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S3 licensed
LFSW name: Rejekt
In-game name: B2R Rejekt
Full team name: Born 2 Race
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Quote from Scawen :
The environment check CPU time increase is not acceptable. This 20% CPU usage is only with 10 cars and it gets far worse when the cars go through the underpass. But nearly all these environment checks are actually parts of the car (contact points and wheels) checking for collisions with nearby objects and not getting a collision at all. This suggests there is a lot of scope for optimisation. The idea is to avoid the detailed collision check in most cases if there isn't any chance of a collision. Of course, this is done to some extent already but a more accurate method is needed. The first thing to try is "Oriented Bounding Boxes" for the track segments. It's the obvious choice as it could reduce a lot of checking against fences, barriers and road surfaces. I'll need to try that and see how it goes before trying to think of other types of optimisation.

How does LFS do collision detection? Is there an acceleration structure, or is all geometry within overlapping grid cells checked or smth? Also, is SIMD used? Practically every CPU supports SSE2 nowadays, even later Windows 7 updates require it. I have a lot of experience in ray tracing acceleration and would love to have a peek at the collision detection code, though of course that's likely not possible.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
45/Rejekt/Henri Virtanen/Finland/XRR/Born To Race/5526
S3 licensed
Team name: Born To Race
Team number: 35
Team car: XRG

35 B2マ Rejekt (Rejekt)
S3 licensed
Born to Race #35
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
35/Rejekt/Henri Virtanen/Finland/XRR/Born To Race
S3 licensed
B2R updated skin
S3 licensed
Reporting car #80
race 2, time 18:50
reverses on racing line after crash and kills 3 cars
S3 licensed
Entry number : 35
Entry name : Born 2 Race
Entered driver (Ingame name / LFSW name / Country) : B2R Rejekt/Rejekt/Finland
S3 licensed
Protest against car #63s driving among fastest cars after being lapped, race1:

lap 2: last corners, involved in 3-car crash with leaders
lap 3 T1: prevents #04 from taking optimal line, nearly turns in front of #35, slowing both down
lap 6 oval: blocks racing line
lap 6 T1: blocks racing line
lap 9: overtakes and slows down car in p8
lap 13 sc1: passes #83, blocks racing line for #83, #86
lap 14 sc3: blocks racing line of #83 3 times, blocks #49

throughout the race, pressures cars #35, #55, #83, spins multiple times and prevents faster cars from taking racing line when returning on track
S3 licensed
Race 2
Lap 1
#07 and #35 (leading to crash with #55 too)

#07 was recovering from previous crash, joining track with very little speed at first apex of chicane on the racing line even when he could have gone through grass instead. #07 then proceeds to crawl towards second apex of chicane, still on the racing line, even when he had very little speed and could have turned left to leave racing line and still stay on the road
S3 licensed
I wonder if a simple constant emissive term for the lit elements + diffuse reflection from the surface * time-of-day-dependent ambient incoming light would look good? Just adjust the emissive lighting strength to look good in dark, during day the it would just disappear because physically-based ambient term should be far greater. + small amount of bloom for the needle to fake direct lightning onto the dash plate. The backlit numbers probably don't need bloom because the light is somewhat directed out and doesn't hit the front side of the dash plate.
Last edited by Rejekt, .
S3 licensed

Seems like that with MSAA pixel shader is ran only once at pixel center and the result is duplicated for all subsamples. So it could be that the pixel center doesn't pass the depth test, but some subsample does and that then proceeds to write the PS results computed with negative z of the pixel center... VS output clearly can have negative z for some extreme cases because of numerical issues, even if in reality the vertex is far in front of the camera
S3 licensed
LFSW name: Rejekt
In-game name: B2R Rejekt
Full team name: Born To Race
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Maybe some in-game short list (on the front page) of upcoming league races within a couple of days would help? I bet most players don't visit the forums or some external LFS sites that often, and beginners probably don't even know where to look at. The basic information for each entry could be automatically created from racing calendar/league list?

Something like:

Upcoming league races:
18.6 [local time] RTFR FZR@RO10 S3 [link to server][link to forum/racing calendar]
20.6 [local time] FM GTI XRG@AS4 S2 -""-

This would make the game feel more alive and "serious" and would create an additional incentive for organizers to list their events.
S3 licensed
LFSW name: Rejekt
In-game name: B2R Rejekt
Full team name: Born To Race
Nation: Finland
S3 licensed
Running LFS on HD630 of i5-7300HQ at 1080p (2x MSAA, some other settings dropped a bit too) gives 60-120fps, vega 11 should be 3-4 times as fast
S3 licensed
Username : rejekt
Nickname : B2R Rejekt
S3 licensed
LFSW name: rejekt
In-game name: B2R Rejekt
Full team name: Born 2 Race
Nation: Finland