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Demo licensed
Quote from Ped7g :So change it?

(it would be problem the other way around, remembering only GAME password)

Sorry, I thought you can't change it couse for some reason I never found where to change GAMEpassword, I was blind Face -> palm , anyways, I'm in with this account.
Demo licensed
Here u go, I still have WEBpassword, but forgot GAMEpassword
Skin for kal388
Demo licensed
Quote from kal388 :Sup lfs players. I'am asking for a favor, can somebody make a black xrt skin with those awesome looking head lights and maybe some tuning logos. I mean like fortec logo and others, like in the original skin and carbon hood and other stuff to make it look cool. Make it look like a drift skin? I would really appreciate for doing that!. ps. sorry for my bad english thank you ohh and upload it for me?. peace

Here is somthing that maybe interesting for you, something that you want. I didn't upload it.
Last edited by DonatDrifter777, .