Let Me No What You All Think Im Not The Best Skinner I Used Photo Filtre Its Not The Best I No But It Took Alot Of Time To Make It!!!!does It Look Decent??? Use It As U Wish You Might Want To Remove My Name!!its Uploaded To Lfs World!! CORRECTION ABOVE I CALL IT HYPER TUNE LOL!!
Your helment looks good just one thing im having trouble with. How do you get rid of the wireframe when your finished...?? Here's skin..I ACTUALLY HAD TO PAINT OVER THE WIREFRAME I NO THIS IS WRONG BUT HOW DO I GET RID OF THE WIREFRAME??
Only thing is it looks about like mine and there saying im doing it wrong!!WTH? The cf is too big but there saying im doing it wrong there telling me image goes under the wireframe i just aint getting it!!!!!
I got it but how to i put the carbon look under the black mask i cant get it.i've also tried photo filtre using the mask option but cant get it under the layer how is this possiable?Do i have to crop or what am i doin wrong all im getting is a way to put the images on the outside layer!!!!
Ati Skin Built By Snakeeyes77!! Thanks for letting me no it looks like crap im trying man!!!!!!Heres a few in game screens!!!!Does it look any better??This is ati skin,liquid metal skin i made and a beenie weenie skin!!!!!!!HEHE!
Last edited by snakeeyes77, .
Thanks for all the replies guys!!!!Im in the process of trying all diffrent programs right now so bear with me im new!!Anyways hers another helment i modified!!!!!And a car!!!!!BY THE WAY IM USING PHOTOFILTRE!!!