I would like to propose some addon or change in files, so that people could cruise, drift, wrc at night, without replacing the files manually. The inside of the car could be lit here and there, some small lights on the velocity, gear etc. On the street some cone lights, so that people would have more fun. I think it can be done by replacing textures, but addon or some script would work better because of the glow of the light and that would change everything. It will make the game realistic and also kind of mystery, especially when someone would speed up near you when You stand or you drift in tandem. Something like Tokyo Drift scene.
Recently I tried to make happy thing for fans of Japan drifters and all drifters, so here it is. Its still under development but looks already quite realistic. More changes will come in coming days.
[screenshots removed]
Last edited by Flame CZE, .
Reason : removed screenshots with vob mods