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Quote from TRM.13 :I am back to LFS since years with the game left and unfortunately the game closes when I select VR. I use Pimax 5k+ and I think I do everything right. I can configurate everything but when I choose VR/OpenVR/solo configuration in VIEWS I see (only in monitor, not in the HMD) for a pair of seconds the next configuration window but then the game closes. I have the latests U patch, latest SteamVR and latest Pitools (1.01.197)

Thanks for the help and sorry if I did not see the solution in another thread (I have tried to find at least)

EDIT: I can play in monitor without any trouble

It's not .197 at least since I just tried out LFS with the 120hz mode.
I've had this issue once before, but I can't remember how I fixed it. I think I may have restarted everything including pc, but I'm not sure.
S2 licensed
Quote from emiljensen2 :Scawen do you know at what point lfs generally clips in regards to ffb? / at what point you get the most out of it on the software side.

Ie I run ffb at 100% ingame I can feel "tire direction", going forward the wheel changes ffb heavily when going to center while slaloming.
In a drift you can very distinctly feel when you've hit the point where the car will start to straighten. Kinda like a different ffb texture.

but with for example 25% ffb you don't feel this, though the strength kinda feels similar across the whole range.

At 60% the ffb gets heavier with more steering in a drift much more gradually/smooth giving a "round" feel

Heh, I've upgraded to a simucube 2 which has an option to beep when clipping, and tried out drifting with the XRT. I was seemingly clipping while in drift at 60%
I've settled at 18%, this doesn't clip when force transitioning with the wheel, or doing car park burnouts to cause a tank slap in the other direction. Though those are rare cases, so can increase by like 10-15% safely with little loss.
S2 licensed
Scawen do you know at what point lfs generally clips in regards to ffb? / at what point you get the most out of it on the software side.

Ie I run ffb at 100% ingame I can feel "tire direction", going forward the wheel changes ffb heavily when going to center while slaloming.
In a drift you can very distinctly feel when you've hit the point where the car will start to straighten. Kinda like a different ffb texture.

but with for example 25% ffb you don't feel this, though the strength kinda feels similar across the whole range.

At 60% the ffb gets heavier with more steering in a drift much more gradually/smooth giving a "round" feel
S2 licensed
Quote from numbazZ :for some reason LFS stopped working for me, it crashes after a couple of seconds. I've updated the GeForce graphics driver yesterday, version 431.60, maybe that's why

I've had this without test patch, not sure what has caused it. but a computer reboot fixes it for me iirc.
S2 licensed
Quote from F.C.Barcelona :With my wheel (that appears as "First Person Controller") I notice the smoothest FF with the highest possible values ​​although there is more difference between the U and U7 patch than between the U7 with the minimum values ​​and the U7 with the maximum values.

U defaulted to 256 steps, and an update rate that was based on fps. So you'd have to use around there for a similar feel. I do find it interesting that scawen didn't include the original default, though there's not much point.

Most direct drives should be called "SimuCUBE" as that's the most used solution. I think the newer one would be called SimuCUBE 2, but I don't have one yet.
S2 licensed
That sounds good.
Will be awaiting U7 then Smile
S2 licensed
Well it wouldn't really be an old game if something didn't depend on framerate Big grin
That would be nice, I'm in VR so forced 90fps cap, so I guess that limits the updates to 50hz?

I would guess 500 steps would be enough, my friend with a TSPC said he can't notice any ticking with his lfs, though he is also on a monitor with uncapped fps. Belt and gears do have some inherent slip+delay in ffb delivery, compared to a direct drive.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for pointing this out.

The input to DirectInput is a value from -10000 to 10000 so it makes sense to have a maximum value of 10000 for FF Steps.

I've now set that as the maximum and changed the default from 256 to 500, so that will be in U7.

Do you find 10000 works well?

Thanks for the reply scawen.

Yeah 10000 works quite well, it's quite a bit smoother, less reconstruction filter means the signal input is less smoothened and has less "processing" delay. Most other sims like assetto etc 1-2 is usually all that's needed and it's pretty similar now with LFS.

On the same note, I did think a bit and went to 3d/monitor view and uncapped fps. This also produced smoother wheel feel, even at 256 steps. There was a decent difference at 90fps cap or unlimited (900fps).
I remembered something about the engine either running 50hz or 100hz and tried 100/110fps cap, but it still produced different result from uncapped.
S2 licensed
Something always comes around I guess.
Is it my imagination, or could names possibly fade in a bit faster in one eye?
S2 licensed
i did some more messing around. I found the value with cheat engine, it wasn't too hard as the setting doesn't move around.
Even better is that it is editable while the game is running.
With some of my resarch I found some people using 65535 for some similar settings in rfactor.
What a difference, with 0 recon filter I can barely feel the steps, there's a very fine grain now. Recon 1-2 is plenty compared to the 8 I was using before.
OSW notchy FFB
S2 licensed

I am the owner of a OSW wheel.

LFS is very notchy on an OSW wheel, like a ticking or feeling of steps in forces.

iRacing ffb is 60hz update rate but it doesn't feel as bad as lfs does.

I've managed to track down the FF Step setting, if I lower this for example to 64 there's a lot less ticking, but they are of course of greater strengths.

I can't seem to go above 256 for this setting though.
Right now I'm using the reconstruction filter we have to filter out the peaks in ffb so it feels more rubbery like it did with my t300.

Interestingly, not sure if placebo or not it also feels like there's a difference in ffb between 720 degrees and 900? the 900 feels like you can feel more but it is also a lighter ffb.

Thanks in advance.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :OK, that should be fixed in U3:

Can confirm. Haven't noticed anything else. Thanks for the great work.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks for the feedback on the tree fix. Even though they aren't included in the new LFS, it was worth a quick fix.

As you say, the overhead names have not changed. Please could you test with PP and see if there is any problem with the names in that case. So I'll know if I need to have a look into the names drawn in rotated eye views.

EDIT: Had a quick look in the code and I'm pretty sure they are suffering from a similar thing to the tree issue you noticed. I can reproduce it in a special view mode here. For example they might look a bit odd if you tilt your head left and right. It's something to do with them turning to face the user and it's only getting that value as if the eyes were not rotated. It assumes both eye views have the same direction. So I don't really need another test result at this point. Thanks for the report.

Yeah I started testing it with PP and it seems fine. (Also I didn't notice it when I played with PP prior to the patches, only now so that would seem to further confirm)
Such small things, yet play with your head hah.
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :OK, it should be fixed in this test patch.
You can also select the "Resolution adjustment" aka PPD / Supersampling.

Trees working fine now. Pretty good.
Could this have affected overhead names in any way? It feels like they're different now weirdly, like wrong depth or something to that affect.

Actually nevermind I jumped back and forth a few times, and I finally noticed it on U. Is there a depth setting or something alike? My IPD is set to the one my prescription says.
Last edited by emiljensen2, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :Thanks, I think I have some idea what it is now. Probably a more subtle effect than I was imagining from your first post on this issue. Now I see that the trees are at least in the right place but it's the individual branches and leaf objects that will have an unexpected rotation. And it would only affect the trees, not those other things I mentioned. It's related to a sort of trick with those trees. In fact we aren't using them in the new graphics system because they didn't work with the new shadows.

I'll try to think of a way to see this for myself without a Pimax.

The video doesn't work for me at the moment but I'll probably have a look tomorrow.

Yeah I made a small whoopsie on the video, shadowplay doesn't really indicate upload status. I've re-uploaded it, should be up in about 10 mins on the link above.
Your description sounds pretty spot on. I do think I saw some black flicker in the distance at certain parts as well, probably not related, and at this point I can't remember if it happened with PP on or off.
Last edited by emiljensen2, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Scawen :I can't understand why that happens. If I use a modified DLL to send in the Pimax values and render the special rotated views, the trees just move around with the other objects as expected.

The trees do go through a different render system, because they are moving objects, but they are all rendered to the same render target and LFS is supposed to be in control of that. Some other objects go through that system: the driver body, the wind turbines, the marshals, the skid marks, tyres on cars, the visible frame on the MRT and the suspension parts on single seaters and LX cars, the racing line (when you press 4). Quite a lot in fact.

As I can't reproduce the problem, I need to ask you some questions:

1) I'd be interested to know if there is a problem with any of the other special objects listed above.

2) Can you post a screenshot of the problem? Please switch on the "double" option for "Monitor view" so you see both eye views on the LFS window. Then you can press CTRL+S at any time and you should find a screenshot in your data\shots folder.

I've only seen a similar thing before with some 3D glasses which were trying to hook into the D3D code to produce a 3D image from programs that weren't designed to produce 3D images. But they didn't really know what to do with anything that didn't go through the main pipeline, so all those objects I listed were not positioned correctly. But that shouldn't be happening here as LFS does the 3D views itself.

I'm not sure if I installed a dll from this thread, I used the ingame update to update my game.

1) No I haven't actually noticed it really with anything else, I can't unfocus on the trees when driving with others on autocross though. But giving the lx a go on the sprint circuit I didn't notice anything with those trees, until I saw the orange trees in the back of one of the corners.

2) I'm hoping you can see the difference on the images, didn't really expect them to be so far away on screenshot heh. You can see the one under the pit light is more dense in one side.
I also created a video
Last edited by emiljensen2, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Gavin Kay :My bad, I had PP turned on already. Yes, the trees to the left are as you said, the ones on the right are fine.`

I'd expect the trees to work in the same manner engine wise, yeah it seems the row of trees looks very different in each eye. The single corner tree might only be a little different, it certainly moves with head motion though.

Man LFS really is astonishing, everything is so crystal clear and you can tell even more the difference between vive and pimax when interacting with the menus and so on.
I'm not sure why LFS still seems to be the only dev to implement showing current IPD ingame, and rendering resolution. Showing the render resolution really shows you just how much higher the resolution is with PP which explains the performance issues in other games.
S2 licensed
Quote from Gavin Kay :I have gave this a try and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. I did note they seem to be blowing in the wind and twisting slightly but nothing excessive, they all looked OK to me from a distance (I didn't have the lighthouse enabled at the time on this test)

That's how they look when I have PP enabled.
S2 licensed
It seems on the autocross track there's trees, these rotate with head motion and look different in each eye when parallel projection is disabled.
S2 licensed
Sorry for my lack of presence. I had some issues where my pimax would stop working, so I had to have someone help me which took a bit of time with the time differences.

I can confirm it works without PP, and IPD correctly reports in VR now. Great work, this is why LFS stays quite good after so many years.

Quote from loopingz :Side question what hardware do you run and how many fps in lfs? The 8k looks crazy on the paper (except for the lower refresh rate) and the 5k not bad either.

Heh afraid I'm using the 5k+ on a 2080ti, so lfs isn't very demanding.
S2 licensed
I'm afraid I haven't found a fix, PP doesn't resolve it as mentioned. I believe I've tried both beta and non-beta steamvr.
Can't remember if I tried with the newer firmwares for the pimax.
S2 licensed
Quote from THE WIZARD DK :Hej emil. jeg ved ikke hvad der skyldes dit uheld med LFS. men jeg ville høre om du synes LFS menuerne er korrekt oversat til VR da jeg er oversætter for LFS men har ikke selv VR. så hvis du ser noget i den menu der skal ændres lad mig det vide. også er det vel et sted lidt for dårligt at du pt stadig ser ud til ikke at have fået hjælp til dit problem.Håber det lykkedes at få det op at køre. Wiz

Hej wiz
Må desværre indrømme jeg sætter mine programmer til Engelsk så jeg ved ikke hvordan oversættelsen er Smile
Scawen finder vel tråden på et tidspunkt.
Pimax VR IPD stuck and weird resolution [FIXED]
S2 licensed
I just got my pimax 5k home, and LFS is one of my fav sims for drifting.

However it seems IPD is stuck at 63, which gives me a headache. Also the resolution is is weird too.
Enabling what they call "parallel projections" seems to help a bit, though I still seem to get a headache after a few minutes.
PP is also more resource intensive, but I'm not sure how much work it is to fix that the game requires it.

My steamvr is set to 4052x1919. And IPD at 64.4

ProductName: Vive MV
Manufacturer: HTC
RT size: 8192 x 1940
eye L: Left -5.756 Right 0.945 Top -1.587 Bottom 1.587
0.298 0.000 -0.718 0.000
0.000 0.630 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 -1.001 -1.001
0.000 0.000 -1.000 0.000
eye R: Left -0.945 Right 5.756 Top -1.587 Bottom 1.587
0.298 0.000 0.718 0.000
0.000 0.630 0.000 0.000
0.000 0.000 -1.001 -1.001
0.000 0.000 -1.000 0.000
IPD: 0.063
size: 8192 x 1940
size: 8192 x 1940

from the log file in the oddysey thread. I did change ipd while ingame.
Last edited by emiljensen2, .
S2 licensed
Ingame like 35%.
Decreasing FFB strength in simucube helps migrate the ticks so you don't need as much recon filter.