that is our previos skin
>one thing for the skin would be to tell the members and admins apart like for example on that previos skin evreything that i yellow ther would be red for admins it dosnt have to be a very big diffrence or feture just have it there if you can.
>idk about the rest of the team but i personaly like really bright and skins that really set us apart from evreyone else.
>one more cool little feture would be have each persons name on their car for example mabey put their name above the door or something so for example for me you would type GD.TOM for me but the dot would be in middle and yellow. so just put GD. then put a name there then save that and put a new name in same spot.
>1 thing i personally like is the sponsers on the hood of out previos skin so if something like that could be some were on the car that would be great.
And lets start with the XRT then if we like the skin well have you put it on other cars
>Let me check with owner on price so i will get that to you asap and i will probly put you in touch with owner via discord or somethin.