The news section is well hidden now. The good part of the news always was exposure on top of the forum, because the forum is a frequently used place. Even the news section in lfs-world was ok-ish. I highly doubt that new place for news is worth any effort for leagues.
I also have to recommend this tool highly. We as CityLiga are using this tool for years now and to be honest, it's perfect for our requirements as a league. If you're interested to see it in action, feel free to visit our results-section here:
As a league with multiple grids and a couple of races per raceday sometimes, it's a big faciliation to set up the tool once before the season and just upload the replays after the races to have very quick results. As a league with possible time penalties it's very easy for us to implement this penaltys into a final result.
I also highly recommend the possibility of having detailed stats for endurance races with driver swaps etc. It's a USP of this tool and a very interesting feature.
I don't think it's necessarily a bug. Maybe the setting-information is only written once in the mpr, namely at the start of the race or at every rejoin after disconnect or shift s. At every normal driverchange the new settings wouldn't be listed. Same goes with changing your settings while driving.
Something Off-Topic: Are you serious with your Avatar and racename, typeracing? Aren't you aware of what kind of attitude you are displaying to us? If it's meant funny, well, it isn't.
Haha @ hidden text.
It is in fact kind of downloadable. Just contact this nice guy. Needs a bit of effort (maybe too much for just one race) to install on your server.
Ye, looks quite the same. But it's much more powerful i think. Especially beeing able to handle driverchanges. IIRC this wasn't possible to do with LFS Stats
With the lapcharts it should be much easier, but this race blasted our memory. Maybe we can fix it soon.
Yes, they didn't get any engine damage. Looks like F. Hillen rather had the stint of his life.
Everything is adjustable. Have a look here:
With the race progress chart you can select teams (shift, strg) and define a shown max gap (in seconds) to compare you with some other teams. The "lap by lap" doesn't work for this race atm.