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S2 licensed
Your current CPU should be more than capable of running MW2 without any issues. I use an old P4 2.4ghz and i have no problems running it.

Some sites say P4 @ 3.2GHz and some say P4 @ 2.4GHz is minimum and since I don't have any trouble i guess 2.4GHz is the correct one.

FYI my other specs are 1,5Gb DDR ram and Gigabyte geforce 7600gs (overclocked)
S2 licensed
Drag slicks are specifically designed for the special requirements of drag racing, being constructed in such a way as to allow the sidewall to be twisted by the torque applied at launch, softening the initial start and thus reducing the chances of breaking traction. As speed builds, the centrifugal force generated by the tyre's rotation "unwraps" the sidewall, returning the energy to the car's acceleration. Additionally, it causes the tyres to expand in height, increasing their diameter and effectively creating a taller gear ratio, allowing a higher top speed with the same transmission gearing.

A track slick doesn't have this special designed sidewall and provides less traction while accellerating. Also, the compound is softer on drag slicks.

someone correct me if i got something wrong here.

Here is a video showing what happens with the tires.
Last edited by daanroof, . Reason : Added link
S2 licensed
More focus on the drag-racing part. Drag racing cars (top fuel, funnycar etc.) and DRAG RACING SLICKS, not slicks used for tracks. If this happen (which i highly doubt it will) i would easily buy S3 licence for £50-60

There is no dragracing slicks in S2 atm, right? if there is then ignore the "and DRAG RACING SLICKS, not slicks used for tracks."
S2 licensed
Bad drifting Any tips on how to improve it?

Edit: This is the first time I drift in a long time too.

P.S. sorry for my english (if it's bad)
Last edited by daanroof, .
S2 licensed
it's pretty hot i admit but not as hot as it seemed you meant in your first post, i got the impression you meant like 40degrees :P I just misunderstood you.
S2 licensed
Quote from iklucas :about 25 degrees celcius XD my clutch in my brains is overheated

I sense sarcasm, but if you're serious I wonder where you live because 25 degrees celcius isn't hot...
S2 licensed
Sorry for bump but could somebody please re-upload this? Entire pack isn't necessary since I only need the XFG and if there is one for XRG too, but i only see XFG in the preview.

Edit: both yamaha and kawasaki, please
S2 licensed
let me just ask why you need this? You're not S1/S2 licensed, and if you're gonna say "I have another account with S1/S2", don't even bother.
Log in to that account and stop using this one.

I say this because as it seems you are not a skinner and therefor you don't need this.
I could understand if you are a skinner and made skins for every car that you might need an FXO base but since you're not, stop requesting it.
I smell cracker...
S2 licensed
how does this insim thing work anyway? how do i use it?
If anyone could post a link to a guide or something that would be cool.
S2 licensed
Quote from Adrianrrdnd :Here are my two privite XRG skins. Original and tuner(the one with all the logos) version. So what do you think?

It's cool but that red muffler doesn't fit there(at least i think so). Though you probably did it to keep the color scheme of the mexican flag. However, keep it up
S2 licensed
Quote from lukasauno :Ok I've reworked last skin, don't be very cruel

Dude that's really nice Could you make it for XRG?
S2 licensed
Quote from lukasauno :Ok did this like in 30 mins, so dont be very cruel

Is that only 30 mins of work? :P you should try putting some more time into a skin and you would make really good skins

Quote from Nosfire :2048 ... ectrodacel/XRT_S-TUNE.jpg

Really nice Could someone make it for XRG, please?
Last edited by Victor, . Reason : removed big img quotes
S2 licensed
Maybe stupid question but how do i get Z10? I tried just downloading from the main page but I can't use the sounds in the soundpack anyway
S2 licensed
Quote from asbjoern :he has already done that, take a look in the sound packs on the first page, i think its in there

Oh, thanks
S2 licensed
Is this available with demo?
S2 licensed
I would like a Nissan 200sx sound for xrg, please
S2 licensed
Quote from Rascar13 :Could you eventually make me this tyre tread ...
S2 licensed
I used search but i was searching in the wrong section but thanks, I'll re-post this in miscellaneous addons then.
Dodge steering wheel logo
S2 licensed
I know i've seen a thread about this stuff before but i can't find it and if it still exists I'm sorry for posting a new thread but could someone possibly make a steering wheel with the Dodge logo on?

If someone wonders i'm using version Q where the steering wheel were not different for the road cars, or whatever it is that has the "normal" steering wheel, maybe just demo cars. I dunno.

Sorry for my english if this was unclear somehow.


Edit: forgot to say i want this colors on it, cause the logo exists with different colors. ... /bailz0810/Dodge_Logo.jpg
S2 licensed
Quote from h3adbang3r :
There's your answer

HAHA! is it rFactor mod?? just gotta try it!
S2 licensed
Amazingly big computer screen!
never watch TV

G25 or MOMO?

(Kinda obvious answer ^^)
S2 licensed
what? I'll choose Brabus, dunno who/what brabus is though

LX6 or LX4?
S2 licensed
Quote from nikimere :rTractor

Isn't it called rFactor? lol :P
S2 licensed
Quote from BBO@BSR :I heard that sometimes it helps to read the HTML manual that comes with the software

I know, i usually do if i dont know what to do but this time it didnt come one
S2 licensed
Hope you got your horn working

Off Topic:
Why are you even arguing about cruising and racing servers? that's not even what this thread is about, a guy wanted to fix his horn, if you don't have anything to say other than complaining at eachother, then don't say anything.