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nitro man
S2 licensed
i am still here waiting for an update =]
nitro man
S2 licensed
Quote from SeNeR NewB

i am also from 2003 and look my massage count, i have S1 from 2004 and of S2 since Preorder
nitro man
S2 licensed
i voted for night time but i really want both of them
nitro man
S2 licensed
i have allready seen PSP with Windows VISTA and it works very fast
nitro man
S2 licensed
Quote from emoskunt :I just downloaded the new patch,
Put AA x16 to test it now everything is black. Small window,
big screen.
Is there a button for default settings or safemode?

go to your graphic control panel in windows and force AA off from driver than turn it off in LFS
nitro man
S2 licensed
the problem is i know that and i have 012
Last edited by nitro man, .
nitro man
S2 licensed
just check if it on and if does turn it off:

nitro man
S2 licensed
Quote from eobet :I'm using 4x AA and 8x AF and the yellow square pit stop parking markings on the ground flicker in most camera angles.

I'm using a 24-bit Z-buffer and I have a 8800 GTS 512mb card.

there is what is know as mip map (check out in Nvidia Control Panel) dont put this on the highest try somting in the middle
nitro man
S2 licensed
Quote from dougie-lampkin :There isn't really anything you can do's not a problem at your end, it's your ISP's problem Have you tried contacting them?

i did and they didnt help
nitro man
S2 licensed
at the moment changeing ISP is not an option
nitro man
S2 licensed
i am using AVG for 2 weeks now and also before it was like this

sometimes i can connect but after maximum 2 mintues its lost connection
this is no longer a small problem
nitro man
S2 licensed
for more than 3 months that i cant connect to almost any server, every time i get a massage that says i didnt get some info (drivers, skins etc...)

the ping are good (about 100ms and i am from israel)

i am driving LFS since 2003 and i really starting to get angry

its not ports or my router cuz i tried without router and still the same!
nitro man
S2 licensed
pings are preety good but cant connect to most of the server

Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 15 ms 18 ms 28 ms []
3 15 ms 17 ms 11 ms []
4 * 12 ms * [
5 13 ms 15 ms 13 ms []
6 103 ms 107 ms 83 ms []
7 113 ms 111 ms 119 ms
8 165 ms 180 ms 173 ms []
9 154 ms 192 ms 157 ms so-3-0-0.TL1.LND9.ALTER.NET []
10 * 157 ms 148 ms POS1-0.BR1.LND9.ALTER.NET []
11 101 ms 102 ms 97 ms [
12 113 ms 120 ms 131 ms []
13 115 ms 113 ms 121 ms [212.187.151
14 112 ms 118 ms 108 ms [213.40.13
15 119 ms * 126 ms []
Trace complete.
nitro man
S2 licensed
nitro man
S2 licensed
use winrar
nitro man
S2 licensed
Thanks Dev's
nitro man
S2 licensed
Yea Its Outttttttttttttttttt
nitro man
S2 licensed
over 600 users on the forum now!!!

i going mad release it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed: :flamed:
nitro man
S2 licensed
all the word in place 1 by 1

nitro man
S2 licensed
fisrt i play the demo for about half year and i was crap.....

then i bought the S1 and my favorite car was the RB4 and i did most drags but after the S2 pre buy was avilable i bought it and when its out i try all cars and now my favorite is FO8 (soon BF1 ) in oval and blackwood