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S3 licensed
Quote from Eleanor SpeedGT :Well then you have much more fun in S2, no?

Very possible that I would, if I do purchase it I will let you know how it goes .

I was just afraid that the game will get closer to being more grip related... Which the game is intended to be really, I just enjoyed the idea of drifting as I know I will never have the funds to be able to try it myself at this level.
S3 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :This makes absolutely no sense. If you were buying an S2 license anyway, what difference does it make to you what changes were made to the demo?

It seems likely that you're just lying about planning to buy S2 in some ill-conceived threat to retract your intended purchase.

Guess what? No one here is falling for that. One lost sale is insignificant. The rest of us reasonable people will go right on driving this fantastic sim, the community will continue to grow, and we'll all laugh at the foolishness on the part of a few people who refuse to accept any change in an evolving racing sim.

There's the door. No one will miss you.

Well, I guess I'll leave this thread alone. Maybe someday if the world is to your liking everyone will have their lips sewn shut so that no opinions can ever be voiced. Thank you for accusing me of "lieing" about purchasing the game, makes you seem all the more educated.

Well I guess I started a snake-pit of sorts with this post, I'll leave it alone and let the flamers continue you brew out of control... You people are the problem, not the update, not demo racers.
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :The demo may have been ruined, but i say, S2 is better than ever. You might still want to consider buying it.

BTW, you won't get flamed because you are one of the first demo racers to come in and not be screaming like you were shot.

I am still considering buying the full version, I just had some of my pride damaged since I previously had so much fun in the demo haha.
S3 licensed
Its become aparent to me that I probobly wasted my time by making this thread, as 3/4 of the replies so far are irrelevent and the result of people thinking they are witty.

Any educated responses are welcome. Or, a mod can lock this up and you will never hear from me again, and I'm sure I will see future flaming from this sentence... Posted for shared opinions, not abuse, oh well...

Thank-you for anyone making a good input.
S3 licensed
Quote from hrtburnout :That's the problem. Most whiners don't even look for a solution to their problems, they just whine and expect us to explain everything.

Thank you for your positive input, and causing people to scroll through this crap.
S3 licensed
Quote from Jakg :The setups and colours are all still there, it's just that everything is slowly being re-organised - Setups now go in the setups folder rather than settings, and the prefix is now the three letter tag (ie "FXO_") rather than a really long name (ie "FXO Turbo_").

There is an app which will convert all your setups names and move them for you by Ian.H if you look.

S3 licensed
Quote from Boris Lozac :WTF???!! Is there an end to this?! My god, how i wish i was a Mod right now!

If you were a mod, you welcome to be my guest and ban me.

Just expressing my opinion that not all drivers are benefiting from the update. For those who are, congrats, for those who arn't, I know exactly how you feel.
Patch Y - Demo
S3 licensed
I understand that many people with a full license love and support the new update.

On the otherhand, demo drivers are suffering from it, go ahead and flame me if you like for using demo, the money just got transferred into my paypal account to buy a full S2 license, after this update and seeing the demo fall to pieces I will be using the money on something else.

Not dissing the game or anything, but with x39 it was probobly one of the best simulators I have ever played (Probobly cost me some of my education, if you know what I mean ), but the patch for the demo version is definately not something most demo users wanted to see.

Clutches braking, no xrt, rev limiters, no color change, deleting of all set ups... The list goes on.

Props to updating the full s2 version, but IMO I think the demo has been ruined. Oh well, plenty of good memories.

Anyone else have a "demo-related" opinion?

Go ahead, I have my flame-gear on