Many thanks for trying that yourself, but what is the analysis? Superficially I would say that the AI is not aware of the race situation, meaning that each AI driver drives as if the car is the only one on the track. It seems not to be able to leave the ideal line to overtake a slower car on the ideal line.
The development of the thread really intrigues me now. The discussion about the capabilities of the individual AI drivers made me really curious. I hope you guys are willing to tell me more about this.
Hello folks,
many thanks for the replies. Here my comments:
I usually drive a lot of clearance, so I doubt that is the reason but will compare setups.
I was not aware of that option. Problem solved. Thank you very much !
driving defensivley does not help if you are just swept of the track from behind. Basically the AI just tries to drive through me.
I am not talking about absolute driving skill. I can set the level for all drivers and they indeed drive faster or slower then, but how does the AI determine the relative speed from driver to driver ? random ?
(new 6)
I just noticed the *.drv files. Does anybody know what the values in there mean ?
the more I drive the more I am puzzled by the game. I am not a very good driver but I seem to miss some essentials while driving against the computer drivers on amateur level. I drive currently on Aston Cadet reverse with the FW08. I can drive generally about 2 seconds faster than the computer drivers but.....
when I get into the sand I lose about 2-3 minutes to get out. The computer drivers take a couple of seconds to do the same. What I am doing wrong ?
When they ram my car, my car seems to get damaged, while their seems not to suffer any damage. Do I have a game setting wrong ?
If there is any damage to their cars it gets reapired in the pits, while mine stays damaged . Most races are gone after lap 1 as my car gets wrecked by a deliberate crash from behind. The car is then damaged beyond repeair. Why ?
So far my only winning tactic is to stay behind the field in lap 1, then make my pit stop right away, close the gap until the AI drivers have to pit and overtake the field in that moment. Any dispursed traffic will result in deliberate crashes from behind and lost race unless I carefully avoid to drive the best line. How can I win races by driving normally ?
All AI drivers seem to drive the same line no matter what grip they have. What makes the skill level of an AI driver and can it be changed somehow ?
Or do I get the whole thing wrong and I am not supposed to race with the AI drivers but just watch races ?
Hello everybody,
I am puzzled by the behavior of the computer drives. Basically they seem to behave like stock car drivers all the time and simply ram any other other car being in their way. Is there a setting to set the driving style to a normal behavior ?