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S2 licensed
I`m quite a newbie too at this game and started my career on the race1 server a couple of weeks ago.

I think, the problems you guys mention are mainly related to new drivers attitude, which is mostly formed by hollywood movies and arcade games. It's really important, that new drivers accept from the early beginning, that they can and will not win races instantly. Instead they should enjoy the learning process they will undergo even if it costs a lot of patience. Sure, everybody makes mistakes, but there seem to be people who want to learn from their failure and those who blame others or silently disconnect. People who are really willing to learn how to race, enjoy a fight for 11th postion as much as leading the race.

With this attitude in mind, it is not frustrating at all to score no points and therefore it wont lead to uncontrolled, overaggressive bhaviour.

Eventually this is why you Pro-drivers should hold the LFS-spirit of fair and realistic racing high, even if its sometimes ungrateful, trying to explain such "Days of Thunder"-Heroes, what it's all about.