I knew about f12, and I guess set fuel to zero? I just thought there was a quick way when pitting stop and go to press something on the keyboard to stop the pit and just go.
On servers where it's set to mandatory pit I would assume just a stop and go.
But it refuels. Do you have to set fuel to zero, or better yet what key can you press to just stop the pit right away? I swore there was some key to do this but I may be mistaken.
Auto clutch won't help, I've burned the clutch out with that. It slips even if i let up on the gas.
I use a gamepad and manually shift. Thinking auto shift may be the only solution... I don't care what the other threads say, something is wrong with the clutch.
Well I know how to shift a real car just fine, I suspect it's the auto clutch. If I had a clutch pedal I'll bet I would be fine. I think the auto clutch just is off in some way.
If it's and auto clutch, it's obviously letting the clutch out for me. Perhaps it's modeled to let it out really slowly. Me I would match engine speed and snap it out faster. That would be less heat right?
Anyway if that' may be the case perhaps a setting to tune how fast the autoclutch is released (in units of time) it may help.
In fact if you were to use a button to clutch (non analog) there would be the same issue right?
Oy. I'm for realism but some things just make it more fun, and I like options. For me I like to know where people are on the field, I don't have a spotter or crew to talk to so the map makes up for that. Take it away when I've got a voice recognition driven AI crew, but not till then!
Keep in goodies that don't give and advantage, don't take them out for "realism". If you go down that path, take out chat, restarts etc. It's a computer, not the real thing, keep in what makes it fun and no competitive advantage. I play cause it's fun!
You're going to get complaints when something goes away... the digi speed I will miss. I don't see the point in removing it for realism.
I say that because the track map isn't realistic either but I find it extremely useful especially in avoiding traffic after a spin etc. So will that eventually go away too? I sure hope not.
I agree it can be reported, but still being a bit new I'm reluctant until I come here to check if I am actually wrong.
I'm not that good and maybe they think they can just pass without incident, but a car on my butt still causes me to make stupid mistakes, I psych myself out!
Maybe the lfs guys will come up with a new feature where mid race joiners all appear to real racers as ghosts and not harm can be done! Well maybe not.
I like it for me but arg, why do people join mid race and try to pass so aggressively? Me I wait for a big break in the race line and if i hit traffic i pit usually rather than risk interfering.
But lately it's been a fast car joining mid, and just trying to get by. Now I'm not fast but I am trying to gain on the car before me. If I let the guy pass because he's faster, I lose time. That doesn't seem right. Do I have to yield to a clearly faster car that's joining mid race?
Beck I agree it's not perfect and somewhat of an indicator but I also relate to the last few posts.
I always start in the back because I'm not that fast yet, or worse yet, not quite in the back.
So I probably do trigger yellows (if yellows are triggered even if one is already waving? Not sure about that). About now my strategy is to actually try to go the the back to avoid the turn 1 crash that always happens.
If you wanted to get tricky about it, you could weigh yellows with starting position.
All nitpicks, as long as I don't get banned for what I'll call the overreacting-yellows. I seem to trigger them quite a lot.
Is the yellow flag really a penalty? It's just and indicator something happened. I know ctra stores how many you get, but it's kind of a useless numbers since the yellows are buggy anyway, they get thrown when I bump a kerb, or sometimes what appears to be nothing!
I've been on the servers where you just drive around, and those seem to be the most crowded etc.
But I think I'm missing something, what is so appealing about this? I know how say, city driving, runs the server, but I don't see the challenge there and wondering if I'm missing something cool. Apparently you just drive at 60mph for the most points, and speeding gets you less. Which is simple and no much to do!
I'm not slamming just trying to see why there is such a crowd on these, wish the race servers had fields that big!!
I think you guys are missing my point. Products sell at differing levels all the time. If you want to sell a product worldwide you have to be price competitive a the local currency no matter what it is, or you don't compete.
So if s2 could be sold everywhere competitively priced and boxed it would be great to see the number of racers online go up. I'm just a big fan of it and want to see it become more know as it deserves to be.
it came to $52 here which is more than a top release like bioshock etc, but since it's a niche that's why I figured it would have to cost less to sell.
I don't think Mr Bush drives sims. He's not even into reading email.
you know, it's too bad this sim is in the category of amazed users discovering it instead of it being well known!
I sure would like to see the product be "boxed" on a retail shelf, it would help the popularity enormously. Plus it would have to be a bit cheaper to get no so serious simmers to try it.
Then if that's done, for sure you need servers for different levels, because with retail boxing you'll get crazy driving.
That's interesting. I don't know if the points system is supposed to represent normal real world racing or more like a ranking system.
It seems to me if it's more ranking, a higher level licensee beating a lower level shouldn't count as much. Because if higher level licensees run on the beginner server, beginners won't have a chance to get points.
So regarding this comment, if higher licensed players play on a novice server, they are artificially raising the standard of a novice server right? Unless the points system does like I said.
Think of it like chess rankings or other games, beating someone way below you should get you nearly nothing, and beating someone ranked way higher should yield the greatest reward. Just my opinion anyway.
I realize I have to report, I just want to make sure it's not a false report. Maybe sometime I'll post a replay if I have a question about passing or something like that first.
And I guess to get to a better server you have to have skill points and slow guys won't get there.
But perhaps if the system could be tweaked to know if a car "did something wrong" they wouldn't get points. That "did something wrong" would be hard to know I suppose.
Well not so bad really but want to vent. I read the ctra faq and agree on the clean racing.
Now I haven't earned point one, I can't just get fast enough. I finish near the end and race as clean as I can, but you get no points for clean!
Then again some of the fastest drivers seem to disregard the rules, and it helps them get up front at times. It's hard to pass clean, easy to pass dirty.
What I seem to see all the time is someone knocking me out of the way, I get a sorry and they just zoom away. I've never gotten them letting me have my pos back. Now I may be a tad slower, but not slow, and it's just annoying.
Another is rejoining after a wreck. People just zip right on the track again and you have to break your line to avoid them. This is probably because it's newer players etc, but boy it's also annoying.
Yes I know I can report people but I don't want to until I know what I'm talking about, just venting for agreement/disagreement!
I'm also new and am not getting anywhere, but realized one thing as i watch other cars in replays.
As mentioned here you can drive to the left of a curb on that green area. This kind of puzzled me! Being a nascar head I'm a bit road course ignorant, but usually you wouldn't be considered racing clean/valid if you kept riding that wide.
So with real road courses, do they design them this way too? I'm wondering what those curbs are for if you just swing out over them! Anyway I'll widen my line and see what happens.
I race on the race1 server and see the single seater. But I read about bump, and never see it in the server list, although the web site always says it's online.
I'm fairly new so maybe I have a problem seeing all servers in general (usually it's about 17 in the list). Any clues?
I actually have not just let it spectate, this only happens when driving so far. Hmm I wonder, I am going to let it just spectate and see if it still kicks in...