WoW ok I'll go D/L it again maybe it is corrupted...
normal people where your from don't... Where I'm from normal people... its a way of life... its like in australia where a cigaraette is a fag and they call each other mate... different customs and relations through out time so you can't definitively say NORMAL people cause it depends on where your from and I know this isn't a pompus site cause I've watched it from my hommies comp when he plays and interacts with you all and you all seem tight....<--- Slang
oh and I didn't really think it out like a programmer would cause thats really really indepth and I figure if the idea was truly striking they (everyone) would ask more but this is TRULY a RACING SIm and its staying that way much respect and I STILL LUV LFS that ain't neva gonna change cause I know a few things that piss me off about other wanna be racing simulators...

NHRA 2005, NHRA 2007 and I think the otha one is sega rally ( but I'm not putting money on that cause my hommie has the game I'll ask him if you really wanna know... ) but yeah theres NFS carbon which is ok but its tooooooooooooo ricey.. no true aspect of racing but it does have alotttttttttttt of positive points that i do enjoy like the speed shift and you gain momentum.... (everyone like that i think..) but yeah
I like how you are reminds me of myself (not being big headed) cause I don't take shit from peeps and I tell it how it is and I do have implementation for morals when needed ya know? anywayz koo I won't call you the dreaded bro term cause I know how that stuff is when you don't want someone calling you something all you had to do is ask dang... lol
Your koo in my book!!!