As i so on GT3 Touring car cup they changed FXR GT3 spec from 32% to 31% so all results from wr's and tables are invalid or not show... is there any way we can add some percent on time so we can use 32% handicap records?
i need help to make Airio SQL working. I downloaded library from net and unzied in airio folder, in usr/lib folder i have so files for sql support libsql..... but still Airio is not making db3 files.....
Any help from someone who is working under linux will be appreciated.
I have problem with connecting Airio with IRC server. Right now we are setting up our IRC server and sometimes airio connects but most of the time he doesn't. i don't know what is problem.. on lfs side he transfers massage but i don't know where. so trace is impossible.... i dont think that port is problem because sometimes he connects.
Is it possible to create qualification system by using RName so Airio can split racers in Divisions (Serie A, Serie B...) if is possible then new command is needed like RSerieNo (for selecting how many racers in each division (serie). And if its possible to remember that in separate file so if its needed can be deleted.
ok.. we have max version of airio... so if i ask for multiclass it meens that i have read cfg files and that EQ write something like FULL: ... so i have max version of airio and want multiclass server.. but need help with making one...
Airio have many great features and i have new that u could consider or not. If its possible to add some online tracker for people to apply to some events like CUP or Race weekends or something more serious. for admin side to configure date, cars, max players and minimum lfs world PB or server pb. For players to apply to that events.
I dont think that this is to hard for someone like U
You should put SO6|5|UFB > BL2R|5|UF1 > KY2R|5|UFR without spaces
like this SO6|5|UFB>BL2R|5|UF1>KY2R|5|UFR and it should work...
and for restricted cars u must define ProhibitedCars ... On our server SHDTeam UF-BR we have defined UFB|UFR 45,0 and track rotation is not changed with ufr but since we give only UFR in server setup prohibited car is UFR and allowed is UFB. so other cars are not allowed
The thing is, we have one server SHDTeam UF-BR with restricted 45% UFR it this case named UFB (UFR Baby) and we want only restricted car to be allowed. Last night i tried and all UFR configurations were allowed but UFB statistic was only if you have specific restriction applied. Your solution will solve this problem an i can hardly wait for new version to arise.
Some question....
Is it possible to restrict car usage on one server to custom car.
I have defined UFB|UFR 45,0 and i want only this UFB car to be allowed on server. Currently i can use ufr with no restriction or ufb with restriction and have mixed race. If i put UFR restriction to INT.45% i lose UFB car group since they are same..
Q: since 2.6 version my servers was listed in global stats on ur site but now there is no SHDTeam tag on ur server? Airio is workinwith no problem on our servers.
Txn for ur prompt answer... mby solution is to put extra data in pb list... like using veriable for restriction with amount of restriction and if no rest. applyed then create variable with 0.... just a suggestion it's been so long since i wrote some code...
No i was using 2.1.1, and we done some minor changes to our cfg files and everithing is workin like charm.. i have some wish list if its possible...
1. create some variable for specific server so it uses maxtime from best time on server not wr. problem is with cars that use some restriction, and is it possible to put restriction for specific server not for just a car or track..
example... UFR intake restriction for server 11... on other servers he can run at full speed...
i tried that.. but still when i go to end screen nothing happen just stayin in end screen.. in what cfg files do i have to change data for changing auto rotation?
# The values below overwrite default settings from basic Airio server # configuration file named Airio.srv.txt.
TextLogo=^4SHD^1Team ^1UF-BR
#=======================Rotacija staza ==============================# # Track rotation scheme happening on every display of race end screen. # Number of races after which to rotate tracks by ending race - integer # "track[|laps/-mins[|car+car+]] > track..." in the scheme - string # Instead of laps, minutes can be set as a negative value, the race is # then for specified number of minutes plus one lap for the leader. RotateRaces=7 RotateTracks=BL1|6 > BL1R|6 > SO3|5 > AS2|5 > AS2R|5 > AS6|6 > AS6R|6 >AS5|6 > AS1|10 > AS1R|10
and one more thing when i issue !end command nothing happens, if i try /end it's working normal.