No experience with Ubuntu, but this looks like you don't have proper drivers with 3D support. What card do you have? Make sure to use the proprietary nvidia or catalyst drivers instead of the open nv/nouveau/radeon drivers (I think Ubuntu uses these by default)
what's the point of that? Are you still checking your PBs from earlier versions? After a month or two, noone will really care about no longer valid times from outdated version of the game...
With all the tracks (Blackwood chicane for example) and cars (clutch, redlines, ...) changes, shouldn't be PBs deleted? I think hotlaps were, but what about PBs?
Every time I update to the new patch (X10->X30->X31->X32), the "Window while connecting" is reset to YES, even if I used NO before... Is that a bug or normal behavior?
Probably not a bug, but maybe a feature that needs improving - you can flat-shift in the FBM with using "manual ignition cut". I mean hold gear-change and then 2 times tap the ignition button. Result is much faster gear change than with normal throttle lift, at least for mouse driver with 2.5 button rate (of course if you miss the second tap you will loose some speed until you notice you have engine off:schwitz
This happened after track change. 3 of us started race and others managed to join before green lights. But notice where "Lynxy" spawned. By the moves and racer-list it appears he is normally racing, but I see him somewhere way off track...
I was getting the same error. Downloaded X30 patch, unlocked, went online, quit LFS, start again, try to go online and "GAME password does not match" error (it remained unlocked for offline play though).
I thought that maybe too long password is causing problems (it had 16 characters). I changed it to shorter one and it's OK now
I think it can be good to have late joiners (let's say after lap 2) in "offline" mode (totally invisible to others and others totally invisible to them)
It can be another button, so you can choose to spectate, join or "practice"