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S2 licensed
Remember that: THIS FRIDAY THE CONFIRMATIONS WILL BE CLOSED. Go to and confirmate your team

S2 licensed
A little bump!
S2 licensed
If you're in pits, you exit them by the right side...
S2 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :Nice pit entry for endurance race... 2 times of praying for not being hit by someone while entering pits guaranteed! Only teams allowed? No single drivers?

4 hours for only one driver... OK... IT's up to you if you wanna get red eyes for a week...
S2 licensed
Quote from Masterboy19660815 :Hello

Team 6th gear Racing is really interested!

On which date is it?

Friday the 29th of January... Go into our website, you're welcome there!
4 HOURS OF ASTON (by ScuderiaGas)
S2 licensed
¡¡Hola a todos!!

Como inauguración de los servers de SG hemos decidido organizar una carrera de resistencia el domingo 12 de Febrero.

La carrera será de 4 horas con FO8 o FOX y en un Aston un tanto especial, además contaremos con un safety car para la salida y posibles accidentes.

Los equipos serán de 4 personas como máximo, pero esto no quiere decir que por ejemplo solo 4 SG 4 TRT etc. puedan correr, si no que 4 SG podrían crear un equipo con un nombre inventado, otros 4 otro equipo o juntarse 2 SG y 2 TRT o lo que sea.

Las normas y la inscripción se encuentran aquí

Si tenéis cualquier duda decirlo por aquí

Hello everyone!
Scuderia Gas Racing Team (SG) has decided to organize an endurance race on Sunday 12st of February as an inauguration of our servers.
The endurance will be 4hours long, and the cars involved are FO8 or FOX in a special Aston track. We also will have a Peace Car to start and possible accidents.
The team will have a maximum four drivers, but it doesn’t matter their real teams, you can join in with your friends although you are in different teams. And if a team wants to take part with two cars in the same category, they must have to write in the confirmations this: Scuderia Gas A, Scuderia Gas B, or to invent a new nickname for the team.

Rules and confirmations are here:

If somebody has a question, write it here.

Thanks to everybody!

PD.: Go Go Go Scuderia Gas!
Last edited by GANSAN_BM, . Reason : Date of race
S2 licensed
Quote from :You must have mail?

What's that? Excuse my English, it is not that good.
Last edited by GANSAN_BM, .
S2 licensed
Quote from :Oh OK.. I was confused about the so called 'dedicated server' description.

A LFS server has nothing to do with 'dedicated servers'.

I think it's not that bad.. If I know more, I let you know

But we the first thing we did was the payment, and after that we waited for any kind of answer, but it never arrived. Why is he kind of "offline"? 3 emails, and nothing. No possible PM with him by this forum... What else can we do?

Is he dead or something?
S2 licensed
Why Airio manager doesn't reply me? Have we lost our 30€?

Please, if anyone knows anything, make me know. Thanks in advance.
S2 licensed
Hi from Scuderia Gas,

The past 8th of December, we sent you 30€ for an Airio account for our server. We forgot to advise you and we sent you the money thinking that it was the correct way. After waiting for a few weeks without any notice, we realize that it was our fault because we didn’t tell you about this by e-mail or LFS Forum.

We have already sent you an email.

Now, we hope that it’s correctly done, and we hope to hear from you soon too.

Thanks from all Scuderia Gas members.
Help with Thrustmaster FGT Rumble Force (2 in 1)
S2 licensed
Well, brake and accelator works perfectly, all the buttons too, but the steering doen't work at all...

May anyone help me with this steering wheel?

Well, the wheel is kind of crazy. When i don't touch it is roght, but when i first try to steer the "detection system" of the controller says that i'm steering to one of the boths directions. In other way, i touch the wheel and it says that i'm steering till the end to the right or the left, but i blocks from now then and i can't steer.

Hope someone in here can help me. I've installed all controllers, and it's the same...

Well, thanks, and try to help me please.


Really i need help in here pleazzz!
Last edited by GANSAN_BM, .
S2 licensed
Quote from shadow2kx :On dit "personal messages"
T'a l'air de galéré en english vu tes autres posts, voilà qui pourra t'aider un peu je pense: ici (dit sans animausité aucune).

Hehehe, but I understood everithing he said
S2 licensed
Ok! How can i send you the PSD file?
S2 licensed
Impresive job man!! Really good helmet. It is nearly what I was thinking . Thnks Cayenne!!!

By this days, I was learning a bit of the use of photoshop, and this is what I managed to perform:

I would like you to fix it, because the front part and the high part of the helmet aren't well finished... . Well, if you want to give the perfection to the helmet you are allowed to do so.

S2 licensed
Thnks m8!
S2 licensed
Oooops! this is going down again. This thing is sinking!!
S2 licensed
Ups! This in going down :lol:
S2 licensed
Quote from The General Lee :It's only been 24 hours friend. Give it some time.

S2 licensed
Noone else? I was specting much more participation, but in here I think that people only read the thread and go away... Thanks to god, not everyone is going this way.

I hope you write only a little reply per person.

I'm trying to learn to use Photoshop, but it is too much for me... , I'm better in racing . If I could "pay" by any way your work, I would (anyway except money ).

Thnks to Cayenne.
S2 licensed
Quote from cayenne 49 :I will carry out a test for you

S2 licensed
Why noone write a reply?
[REQ]Need helmet skin
S2 licensed
Hi! I'm new at this forum, and first of all I want to congratulate all the people in here that make such a big work for all the people who need them, and i want to congratulate all the great designers that are in here too.

Well, i got my S2 licence 2 weeks ago and my team is telling me that if I want to run in the LFS Spain League I need to have my own hemet design, and if I don't have it i'm not allowed to race.

So I would be very pleased if someone of you could design a helmet for me.

I only want that in the front part of the skin appear my name (Gansan) and my team "stick":

The colours, the lines, the forms... the design in general is up to you . If it helps you, I love Jenson Button's and Hamilton's design .

I hope you would do it, and start to race in this league the earliest possible.

Thanks and congratulations for your great job .