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S3 licensed
Oh Bummer, there goes my 7 dedicated servers, Long live
S3 licensed
+1 here for a full rally track
Tested on Windows XP Pro 64 Bit
S3 licensed
And works fine
Just wondering
S3 licensed
If there was to be another track (As a dirt racer), I would like the Idea of an Oval track (Dirt Stock cars style) with the option of it going into a figure 8. As there isn't a real Dirt track yet. Just an Idea
S3 licensed
Quote from franky500 : in any sense Y30 is out now, so enjoy

[LFSNZ]5 is updated to Y30 (just leaves the other 4 to when the users get the patch).
S3 licensed
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Could it be the case of the two applications on the same (insim-)port?

Well there ya go. Oh why didn't I ask here ages ago. Thanks Alot
Oh Great ones
S3 licensed
Hello from NZ. Now I run 5 Servers here for LFS. 4 run LFSlapper 5.54. Now the problem is (and I have given up trying) when I run Logmein (remote program) on the servers the Lapper will never work correctly. E.G. Log in and it's always 0/0 raced. !top will bring a Unknown Command. With Logmein off all is OK. Would love to have both. Pop onto [LFSNZ]3 and get an Idea. Servers are (PC for each). [LFSNZ]XFG (Demo), [LFSNZ]1 (Demo), [lfsnz]2 (S1 and lfs remote setup which I cant run with Lapper), [LFSNZ]3 (S2), [LFSNZ]4 ( S2 but offline at the mo). Hope you can help as LFSlapper brings a great Server challenge. Tomo
S3 licensed
[quote=dougie-lampkin;677127]I'd love a tester in maybe a week, it isn't fully ready yet...thanks for the offer

OK would be keen, Funny to be on the other side of the world, and helping out a fellow Irishman (FERMOY).
S3 licensed
Hello, Guess I better add ours.

[LFSNZ] Shrapz
[LFSNZ] Swivel
[LFSNZ] Steala
[LFSNZ] PirateBob
[LFSNZ] kumarakid
[LFSNZ] Krayy
[LFSNZ] Kiwi
[LFSNZ] 4aged
[LFSNZ] Racefactory

There are a few others.

3 servers

[LFSNZ]XFG "Demo server"
[LFSNZ]2 "S1 server"
[LFSNZ]3 "S2 server"
[LFSNZ]4 "S2 server" (Only online for Club Races)

So Hello from New Zealand
Last edited by Swivel, . Reason : Adjust server Names
Would be Keen
S3 licensed
I would love to test this if you want. Mine would be [LFSNZ] tag. We have 3 servers down here in NZ, and I really like the Idea to do this on my servers. This is if you dont mind
All going
S3 licensed
the_angry_angel. I gave up. (I had re-installed etc), then just copied the lfsnz dir onto the other PC, Changed the basic info and all going. Seams something went wrong when upgrading from X to Y. Windows by the way
Save my Sanity
S3 licensed
Been running a few servers here in New Zealand. Was (tcrally and tcsrally). Now changed to lfsnz and lfsnzx, (lfsnzx is now a problem). Racers connecting get "connecting to host" and thats it. Checked cfg file, IP addy, port forward etc. hasn't goner since update to Y patch. Going to clone the other server dir (when at work tomorrow) but is there any Simple thing i might have forgotten (works locally). Happy new year OH and P.S. when it was on as demo, it was seen in the lfs list ??
Last edited by Swivel, .
Thank you
S3 licensed
That Program has saved me a lot of time. Thanks again traxxion
Thank you
S3 licensed
Thanks alot Dan. Starting to get worried there. LFSNZ and LFSNZ x will be going soon, Thanks again
Help lfs_s2_dedi_y error
S3 licensed
Hello all. Trying to update my 2 New Zealand Servers, But every time i download the file, It has errors and cannot open. Could someone Help By directing me to a good copy, Or could someone send me one please. ([email protected]). Need the servers up and running Thanks
NZ servers
S3 licensed
Hello. You could pop over to NZ at TCrallydemo or TCrallyjumps or TCrallys1 or TCrallys2, all are open and 24/7 (well should be). Info at

Last edited by Swivel, .