default tyres, I changed it, but it is impossible to "drift" a car with 400kg in rFactor, I tried a lot of grip curves for the tyres, I tried to make my own, and never, never I felt like a real kart.

So I abandone the project, the ISI's rfactor is sh*t

The nearest feeling on a computer game/simulator with my kart is in LFS, it is a mix between F08 and LX6 in a little layout of South City track, but without the "goam" feeling of LFS, more nervous

On topic. Today I was test this layout (the Rockingham layout on the photo) and it is great for drift. In rFactor are a lot of layouts, will be all in LFS?
Last edited by Napalm Candy, .
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Record at half or quarter speed, if you have 15FPS at quarter speed, when you speed up the recorded video 4 times, you will have 60FPS at real Speed.

This is how all capture videos on LFS preserving quality and FPS.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
What a stupid discussion? Has no sense
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote :Spanish people aren't known for their skills at English either, in fact only a few of them are active in the international LFS community, but they still have a huge national community.

Yes, that's the exact 'problem' in Spain, the English level in Spain is very poor. Also LFS it is not so much know but we have 2 bigs comunities. for about 80-160 players every morning nigth and other that I don't remember... something like "liga internacional" that has about 80 playres every sunday evening. The two has permanently leagues

I feel a little less participation until the last Patch Z. So I think with a new patch (scirocco+tracks+tyres...) will go again to 160-200 players

The very high huge in our comunity was when Fernando Alonso wons the F1 Championships
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
incredibly FPS rate when you are stopped and no other car in vew!!

Go to windows if you want to play... I understand that OS X is better to work but... to play windows
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from JeffR :iRacing has also gone through it's growing pains in terms of physics and car parameter tweaks, in spite of it's huge team and budget, for example, the excessive engine braking effect on the spec racer Ford, causing it to spin at even a hint of lift throttle in turns was fixed about a year after release.

I feel this effect on every road car (I don't try the ovals cars), and it is the main reason for what I don't like iRacing, totally unreal when braking the car. Too much easy to spin, and a little wheel controler delay that impides to rectify at time. I have a kart, and in LFS I can rectify a spin in time without problems like in real life, in iRacing it is too much hard

LFS need some big bumps on tracks like Fern Bay, and improved ForceFeedback. Some new track, or better the possibility to load custom tracks made in 3DMAX or similar....Also what is discussed on the topic, tyre physics.

This would be a new era for LFS.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I edit later the message... I solved the other problem, but have a new one :P

Yes I edited the config with the LFS route (the problem was I use \ for the directories, and need to use / ), also I configured the IP like in my PC, and start insim on LFS /insim 29999. And nothing more

I do some laps on hotlap, but I didn't see anything

Edit: Ok, I see the problem, I need to be in a Qualifying or not will work. It can be possible to add the option to work on hotlap mode?
Last edited by Napalm Candy, .
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I see nothing on LFS about LFS Qualifying Ticker, and in the LFS Qualifying Ticker java screen is blank.

I upload a screen shot form the Java program, and other with the last messages on LFS.

What I'm doing wrong?
Last edited by Napalm Candy, .
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Hi! I have a suggeriment/improvement, it would be best if do LFS but with Airo I think it is possible to do too. ... 8I0Iw&feature=related

It can see on this video, it is not a very good video but I don't find better on youtube.

The idea is a constant display showing the gain/lost time, but not each lap or split, showing continiuosly

You can see better videos on Go to Video->on board. And select SPAIN. There can see better. But first you need to register.

This improvement, will be very usefull to improve our times, a lot of times is better than telemetry because you can see in the moment when and where are lossing/gain time
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
It is possible to launch a IA car with a slow setup as a Safety Car, in any moment of race and send to pit lane in any moment?

If yes, how?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from JPeace :Yes, and thats why there is nobody online.


In our league in are about 100-150 drivers that race every monday at 22.00pm, in that league it is far to die. But, for people like me, I bougth S2 in 2007 and race in that league about 3 years, and I race on all tracks and combinations, and race all cars so many times. Don't all the combinations between cars/tracks, but the raceline it is the same. I stoped to race some months ago. I like LFS but people like me need new tracks.

I'm working on new tracks for NK-Pro and RBR, for the reason that I can't do for LFS, so I think LFS need to open the possibility to add new tracks, at least not for public use, but for private/league use
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Program it your self with the SDK and the VB6 example on this forum to connect to Outgauge, or wait if anyone make it first.
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Thank you for your time, I will check now
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Because the code that I posted on first post is how work before patch Z25, now has changed. And that is what be in the insim.txt

// ========

// The user's car in multiplayer or the viewed car in single player or
// single player replay can output information to a dashboard system
// while viewed from an internal view.

// This can be controlled by 5 lines in the cfg.txt file :

// OutGauge Mode 0 :0-off 1-driving 2-driving+replay
// OutGauge Delay 1 :minimum delay between packets (100ths of a sec)
// OutGauge IP :IP address to send the UDP packet
// OutGauge Port 0 :IP port
// OutGauge ID 0 :if not zero, adds an identifier to the packet

// Each update sends the following UDP packet :

struct OutGaugePack
unsigned Time; // time in milliseconds (to check order)

char Car[4]; // Car name
word Flags; // Info (see OG_x below)
byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
byte SpareB;
float Speed; // M/S
float RPM; // RPM
float Turbo; // BAR
float EngTemp; // C
float Fuel; // 0 to 1
float OilPressure; // BAR
float OilTemp; // C
unsigned DashLights; // Dash lights available (see DL_x below)
unsigned ShowLights; // Dash lights currently switched on
float Throttle; // 0 to 1
float Brake; // 0 to 1
float Clutch; // 0 to 1
char Display1[16]; // Usually Fuel
char Display2[16]; // Usually Settings

int ID; // optional - only if OutGauge ID is specified

// OG_x - bits for OutGaugePack Flags

#define OG_TURBO 8192 // show turbo gauge
#define OG_KM 16384 // if not set - user prefers MILES
#define OG_BAR 32768 // if not set - user prefers PSI

// DL_x - bits for OutGaugePack DashLights and ShowLights

DL_SHIFT, // bit 0 - shift light
DL_FULLBEAM, // bit 1 - full beam
DL_HANDBRAKE, // bit 2 - handbrake
DL_PITSPEED, // bit 3 - pit speed limiter
DL_TC, // bit 4 - TC active or switched off
DL_SIGNAL_L, // bit 5 - left turn signal
DL_SIGNAL_R, // bit 6 - right turn signal
DL_SIGNAL_ANY, // bit 7 - shared turn signal
DL_OILWARN, // bit 8 - oil pressure warning
DL_BATTERY, // bit 9 - battery warning
DL_ABS, // bit 10 - ABS active or switched off
DL_SPARE, // bit 11


Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Probably the question was too general, I try to be more specific.

To define the variable (or constant?) "DL_SHIFT" and "DL_HANDBRAKE" how do I Have To?

I do not understand because it is bit 0, bit 1, bit 2 .... etc.

Bit 0 is = 1, Bit 1 = 2, Bit 3 = 4, Bit 4 = 8 ... ?

I define like
Private Const DL_SHIFT = 1

But ever is one, don't change.

If I put on the Private Type OtuGaugePacket (in the example above) like
DL_SHIFT as Single

DL_SHIFT as Boolean

then says that the variable is not defined.
OutGauge in VB. Patch Z25
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Hi, I'm searching the forum, but I don't find how to use the new form.

I found an example for VB but it is old (like I had)

Private Type OutGaugePacket
Time(0 To 3) As Byte 'unsigned int Time; // time in milliseconds (to check order)
Car(0 To 3) As Byte 'char Car[4]; // Car name
Flags(0 To 1) As Byte 'word Flags; // Combination of OG_FLAGS, see below
Gear As Byte 'byte Gear; // Reverse:0, Neutral:1, First:2...
SpareB As Byte 'byte SpareB;
Speed As Single 'float Speed; // M/S
RPM As Single 'float RPM; // RPM
Turbo As Single 'float Turbo; // BAR
EngTemp As Single 'float EngTemp; // C
Fuel As Single 'float Fuel; // 0 to 1
OilPress As Single 'float OilPress; // BAR
Spare1 As Single 'float Spare1;
Spare2 As Single 'float Spare2;
Spare3 As Single 'float Spare3;
Throttle As Single 'float Throttle; // 0 to 1
Brake As Single 'float Brake; // 0 to 1
Clutch As Single 'float Clutch; // 0 to 1
Display1(0 To 15) As Byte 'char Display1[16]; // Usually Fuel
Display2(0 To 15) As Byte 'char Display2[16]; // Usually Settings
ID As Long 'int ID; // (optional ID - if specified in cfg.txt)
End Type

Private Const OG_SHIFTLIGHT As Long = 1 '#define OG_SHIFTLIGHT 1
Private Const OG_FULLBEAM As Long = 2 '#define OG_FULLBEAM 2
Private Const OG_HANDBRAKE As Long = 4 '#define OG_HANDBRAKE 4
Private Const OG_PITSPEED As Long = 8 '#define OG_PITSPEED 8
Private Const OG_TC As Long = 16 '#define OG_TC 16
Private Const OG_HEADLIGHTS As Long = 32 '#define OG_HEADLIGHTS 32
Private Const OG_SIGNAL_L As Long = 64 '#define OG_SIGNAL_L 64
Private Const OG_SIGNAL_R As Long = 128 '#define OG_SIGNAL_R 128
Private Const OG_REDLINE As Long = 256 '#define OG_REDLINE 256
Private Const OG_OILWARN As Long = 512 '#define OG_OILWARN 512
Private Const OG_1 As Long = 1024 '#define OG_1 1024
Private Const OG_2 As Long = 2048 '#define OG_2 2048
Private Const OG_3 As Long = 4096 '#define OG_3 4096
Private Const OG_4 As Long = 8192 '#define OG_4 8192
Private Const OG_KM As Long = 16384 '#define OG_KM 16384
Private Const OG_BAR As Long = 32768 '#define OG_BAR 32768

I ask for help, I don't has so many knowledge on programming, but I can work on a working example. So, anybody can to recode this part of code? I know that it is easy for a programmer, but near to impossible to me

I want to do a shiftligth LED, and a vibratory motor to brake when ABS will jump. I have communication with a microcontroller via serial port. But I need to extract data from LFS, I was do for the last patch but I have to redo this part
Last edited by Napalm Candy, .
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Quote from Fiore :who will win? what a question... who has more free time

I think I have more free time than arrechee, but to me is imposible to beat one of them WR, so it is not only about free time

Arrechee will win, no doubt
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
I paid for iRacing, but I will never pay again. Also I will never pay a month suscription for LFS or any other game
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
EDIT: Wrong post..
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
Why people want to pay more?

I propose to pay 1200 € instead of 800 € you pay now! What a great idea! Huh?
Napalm Candy
S3 licensed
You has bougth too fast this monitors

To see on 3 monitors you need 2 graphic cards ( NOT in SLI or Crossfire) and software SoftTH OR a TH2GO from matrox.

To see in 5 monitors you need booth. 2 Graphic cards and the TH2GO OR the lastest graphics cards from ATI with 6 outputs

PD: I think that a TH2GO can't support resolution of "xxxx * 1200" maxium "xxxx * 1050"