We are happy to announce an anniversary edition of the Cityliga, the 20. season. And we are happy to welcome two new members for our organisation! Starting with next season Dominik Engel and Ronald Großmann will join our commitee to organise the Cityliga after they were very active during the past two seasons too. We are very happy not only to rejuvenate us, but to gain a massive experience-boost, because both did successfully run several leagues and cups in the past. Ronald was acitve at virtualracing.org organising VR Masters and VR Langstreckenpokal in the past, whereas Dominik should be known by almost everybody as the man behind all these very successfull GenR-leagues (GT1 Challenge, GTi Trophy, GTM, Turbo Trophy, NEC etc.).
New faces will often bring changes, so look forward for some new ideas to make the Cityliga even better. There will be another change of staff, because i will back out of the operational part of Cityliga with immediate effect because of my lack of time on mondays, when all the races are taking place. I want to use this message for some additional words:
I joined CL 2007 as driver, summer 2008 as staff. I'm very happy that this league still exists and there's still a demand for this league. I won't fully quit my commiment, if i'm asked for help, but i still want to say thank you to the people, who contributed to this league in all that years. Starting with my staff colleagues, to the people, who donated webspace and servers and finally all those drivers i had fun with on the track. It was a great time, i met great people and i hope it will continue for some time too.
I wish you a merry christmas and a kick-ass 20. Cityliga season next year!
I want to say thank you GenR, but of course especially to you, Dom. You've organised so many leagues, so many races. Still having leagues and races in LFS is your merit for a significant part. You were and you are one of the most dedicated people round here and seeing you step away from LFS saddens me to be honest.
But i guess it's also a new chance and i hope to participate in another league, organised by you, in a new Sim in the near future.
The news section is well hidden now. The good part of the news always was exposure on top of the forum, because the forum is a frequently used place. Even the news section in lfs-world was ok-ish. I highly doubt that new place for news is worth any effort for leagues.
Round (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7): 3
Server (1 or 2): 1
Session of Incident (Pre-Qualifying, Qualifying, Race (1 or 2)): Race
Protestor's LFS Lap: 1
Timecode of Incident (EITHER MPR time OR Time of Day): Start, whole first lap
Your Car number: 303
Protested Car number(s): 071
Brief description of incident: overtaks me during formation lap and does not give up his position during whole lap. starts in front of me as result.
Die Idee dahinter ist, dass nach Möglichkeit sich die Strafe auf das Rennen beziehen soll, in dem der Vorfall gewesen ist. Das ist schon Absicht. Dass es wenn meist nur DTs als Strafe gab, liegt wohl eher daran, dass es keine/kaum krasse Sachen gab, die bestraft werden mussten. Trotzdem wurde jeder Vorgang für sich beurteilt und individuell eine Strafe festgelegt.
Es gibt schon noch einige andere (meist höhere) Strafmaße im Köcher, aber wenn die nicht gezogen werden müssen, ist da ja nichts per se schlechtes.
Und die Sache mit den Strafpositionen in der F1 sind ja meistens Vergehen wie Motorwechsel und solcher Kram. Das haben wir nicht.