After playing a few hours I am happy with the driving physics, My one big complaint is that the hood view is not centred, also after modding micheals default car and adding a custom hood, I no longer have the hood view, only chase views !!! wtf wtf wtf
edit: just replaced the hood with a plain carbon hood and got my hood cam back, that kinda sucks to lose hood cam when you stick a scoop on the hood ffs...
Thankfully I am a flight simulator enthusiast
As much as I love driving... I will still buy gta5 regardless of wether the physics are shit or not. There is so much to the game that I should be well entertained. Personally looking forward to the flying aspect., dont like the sound of motion sickness views though haha
Gta 4 physics were sweet, and gta physics have gotten better with each release. I have glimpsed the gta5 handling and it looks too need for speedish arcadish for me. I was surprised, it was clearly a step back.
This reminds me of what a let down gta 4 was after playing san andreas, all the stuff that was not included in gta4 really pissed me off.
This day and age we expect the best of the best and with every new version of a game that comes out, EVERYTHING should be improved.
What really makes me laugh though... gta is primarily a game built on its driving ability, hence the name grand theft AUTO. why the hell did they reduce the physics so badly and turn it into need for speed auto ! ?????
"Why has this been done? Apparently a lot of people were complaining, this group of people consisted of children and people who were just generally bad at the driving and used to pathetic racing games that weren't realistic. "
Mr J yahoo answers.
Those of you who bought and played and enjoyed need for speed over the years, you destroyed grand theft auto 5 driving physics, kthxbai
The damage cars take has been nerfed considerably.. it's kind of sad how Rockstar decided to bow to the pressure of 14 year olds who aren't even old enough to play their games... I hope they release a patch for it.
I have 2 copies of my lfs installation, 1 which I have setup for g27 use, another I have for mouse use.
The mouse use copy I have updated to 6e and unlocked again accordingly.
However every time i go back to that install and start that copy of lfs, it asks for my unlock again, then asks for the update again, then asks for the unlock again...
All done, i can get online and drive.
Next time I start that copy I have to do it all again.
I do not understand why the patch I have now installed several times, seems to want installing again and again forcing me to use more unlocks.
PoVo, if victor bans that guy, the guy will probably attack lfs master server or something.
I imagine Victor is unwilling to risk this...
I really do miss the old days when people dealt with problems using fists, guns and swords and beating each other with 12 inch black rubber penises. It was so quick and easy to deal with beef.
I dont business with all this ddos hacker bullshit.
Well that must make me old fashioned
Here is a random selection of words I have chosen to post which bare absolutely no relevance to anything.
Or you could buy s2 and join servers that are monitored by admins and have good communities with them, drive some sexy cars, upload some sexy skins for your cars, meet some sexy people and gain a fractional bit of extra respect in lfs forums and much more
It took me 3 years to get off demo, was the best thing I ever did ^^
Buy s2 !
It really is worth it ^^
If you want to get away from the trash compactor/reject bin known as demo that is...
(dont get me wrong, i know there is probably some good guys and racers on demo atm, but you all need to buy s2 if you want us to give a crap)
Nobody really wants to sit and script a whole cruise server insim code for some random guy on request.
Hence the lack of replies.
Your best option is to download 1 of the several open source cruise insims on this forum and learn to make modifications to it.
People are more likely to give help and advice to someone who is actually doing something towards their goal ^^
Failing that just use one the several cruise servers that allready exist, which are too many of anyway.
Its one thing to get an insim and server running, its another to establish a good community base for it. You could get someone to do all the work for nothing as there are many popular cruise servers out there with some great features.
If you want to practice tracks do it offline, then you dont hurt anybody, you can toggle a racing line on/off with 1 of the keys, i cant remember which, but a racing line will clearly work as well as having a ghost.
It changes colour to show when to acc or brake or coast.
Very useful for someone who wants to learn a track, probably better than a ghost.
You can use racing line online too.
Only you will see it.
I think it is unfair that so many people expect the devs to clean up account theft mess.
If you keep spamming them with this kind of stuff, they will never get time to release s3 and sciroccos etc.
It is the responsibility of ever interent user to keep his/her online accounts safe.
If people want accounts on anything in the online world they need to study on how to keep them safe.
Its not victors job to manage your account for you.
I will give you some tips
1. never click links
2. never download files
3. never trust anyone
4. everyone is out to get your account.
Live by these 4 points and you wil be like me, never ever had an account loss on any online service ever.
there is an account recovery service on the website.
If you cant get your account back this way, then dont bother trying.
Contact the police and report individual, buy new account.
It really is not the devs job to sort it out, though they will probably try.
Too much of this crap going on lately, if i was devs I would tell you all to gtfo and buy a new acc and keep it safe this time, dont lend it to people and dont download files from others in lfs who maybe tempt you with some sort of LFS hacks or cheats.
I think the devs should make a disclaimer regarding account theft/loss and have it printed in the places you would pay for your s2 accounts.
I dont think cleaning up after teenagers is what the devs would class as fair customer service.
the fairness swings both ways, be fair to the devs and look after your accounts better.
When you say infinite flawless support, i say infinite noobish teens who cant look after a simple password.
ban file in hosting folder contains all users banned from your dedi host.
Ban file in your lfs client suggests bans commited when you host your own game from your client.
I actually do forget that we can host games from our lfs clients lol.
There is at least 2 people per day caught doing this in LTC.
It is a dangerous cheat as it allows cruisers to gain LP and cash much faster than normal.
Our forums are receiving more and more reports of people using these things, including blatant admissions of there use.
More and more users are using this and now even a respected programmer has been found to be using them in our quieter servers.
What can we do, can we submit replays and usernames to devs for action to be taken?
Or do we just reset there accounts and ban them for a week or something.
When I first entered this server, I was impressed, i enjoyed cruising for an hour or 2.
Kitty rammed me a few times on purpose but no fuss came of it.
Came in a couple more times over the next few weeks and drive for maybe 30minutes a time.
Always follows rules, never got into any fights.
Anyway i just had a 3 month break from LFs and tried to log into WKD, behold, banned!
In the past I have had to ban beav from LTC because of him being foolish and whining, never held it against him, it was years ago.
Perhaps he has banned me out of petty revenge from that ban years ago ? perhaps he went through a list of LTC admins and mods and banned them all lol.
He knows I have been in the server as I was wearing my LTC tag, he said nothing, I even complimented him on his work.
If he wanted to ban me why didnt he have the nads to tell me and do it, instead of banning me whilst I was afk for 3 months lol
1 thing I know for sure, his server is popular because it is a reject bin for the social failcake troll kids who are not tolerated anywhere else.
And from what I see here, many bans for nothing, the power abuse can be smelt a mile away.
When i first entered the server with my LTC tag, immediately beav posted a message saying " Great admin make great server" I guess that was aimed at me as if to say, hey look at me I have a great server and my admins are going to make it the best server ever because we dont abuse our powers!. well that lasted all of 1 week lol, now his server is known as a vile hole for racists and trolls, power abusing children and generally socially failed misfits ^^ great job beav ! and I thought it had potential.
I rate the server insim as 9 out of 10, i rate the admins capability of running the server 1 out of 10.
This is what happens when you have more cannabis smoke in your head than brains beav !
Just read the rest of this thread and LOL, you banned all LTC for nothing ? I remember all the times you was immature and being a whiner in LTC, ramming and abusive, you were warned several times, and received short bans on occasions, I think LTC is very damn tolerant of the likes of you tbh, considering you run a server that bans people for being in other teams.
And you have the balls to say that other cruise server admins are dicks ???
Face it, you have made your server the worst sounding cruise server of the year.
banning a whole team because of something that rage said or did whetever I dont know nothing about it...
well we all know rage acts like a 3rd dynasty chinese warlord with his power sometimes, I even said this in the LTC forums at some point, probably peeved a few peeps off but I dont give a rats ass, I say the truth whether people like it or not. but that is no reason to ban all of LTC ffs.
I have no idea of anything that has happened between LTC and WKD apart from this thread which is not even clear on the matter.
Thats like banning a french guy for example then saying no french allowed in the server...
No different from outright racism.
If I was you mate I would have a long review of the people you got running your server and have new laws in place for admins, clearly they cannot be trusted with the powers.
Make them submit replay when banning people, so there is clear evidence to show it was warranted.
Stop banning entire teams because of an altercation between you and 1 guy.
Seriously I thought your server cool, now all this and I cant get in because of 1 guy ??????
well fact is i will run a race server and 2 drag servers just for them to fill up with arab drifting nubcakes ^^ they dont comprehend the meaning of the sentence "not a drift server" so this leads to me bannign every last tard in the servers cos they are all doing the opposite of what the server is for.
So yes, mornoic of me to ban peopel for blatantly ignoring the server rules, the only reason all those gits are on X still anyway is because they are too thick and probably get banned every account they make on Z cos nobody in Z patch will tolerate them
So ye, for me to ban them all from mys ervers in a swoop is magnificent fun, its not like they dont deserve it.
Arab drift is fail, it was designed by a guy who 1 day lost control driving in a straight line and thought to himself " hey i will just make up a name for this and say its a hip thing to do"
Never did like drifting TBH, sometimes I load up a few servers on demo version X cos there is like 200 turks who still like to arab drift there, I wait for them to fill up my 4 servers then I ban them all, it is so wonderful.
When i am parked and spectating people my alarm will go off if my wheel is turning left and right, as in using spectator cam, can we make the minimum speed that the alarm goes off, optional?