There's really no point in having headlights because there is no night. It'd be great if we could get flashing though, "Get outta the way!!" *flashes lights* - But it just wouldn't work.
Good! VOB protection! Means I'm not getting banned from the TC servers for something I'm not using. Take that unrightful admins! Now you don't have an excuse to ban me!
Are we going to be able to cruise on these fully open maps? That would make the cake for me. Cruising with realistic physics is what people want, and open maps will let is drive around and enjoy that.
Because my friend was in there asking them to stop. I was tweak drifting and he was following. It was great fun, unfortunately, that's as far as I know, the only tweak demo server. And I never got a warning. Not even one.
Yes I was playing on that Ultimate Tweak Server last night with a buddy. They kept banning me for only god knows why. My friend was trying out the game and he eventually just got off because I couldn't play.
Is there anyway to remove these bans? I wasn't even getting banned, I could rejoin the server. But they wanted me out so bad, I could hardly even ask why.
EDIT: Wow.. 29 days... :X Is there any way to get this ban lifted? I really was doing nothing wrong.
Hey guys. I've been trying to get on today to play up some LFS but I keep getting this error: "Your username has not been found." I've been S2 licensed for over 2 years now, and this has never happened. Apparently I'm banned, I've searched around and that's all I can figure out with this error/bug.
I've really got no clue as to how to fix this, I've just reinstalled the whole game and nothing seems to be working. Thanks in advance!
LOL it has been highly modified to do that. You won't do it in an XFG, and if you try, you look like a handicapped kid running around in circles trying to chase a laser.
....Or you could go download Xfire, setup LFS in the Games tab, enable broadcast then actually go live. No need to do all this work for something so simple
What Mobo you have? If its an AGP board, don't bother.
Build a new system; or go buy a new one. I'd build, but you don't seem very tech-savy. I built mine for 450 and i run LFS at Max settings, full AF/AA and i NEVER lag and sometimes see over 200 frames. If you'd like, i can post my system specs. But that isn't the issue. If you're not upgrading to anything new like i said, tell us your Mobo. Whip up a google search on how to find out what it is.
1. I never said mine was Cheap-o - 2. I've never seen a PSU explode or heard of one exploding. It would have to get hot, or undergo thousands and thousands of hours of stress in order for it to explode. Even the cheap-o ones have to go threw some saftey conditions. I'm starting to get confused by your conclusions on things.
Lol, no. Stop talking. Just because its a "popular" brand PSU, doesn't mean it's the best. My PSU runs great and it's very silent. I really don't think having a 750 watt PSU is anything to worry about on the power consumption...LMFAO.
You'd have to be on welfare in order to actually have the thing hog up your cash, so don't falsely advertise. Let the man get what he wants; and like i said, the extra power is better/cheaper in the long run.
I'm on an OC'd 9600 GSO and i get like 30 frames.. The game is terrible, and you will soon realize. It stutters and crashes every 10-30 mins. I'm lucky to have gotten a very awesome 3 hours of gameplay out of it tho, without crashing. I wouldn't waste your money on GTA4 yet.
You need to turn the AF/AA off, that might increase it. I have never tried this guide on an ATi card, but you're free to try! I don't see what harm it would do.