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Dtm cup club
S2 licensed
Buenas gente!!!Estoy organizando un campeonato DTM con el FXR y me faltan algunas plazas libres para rellenar el cupo.Llevamos 2 carreras, y la pagina es esta:

Queda 1 equipo entero (BP) y quedarian algunos libres por hay,otras 3 plazas.
Se corren los sabados hora 17:25 en España.En la web esa pone todo sobre el campeonato,fechas y la pequeña normativa.

Si hay algun interesado, con decirlo alli en el chat o por aqui le inscribo enseguida.

Gracias y espero qeu alguno se anime
MecahostLFS races club
S2 licensed
Hello to all corredores.Se created a new server (MecahostLFS races Club) where they will put combinations is not always fun to run with the same.

Every week or so will change the mix of circuit and cars, and where in this post you can give ideas, to say that you like.

todos.A guests have fun!
S2 licensed
we have entered several teams in England, Spain, Argentina, Uruguay and Estonian

Record will be fun
S2 licensed
Needless site.El enroll in any single team leader must inform the link above to communicate in English participe the team in this event.
S2 licensed
This is the Rules:

24h race at Aston GP with the FXR and XRR to choose.

A car team, with an unlimited number of riders per team to cover 24h.

The plowing a score in 10 minutes of server grade (just enough to make 4 turns out to be telling the pit), which will give the same drivers who take out .... This allowed esc + box in the qualification course.

These days will be updating the 1st post ...

All Spanish Teams are invited to this race and some overseas ...




Saturday 13 September ---> 13:00 GMT +1 (hora peninsular)


Saturday 13 September ---> 13:15 GMT +1 (hora peninsular)

Server to use: Coming Soon

Pass: Coming Soon

(The server "MCH Team" is configured to train, the pass is "24h")

General rules

All participants must have unlocked the messages in order to be able to witness events in track, in no case can hold a conversation.

You should go and nick the skin of the team you represent.

Only one car per team, or XRR FXR choice.

Teams can have any number of participants.

Behave with good ethics on track and that is a long race with participants from both noob and pro, can match both on the track, the race is long called for calm.

The blue flag must be respected although CIRCUMSTANCES computer back in general go ahead, we must understand that the other driver not to be down.

Raise the foot with caution ...


Only qualify a pilot for the same team and will take the exit on esc + rating is permitted to box.

Lasted 10 min.

Everyone has to be on track to start the race at 13:15, who is in spectator when it starts, will lose the position ...

It will be shed on the order of qualification and not restarted the race under any circumstances.


If you suffer a drop in server, you can rejoin the race, and you connect to it before giving you writing to participate in chat:
CAR REPAIRED 21h: 07m or 01h: 36m (actual time)

If your car after an accident is seriously damaged, engine failure, overheating of clutch, run out of gas, dump or leave the confines of the track, you can make boxes and exhaust back on track, but it will deescribir chatting:
CAR REPAIRED 21h: 07m or 01h: 36m (exact time) before returning to track

Failure to put the message, you lose all rounds previously made by the entire team.

This is done so that we will not review a repetition of 24h to see if someone lost the connection on lap 4 or 40, the notice is reflected in the statistics and we took turns reviewing before a fall-server or esc + box to freely add and pudiendolas have the computer back end.

A fall or do esc + box are 5 laps less to the final sum for every time you do or happens.


No pilot can stay a spectator more than 2 laps without making the driver change

In the single server should be the drivers of track plus 2 or 3 will be judges or commissioners in order to have the repetition of the entire race. (not that that will be the 24h control, they will not do).

If you have questions contact me
S2 licensed
I help to look CESAV community teams that want to participate or are interested.

If you want the rules in English will put here without problems
Aston Grand Touring 24H CESAV
S2 licensed
Hi Recers LFS forum!The days 12,13 september CESAV comunity organizes the event to 24H.

We invited many teams,for ejample Conedogers,Inferno,AMG,SR,Argentine Teams and Spanish Teams.

The cars are FXR and XRR and the circuit is AS Grand Touring.

For more information this link.(Rules) ... pic=6067.0
We traduce the rules.Sorry

If you contac for me my mail is: [email protected]

I hope to answer

Sorry my English is bad
S2 licensed
pass the qualification and the race is on the rise paragraph of inscriptions
S2 licensed
Updated improvements in the forum for a higher order
Firts Resistance Event // Limited Time
S2 licensed

Hello all Friends of LFS Forum.Habro this post to inform you that the TSW organizes an event of resistance to all of you with the same illusion that is a fact RS.This creatd secret to the great surprise to this community dodne all invited all.

NAME: First Resistance Event / Limited Time




LAPS: X (the ones within that 4 hours)
DAY/ STARTING TIME: Calification 12/7/2008 16:00--Race 19/7/2008 17:00
EVENT DATE: Calification 12/7/2008--Race 19/7/2008



NUMBER OF TEAM MEMBERS: From 2 to 4 pilots

SERVER: mecahost-teamsw



*These will be made by teams from 2 to 4 contestants, it’s not important if they are part of different teams out of this competition.
For example:
Team Y: Iker, Cocotrox - XRR

*This groups should invent a name for the team to make it different from the others. Oficial LFS teams’ names are not accepted.

*Once registered, the pilots can’t change the car.

*Registration will be open until 2 days before the race.

*Any team can be registered without qualification, being in the starting grid like this:

1-Teams qualified from less to more time.
2-Teams which didn’t qualify, depending on their registration date. Frome les to more time.


Each Group of drivers will take their own skin, eliminating the option of official teams’and the ones already created by LFS skins.
This skins will be transferred to the event’s organization for putting this event symbol and next upload then to LFSW.

* 1 hour to unlimited laps qualification.
* It’s obligatory to participate for the 100% registered in each team
*It’s not allowed to make esx+box, changing wheels and fuelling at boxes getting into through the racetrack and without driving on the lines going out from boxes.
*It is optional using different sets any race and qualification but never getting in boxes with esc inside qualification.
*It’s not allowed driving on yellow lines going out of boxes.
*In case of overturn this car and pilot’s qualification finishes.
*the pass will go up the same day of the qualification and rece general comments event



*This will last maximum 4 hours.
*It’s obligatory wearing the skins created for this event.
*100 % of the registered in each group will participate.
*3 will be the minimum laps for changing the pilot
*Maximum of time for a pilot driving will be 1 hour 15 minutes.
*Getting into boxes to fuel or changing wheels unlimited, if it’s not to change the pilot. *It’s not allowed drive on the yellow lines at the boxes exit.
*Respect any type of flags (VERY IMPORTANTE)
*In case of overturn won’t be able to get out from boxes again just in case it’s the first lap.

PS: In the server room for 32 riders, run topartecipate apra this event where we will have participants from other countries especially Eurropeans and spanish.Thanks by Reading.

Link LT:


Comments for this Event:

general rules:

Oficial Results:

Find people to form a group:

This links are in spanish and Englsh.

For rising with the symbol of skins event in [email protected]
Last edited by zara, .
Firts Resistance Event // Limited Time
S2 licensed
Hello all Friends of LFS Forum.Habro this post to inform you that the TSW organizes an event of resistance to all of you with the same illusion that is a fact RS.This creatd secret to the great surprise to this community dodne all invited all.

NAME: First Resistance Event / Limited Time




LAPS: X (the ones within that 4 hours)
DAY/ STARTING TIME: Calification 12/7/2008 16:00--Race 19/7/2008 17:00
EVENT DATE: Calification 12/7/2008--Race 19/7/2008



NUMBER OF TEAM MEMBERS: From 2 to 4 pilots



*These will be made by teams from 2 to 4 contestants, it’s not important if they are part of different teams out of this competition.
For example:
Team Y: Iker, Cocotrox - XRR

*This groups should invent a name for the team to make it different from the others. Oficial LFS teams’ names are not accepted.

*Once registered, the pilots can’t change the car.

*Registration will be open until 2 days before the race.

*Any team can be registered without qualification, being in the starting grid like this:

1-Teams qualified from less to more time.
2-Teams which didn’t qualify, depending on their registration date. Frome les to more time.


Each Group of drivers will take their own skin, eliminating the option of official teams’and the ones already created by LFS skins.
This skins will be transferred to the event’s organization for putting this event symbol and next upload then to LFSW.

* 1 hour to unlimited laps qualification.
* It’s obligatory to participate for the 100% registered in each team
*It’s not allowed to make esx+box, changing wheels and fuelling at boxes getting into through the racetrack and without driving on the lines going out from boxes.
*It is optional using different sets any race and qualification but never getting in boxes with esc inside qualification.
*It’s not allowed driving on yellow lines going out of boxes.
*In case of overturn this car and pilot’s qualification finishes.



*This will last maximum 4 hours.
*It’s obligatory wearing the skins created for this event.
*100 % of the registered in each group will participate.
*3 will be the minimum laps for changing the pilot
*Maximum of time for a pilot driving will be 1 hour 15 minutes.
*Getting into boxes to fuel or changing wheels unlimited, if it’s not to change the pilot. *It’s not allowed drive on the yellow lines at the boxes exit.
*Respect any type of flags (VERY IMPORTANTE)
*In case of overturn won’t be able to get out from boxes again just in case it’s the first lap.

PS: In the server room for 32 riders, run topartecipate apra this event where we will have participants from other countries especially Eurropeans and spanish.Thanks by Reading.

Link LT:

S2 licensed
Se habren de neuvo nuevs inscripciones para la siguiente carrera de las RS!!

Esta vez tendremos el aliciente de 2 coches aleatorios.

Coche 1 y coche 2.Se sabran media hora antes de comenzar la carrera, al igual que el clima, las vueltas, el circuito y la parada en box.

Las inscripciones se cierran el jueves 5 alas 21:30 Hora española (16:30 hora venezolana)

Par mas informacion aqui:

Animaros y a improvisar!!
Last edited by zara, .
Random Series [RS]
S2 licensed
Buenas compañeros y amigos, con motivo de descargarnos de otras copeticiones.Nluestro objetivo objetivo es divertirnos y poder hecharnos unas carreritas en plan way y sin ningun tipo de presión. Os explico como funcionaria esta mini competicion.

Random Series:

La celebración del evento tendria lugar todos los jueves a las 22.00 española (17:00 venezolana) h, hora en la que dara comienzo una calificacion de 20 minutos y acto seguido la carrera

El nombre del circuito, el coche a utilizar y los demas datos de la carrera se daran a conocer en el apartado correspondiente a las 21:30, 16:30 el objetivo es que todos tengamos que improvisar. La designación del circuito y coche se hara a traves de una formula matematica teniendo en cuenta diversas variantes que son las que determinaran coche y circuito.

Habra un sistema de puntuación para motivar la competitividad y la seriedad. (Aun esta por determinar que sistema utilizaremos)

La única regla que habra es la del sentido comun, es decir, el respeto por los demas compañeros y amigos que estamos participando en dicha carrera.

El TeamSW se reserva el derecho de expulsar parcial o indifinidamente a todo aquel piloto/persona cuya actitud no permita la disputa de unas carreras divertidas, sin incidentes, limpias, agradables y en definitiva unas carreras entre amigos.

Para participar en la Random Series es necesario estar inscrito en el apartado correspondiente.

Las inscripciones se cerraran en el momento en que se publique el circuito, el coche y demas información respecto a la carrera, quien no se haya inscrito antes de saber estos datos no podra inscribirse ya.

Esta especie de no normativa es de obligado conocimiento, en resumen sentido comun, limpieza en la pista y a disfrutar.

Un saludo y espero que haya quedado todo mas o menos claro, no es tan complicado, aunque yo me explico mal por norma general.

Las inscripciones se cierran hoy alas 4:30 de Venezuela (9:30 española)

Para mas información entrar al foro del TeamSW en

Un saludo y estais todos invitados.
S2 licensed
Quote from NelsonGPV :Jovenes los amigos españoles llevan desde el año pasado organizando la liga internacional, y ya han puesto como 3 post en el foro de AV.

Aquí el problema son los horarios para competir en sus champs, por que normalmente las carreras se adecuaran al horario de España. Y tendremos que restarles 6 horas a esos horarios.

Por eso no hay problemas.La LPS2 se adaptara en la medida alos horarios de latinoamerica..simepre dicho en la medida de todos

P.D:No somos la LIga Internacinal (LI) somo la Liga Professional S2 (LPS2) y esta acaba de nacer.
Nace Liga Professional S2 (LPS2)
S2 licensed
Buenas a todos los Latinos de esta comunida del LFS!Soy ZaRa un español del equipo TeamSW español, y vengo para comunicaros que acaba de nacer una nueva liga internacional. Liga Porffesional S2(LPS2).

Acompañada de esta liga se a creado una interfaz v delta que revolucionara este mundo del LFS.

Yo os invito a que hecheis un vistazo a las webs que os pondre y espero que algunos de los equipos aqui presentes se animen a participar Ya somos 3 equipos españoles y un argentino...y estamos hablando con varios de otros paises Europeos.Con vuestra ayuda ser posible queremos hacer la mayor comunodad y mejor liga del mundo con cientos y cientos de corredores.

La web de la Interfaz: Esta web esta aun en creacion y no eta completa del todo, pero muy pronto se acabara.Se puede ver solo bien si estas registrado en el foro de la LPS2..por cuestiones de seguridad.

El link del foro: Aqui esta toda la informacion sobre la LPS2..normativas,equipos,clanedario presentaciones de la primera carrera y un largo etc!!

Esperamos veros por alli y que participeis y sigamos adelnate con este gran proyecto .Saludos desde España