Hello there, haven't posted in ages as been busy with uni work and job... But I thought I could possibly get some advice or general wisdom (if anyone feels like it) concerning biking here in UK, or Scotland more specifically.
About myself: 18 years old, 185cm (6'1") and 70kg... in case anyone asks.
I had the thought of getting a motorbike for quite a few years now, just never really got to it due to various reasons, but as now I have some money and income I guess it would be possible.
My main concern is safety - more in the sense of how other drivers treat motorcyclists, do they ignore them, don't see them at all? Women in range rovers look particularly scary.
Secondly the weather (sort of interlinks with the first concern). As we know weather here in Scotland ain't the greatest... a lot of rain and generally miserable conditions. Is riding in such conditions enjoyable at all? Dangerous?
Is getting a motorbike a very stupid idea or not necessary? I am a careful person and tend to consider everything, just somehow always fancied a motorbike - plus all the benefits concerning parking, maintenance costs, fuel economy... etc
That's all I can remember that I wanted to ask, I might add a few more questions later... Please feel free to ask and comment (apart from nasty comments