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S2 licensed
I've tried a lot of different XRT sounds, but this is definitely the best I've found. Thank you!

Can someone update the list in the first post?

Quote from mathieumayer :This is a sr20det sound I've made.

I did quite a bit of research to find the signature sound and maintain it at higher rpm adjusting the various sliders, more specifically the collector and tail mix.

In a perfect world there would be no clipping but some clipping do add to the realism in my opinion but I kept it within a reasonable range.

A lot of time was spent adjusting all the details and correlation between all the elements such as the intake in relation to the turbo spooling, it has a flutter type of blow off that I made with Audacity, it was inspired by another sound that was around a couple of years ago, some people may remember it as ''shorthigh.wav''. It's not the same sound, I tried to make it as natural as possible, focusing on the airflow/pipe pressure sound tones. (The blow off can be loud for some, adjusting the dump valve muffler still give a nice result, if you like a subtle blow off)

I think without pretention that this is probably the best sr20 sound you will find. Feedbacks are appreciated

P.S for those using tweaks with the XRG, turbo sounds are preloaded.

Possible to set layout in server config file?
S2 licensed
A quick question about the dedicated server configuration. Is it possible to set the default layout (usually done with /ax load) in the config file?
Bug report
S2 licensed
I experienced the following minor issue:

After updating from 0.6A3 to 0.6A4, startup took a long time (30sec) with "textures loading" alternating between 1% and 2%. After that, it continued to the initial setup sequence. All my settings were the same, expect the language was set to Chinese (or a similar asian language).

Subsequent starts are instant and without problems.
S2 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :You could try to rename the files, and then delete the stuff you don't need

This actually works but make sure you don't have any objects placed outside the boundaries of the track you are copying too: you will get sync errors.
Question: Copying Layout
S2 licensed
I made a 'pit' layout for Fern Bay Gold, and would like to use it as well on Fern Bay Club.
Is there any way to copy it?
S2 licensed
You can simply analyze the hosts*.txt file the server generates, with your favorite scripting language. Doing most popular stats will require storing those results and a lot more coding work.
S2 licensed
Thank you.
I also found out how to use the admin password by now
S2 licensed
I tried on Windows, it runs fine..
The server seems to run fine as well apart from that error. I assume it's also not possible to enter lfs console commands from linux?
S2 licensed
I am trying to get this thing running on Gentoo Linux, but am still getting:

Quote :wine LFS.exe /cfg=setup.cfg
Application tried to create a window, but no driver could be loaded.
The X11 driver is missing. Check your build!

The server starts normally with the values from my config file.

// nogfx/invisible

This should be right? What am I missing?
S2 licensed
So, what usually happens with topics in the suggestions forum?

Anyways, I adjusted gear ratios closer together and learned to play with those, but I still miss the sound the car makes with 1000 extra RPMs.
S2 licensed
Quote from hagenisse :Why don't you change the ratios then?

Road cars usually don't rev over 7000.

Quote from tristancliffe :Redlines are fine
Power bands are fine.

If you need to change gear in your drifts, change your gearing so that you have sufficient wheel torque at whatever rpm range or speed you like. Simple.

Changing the ratio's always means compensating for other turns. If I make my second gear longer so I can take the above mensioned corner as I like to, means I don't have sufficient power in the lower speed corners. If I make the gears shorter, the range will be too limited and I have to shift too much.
S2 licensed
I do both grip racing and drifting on LFS, but I thought if something could actually be achieved by making a topic, it's best to explain some reasoning about it.

On another PC here the previous patch is installed, and though I like all the other improvements on Patch Y, I'd like to see this limitation being removed. To add another reason, the car sounds even better in the 7000-8000 rpm range.
About Revlimiter on Patch Y
S2 licensed
OK, so the revlimiters on all cars were reduced to just above the powerband max, and I like to point out that this is too low.

I love to drift the XRT, and for drifting you usually need to use revs above your powerband. Try a lap in a XRT with default gear ratios at Fern Bay (Gold for example), and you'll notice on the last combo of turns you will hit the rev limiter and it kills a good drift. You can either shift up and fall too low in revs, or lower your final gear ratio which kills power on lower speed corners.

We could really use an extra 500-1000 rpm (on the XRT). Comments are welcome.