I recently decided to build a h-shifter from a joystick. I use a logitech 3d pro as a base, and i want to use it with FF Shifter software. The problem is, the joystick is working with the software perfectly, locks in gears and everything. But when i open for example LFS, TDU, TDU2, or any other game that supports manual h-shifers, the joystick just snaps out of gear, becomes soft, and the games does not recognise it. It just takes it as x,y normal axes. What am i doing wrong? Maybe you guys tried this before. How do i actually configue this thing correctly? Is there any key combination i have to press when in game, so that activates the software?
If i open notepad, and shift through gears, it shows buttons from 0 to 5 being pressed (or letters, depend what i assign in ffshifter). I go in game, and assign first gear to buttton 0 on keyboard, second gear to button 2 and so on. But the joystick does nothing. It is soft, and doesn't lock in place as it should do, to change the gears.
Any ideas?
If it's not the right section of the forum to ask, i am sorry, and ask the admin to move it.