Hi guys, im trying to simulate a button press, specificaly the s key, which should change gears.
i use the "/press s" command and send it via a IS_MST message with no success.
After reading through the forumas i found this:
It seems that changing gears (which is what im attempting to do, my gear starts in zero and requiers manual input to change to first gear, then the gears are automatic afterwards) is not possible through simulation of button preses.
How do i start the car in gear 1? am i overlooking a method to simulate button presses? i also attempted using IS_SCH, this didnt work either.
my code:
public void sendmsg(string cmd, int wait) {
insim.Send(new IS_MST()
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new TimeSpan(0, 0, wait));
void restartListen(InSim insim, IS_RST rst)