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Problem with hosting and /axload
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
I can't figure out how to use the /axload command in my setup.cfg file. If I go into the host command window, and type this command:

/axload mytrack

it works perfectly. But, if I place this command into my setup.cfg file:


LFS complains about it being an invalid parameter.

Any idea where I am going wrong here?
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Download the LFS host executable ( The setup.cfg that comes with it seems pretty complete (works for me).
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Put this line into your setup.cfg file:

When you design your track, place route checker objects at key locations. As soon as someone goes over a route check that is out of sequence, they get kicked out to spectate.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from Woz :I have to ask, what has driving in the snow on roads got to do with racing.

Lots of racing occurs in snow, albeit not on public roads: ... x-7-club-winter-autox-03/

Quote from Woz :And this is why it has no place in LFS, a game of driving skill not throwing a car into a corner and letting TC take care of the problem

It's amusing to watch someone use TC on an autocross course. Amazingly slow times are the only result, even when the course is almost completely ice. I would happily race against someone that depended on TC.

As for LFS, I don't see why TC couldn't be allowed as an aid for newbies. It won't get them good times, so it's not exactly a cheat of any sort.
Last edited by Murray Peterson, . Reason : Stupid keyboard...
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :....and spare cash
Believe me, I've got the drive and i would certainly have the commitment. Its the finances that I'm lacking in

Is autocross expensive where you live? In the winter, I race our 1995 Honda Civic, no special tires, no special equipment other than a good helmet. Entry fees in the winter are $20 for club members, and the Civic doesn't burn much fuel. It's the cheapest way to race a car that I know of, and it's one where I can "arrive and drive".

Summer autocross is going to be a different story. I will be running a lot of events in the S2000, and that car eats up tires (expensive ones) and fuel (premium) at a ferocious rate.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from The Moose :
Still, i'm getting on a bit now, it's too late to find out that i actually have some talent. I'll stick to sims, they don't make your arms ache so much

I am not exactly your average youngster -- 57 this year. However, if I can keep up my current improvement rate, I should be in the top 5 of my area by the end of the summer, top ten for sure. I don't think it's about age -- it's about drive and commitment.

I do find it strange that LFS is useful and helpful, but it seems to be falling behind real life in almost all ways. Just strange, not really questing the reality of the whole thing...
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
I have been running our old Civic in winter autocross, and I now find that my performance in real life has surpassed what I can do in LFS. Strange -- perhaps the "butt feel" of a real car is starting to become more important.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
I ended up building my own cockpit. I could post pictures of the build, but I am not sure what the point would be... It works perfectly for me, it's very, very cheap, but you can't go out and buy one.

One major design item I really must point out -- cockpits that have a pole coming up between your legs. This is NOT a good format when you want to practise your left foot braking skills.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
The physics and the fact that I can design and run autocross tracks.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
The packs don't give you a way to bypass the LFS object limits. They allow you to define a group of objects and to manipulate them as a single entity -- makes editing much simpler.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Unless your desk is made out of concrete, it will vibrate, wobble, and even move around some when you are racing. These movements end up making the LCD wobble even worse, because most LCD monitors have a spindly little stand that accentuates any motions of the the desk it is sitting on.

What I needed was a stand that was really stiff and locked the LCD screen's motions to those of the desk. I bolted a crossbar to the back of the monitor and use that to slide into stand and hold it upright.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
My monitor wobbled badly, even on a very heavy table that held it and the wheel. I Made a wooden mount/frame that held the monitor instead of its plastic stand -- no shake or wobble at all now.

I'll post pictures if I get a chance...
Bug report -- "unexpected error!?"
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Connect to solo2, server and save the layout. When you try to open it in Lyte, it brings up an "unexpected error!?" in the header of the file.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
What makes you think I don't like it? I really don't care if the speedo is digital or analog for LFS cars.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from beefyman666 :S2000 is one of a few cars that I can think of off the top of my head.

Mk2 Astra GTE had it and so did the Fiat Tempra.

Theres probably loads more but I can't think of them.

All the newer Honda Civics have digital speedos.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
I do wonder about all of the fuss surrounding the speedo. My car has a digital speedo (, but I rarely have the time (or the guts) to take my eyes off the track to look at it. I even put in an audible redline beeper so I didn't need to look at the tach.

The only time I take a peek at the speedo or tach (usually the tach) is on a straight where I can see how much speed I got out of the previous corner. The actual value doesn't matter there -- it's just to see if there is any difference from the previous lap.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Something to add to your request list: Could you put in a feature to make the cones "larger than life" when showing on the map? Right now, they are tiny when the entire course is visible, and artifically large objects (especially cones) would make it simple to print out a course map. BTW -- I really like your future plans for this tool. Sounds like it will become the "compleat" autocross tool.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
I am much slower now compared to when I was younger (I was way better than average back then). Mind you, I also thought racing was about reaction times, but I am discovering how wrong I was... In about 20 years, I may even become a good race driver
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
0.45 seconds reaction time must be for my grandfather I am 56 and my times test out to an average of 0,225 seconds (low 0.205, high 0.266 at
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from wsinda :Perhaps AnalyzeForSpeed works for you.

I tried it, and it's not suited for autox either. Oh well, I guess this gives me something to do for the winter
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from DavidSS :

1) When "Throttle blip on downshift" is on ... does it seem realistic compared to real driving?

Nope -- it's perfect every time. In real life, I get some RPM mismatches due to being a bit heavy or light with my foot on the throttle, or being off a bit in my timing.
Quote from DavidSS :
2) Does LFS simulate damage to the drivetrain when down-shifting hard without throttle blipping? (in other words turning off the "Throttle blip on downshift" option in LFS, and then not manually blipping with a clutch on your pedals.

3) Do you get more speed and better lap times with this option on or off? (in LFS)

Sorry, no idea for either one -- not enough LFS experience yet.

Quote from DavidSS :
4) What do you prefer and why?

To always do my own throttle blipping. It's not about winning LFS races, it's all about becoming a better driver in real life races.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Thanks for looking at my problem. Looks like I may have to implement my own autox analyser.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from wsinda :I haven't tested it with autocross. It could be that autocross is difficult to support, because there is no predefined course along the track by which the car's progress can be measured.

But in any case, LRA should certainly not crash. Could you mail me the RAF file, so I can debug LRA?

I mailed you a link to the file (I can't see how one can send attachments via the email system here).
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
Quote from Michael Denham :Is yours an earlier one? I've autox'd earlier and later model S2000s and the vtec can be 'fun' in the older ones, but of course a bit more difficult to manage! Definitely less pronounced in the later cars, although I think that was part of the charm of the earlier cars I also drove a supercharged S2000, with a surprisingly peaky powerband. Now THAT was fun when it hit vtec.

Mine is a 2001 AP1 (older one with the 9000 RPM redline).

Quote from Michael Denham :
I really enjoy using LFS Tweak to get an idea of how much difference power mods or wider tires or other mods make.

I haven't started using LFS Tweak yet. The built-in facilities already provide a rich set of choices.
Murray Peterson
S2 licensed
I forgot to mention that keeping off the damn throttle is a very good strategy, both in the game and with an S2000. When an S2000 hits vtec in a corner, watch out! I have cone scuffs on my rear bumper to remind me