I did another hack, to fit LFSLapper to our aims, and I think that it is useful for many other people too.
We run two servers. You have to earn a license on the first server, to connect to the second one.
So I implemented into LFSLapper the check, weather a racer has a license or not. If not, LFSLapper kicks him out.
To perform this check, LFSLapper checks a PHP-Script at a custom URL (http://yourdomain.com/yourscript.php?user={Username}) for a short return-value: 1 or 0.
The Part of the config looks like this:
# Here you can enter an URL to a custom PHP-Script of your Website, to # check, if a connecting user is licensed to drive on your server. # The URL has to return 1 in case of a licensed driver. Otherwise 0. # If you do not want to use this feature, comment this lines by # CheckLicense = http://www.bullracing.org/cron/dataaccess.php?action=checklicense&username={Username} NoLicenseAction = /msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}| /msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}| /msg You need a License to use this server!|/rcm_pty {Username}| /msg ^7Check www.BULLRACING.org^8 !|/rcm_pty {Username}| /kick {Username}
I added one class called "licenses.cs" and did some very(!) small changes in the Main.cs (you can find them by searching for "venni").
I attached those files here. Maybe you can implement it in the next version. Many thanks in advance.