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S2 licensed
Quote from menantoll :New to lfs? 20 months, you consider to be new? Or did you first get the demo 20 months ago and only recently came back and bought an s2 licence?

So you noticed the chat in the top left, you even know how to add to the chat in the top left but you failed to spot the reminder of where to go to report people which appears frequently in a different colour!. Pull the other one.

Man up, accept your ban and learn from it.

yes I had the demo for a while but rarely played. I bought S2 back in January but started playing iRacing the very next day.

And no I never noticed the streaming? chat things.
S2 licensed
Quote from Mackie The Staggie :Just because action is being taken as quickly as you would like, does not mean revenge wrecking should be an option. Revenge wrecking is one of the lowest actions a sim racer could take.

I don't think anyone is understanding what I am saying.. I am new to LFS, I didn't even know what revenge wrecking was before I got banned (if you were in the server at the time you probably saw me ask what's revenge wrecking right before I got banned) I wasn't aware of the website/forum and the ability to report people, HELL I didn't even know how to save a replay! I informed an admin of the person wrecking me several times per race, and it went on for 3-4 races. He was never kicked so I assumed the admins weren't doing anything about it. I think a 2 week ban is just ridiculous for a 1st time offense, also considering I AM NEW TO LFS and didn't know about anything!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gil07 :OK guys, let me clear this up for you

Revenge wrecking is NOT allowed on any SR server, and will not be. If you have a problem with someone, report him on our forum, with a replay! SR members often go on the server to race too, you know

In this case, the "other guy", was banned too, after someone supplied replays of him

Well I guess that's good. I wasn't even aware of the report thread on your forums.. oh well. Now how do I go about finding how long my ban is?
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn :yes really

Well I'll find you in a server sometime and I'll make friends with teh admins and I will wreck you race after race and we'll see what you do.... :rolleyes:
S2 licensed
Quote from JohnPenn :Revenge wreckers are the lowest of the low In LFS, selfish acts by selfish people.

O RLY? Even when they are wrecked intentionally by other people? I don't see how revenge wrecking is worse than being wrecked intentionally. Your statement may be true if the 1st wreck was accidental, but in my case it/they were not.
S2 licensed
HI I was just banned from your GTi server for "revenge wrecking" SEVERAL (3 or 4) races in a row, a racer rammed me out of the way for position. Instead of actually racing, he would go off track just to get by me. The last time he did it, was the 2nd to last turn on Blackwood. I was all the way on the INSIDE, and he went ON THE GRASS and hit me mid-turn, OBVIOUSLY deliberately. I had notified an admin on the server about his actions, but nothing was being done???? The admin knew what this racer was doing, but chose not to kick him even after SEVERAL races of him ramming me and other people??? The last race he did it, I rammed him back in the next turn to get my position back. The admin then banned me for revenge wrecking?!?!? This is REALLY UNFAIR. What was I supposed to do, just let the kid ram me every race without consequence??? I came to LFS from iRacing to get away from the serious-ness on that sim, only to find kids like this breaking server rules without consequence. I really would like to get unbanned as I feel my ban was NOT justified. I enjoy racing the slower cars (XFG and XRT) and your server is ALWAYS full.

Figured I would post this here as well as your forums...