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Pictures please.
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I probably shouldn't be posting here but hey, I've got nothing (much) better to do (only get a job, fix the car, get some decent clothes, get some exercise, sort life out, that boring stuff).

Short response (now where's that gif?):

I don't know why certain people have to incessantly demand things instead of being thankful for what they have, especially when it's someone else's hard work you're benefitting from. However I am sure that the same people will complain regardless of the degree of communication - they just want their stuff right now. Therefore I totally agree with Scawen's approach of not wasting time with pointless updates.

I'm quite happy with LFS the way it is. Of course I want more stuff - who doesn't? - but as a functioning human being I realise that someone has to create this stuff. I can somewhat identify with the sheer length of time it takes to develop anything from scratch. Just trying to program a serviceable collision system for a little shooter I made in ActionScript has all but defeated me.

I know this will mostly be ignored but I want to say it anyway: People who moan and grasp and demand are perhaps taking the whole thing too seriously and personally. It's not 'your' game, it belongs to the developers. You just get to play it. It is what it is, and I think what it is, is pretty great.
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S2 licensed
so much anger
in this thread
why don't you all
just go outside?
S2 licensed
Quote from liveforspeed1987 :I've noticed.. especially recently.. that alot of Racing Servers are very restricted to only the very fast drivers.

Well i'll admit on not a very fast driver.. i'd say i was average lol.

But i'm a safe driver, i stick to the rules, and i like to race fairly.

It would be nice to see alot more servers with varying Abilities rather than having to meet certain requirements that are much harder to reach.

Why not have a top and bottom time.. with drivers that have a PB lap between XX:XX time and XX:XX time being able to enter.. so not to be out-performed by much faster drivers.. and not being slowed down by more careless drivers?

seem's its catering for the elite drivers or the destruction derby style stuff.

i get left entering servers with very good drivers miles ahead.. and drivers or who dont care.. and use me as a brake into bends.. ramming me off the track

I think you're lucky to be in europe, where there are lots of servers around with reasonable pings...
Anyway, is an (the?) Australian "league" that's not exclusive or elitist and is also somewhat open to Outlanders (there's a couple of Britishers joining in at the moment) as long as they don't cause crashes. Between the two divisions, there's about a 4 or 5 second spread of lap times from the fastest to the slowest (not counting people having a bad night) so there should be room for anyone who can do a few hours of practice
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this, and other related things:
S2 licensed
Quote from Nathan_French_14 :I suppose it's what your used to.

It is indeed what we're used to, so it's only when I read tales of woe on forums like this one that I realise what I'm taking for granted (mostly the natural environment). I don't feel any kind of nationalistic pride about 'my country' as I don't feel it has any political 'identity'.

In the interest of balance:

The roads here are kinda nasty and bumpy, although occasionally you happen on one that's been built properly and then hardly used (hooning ensues). You can learn to love the vast 'empty' landscape, or you can find it depressing - I'm somewhere in between.

There are lots of other things I don't like that much about Australia, like the baking heat in summer (doesn't apply to Tasmania) and deadly snakes and spiders in your bed, your car, under rocks and bark and in the water. There's also a general lack of taste (holdens), culture (the footy show), inspiration and progressive politics that makes it pretty frustrating to look at the interesting stuff that seems to be going on elsewhere.

I'm also secretly (not so secretly?) dreaming of a white Christmas

ps - for the record, I have been to England a long time ago and I liked lots of it - the Isle of Wight, the bit of Scotland I saw (that's still England right?) and the funny accents in different parts. The housing situation was a bit of a shock though.
S2 licensed
I laugh loudly (cruelly) at you Europeans (mostly British) with your cars - sitting around under tonnes of snow, rusting away outside in the rain (because there's just no room for a garage), compulsory MOT (right?), huge insurance costs, crowded roads, speed humps and cameras everywhere...

For comparison, I pay $200 a year to insure my '95 306 (which I imagine is taxed as 'dangerous and unreliable' in your country) against fire and theft and I don't ever have to get it inspected unless I let the rego lapse for more than 3 months. I also get to live in a scrubby temperate area (paradise) with 4 garages to choose from, no traffic, speed humps, cameras or even police within cooee, and the weather is usually around 25 degrees in summer with the occasional day around 40 where we all melt. I can leave the keys in the car overnight and it will still be there in the morning.

From here I can see the local small mountain (with a sealed road all the way to the top) and the calm blue water of the bay. I can hear sound the cicadas in the trees and people at the (sandy, clean) beach, which is about 200m from my chair.

Last edited by clippit, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Klutch :"Rave" is not a genre.

Is too :P (wait for it)

I don't normally go for drum and bass, but I thought most of the "Emotions DnB Mix" was pretty good:

1) Jose Gonzales & The Knife - Heartbeats (Solarcube Bootleg)
2) Korn vs Unknown Error - The Yearning Coming Undone (Aggro1 Mashup)
3) Alexx Rave & Julie Ann - Nobody Knows (Vortex Involute Popgirl Remix)
4) Peixe Kru and Cybass - My Girl (Madmen and Poets remix)
5) Sigma - Paint It Black
6) Steve Angello & Laidback Luke feat. Robin S - Show Me Love 2009 (Blame Remix)
7) Calvin Harris - I'm Not Alone (Featurecast Remix)
8) DJ Panik feat. M-Rode - I Miss You
9) B-Matrix & Futurebound - Reflection (feat. Cat Knight)
10) Danoo - Lock My Love
11) Danny Byrd - Red Mist
12) Leonid Rudenko - Everybody (Danny Byrd Remix)
13) Deadmau5 & Kaskade - I Remember (J Majik & Wickaman vocal mix)
14) B-Complex - Beautiful Lies
15) Subsonik vs. Kiro - Hold on
16) The Egg - Walking Away (J Majik & Wickaman Remix)
17) Alesha Dixon - Let's Get Excited (Blame Remix)
18) Unknown Artist vs Mia - Paper Planes
19) Blackman - It's Alright
20) The Ian Carey Project - Get Shaky (Matrix & Futurebound Nnip & Tuck Mix)
21) Mark Wilkinson - Blood Diamonds
22) Sub Focus- Rock It

Mostly (besides ultra cheesy 'rave' and eurodance) I go for this sort of thing:
Orbital - Lush (it's got a pretty cool video too, but the sound is bad on that)
Underworld - Dirty
FSOL - Landmass
And maybe some wobbly dubstep too
Last edited by clippit, .
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :leetil car!

that's hot I hope you get it fixed so we can see the front [etals:]

I got my handling upgrade kit in the mail and hastily fitted it to my racing car - I think you'll agree it looks like it handles much better now:

Last edited by clippit, .