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S2 licensed
Quote from BigPeBe :I tried Race07, it is good, not as realistic than LFS. But it is good racing sim/game. Well ok, it could be, if that one of the worst FFB's wouldn't be there ruining it. It just feels weird, when you get car in slide steering starts immediately feel sticky and you can't really do fast correct movements because of it.

LFS and RBR are two best sims I have yet played. GTL is very good too, only that it's FFB sucks a bit too. NR2003 is great too, but I'm not really interested of NASCAR and ovals. But it was great with Ferrari 330 mod in Isle of Man. I'm not sure but one bad thing is that atleast with G25 I feel very annoying steering lag and it turned me off from this game.

After all I didn't vote, at least not yet because all these sims (even ISI ones) have their advantages and disadvantages.

Exactly. If you were to sit in one of those cars in real life thats how it would feel - realism
S2 licensed
Quote from Migz :Im just wondering, why are the car vs. barrier crash physics so stupid?
Why didnt the devs just do a small little car gets some dammage and bounces of the barrier?
Instead of flying millions of miles into the air?

It is easy for you to criticise the physics. You have to remember that game physics are difficult and require a lot of know how.
S2 licensed
I have played on this server twice now and I have to say it is really good. The organisation is really great and the fighting is awesome!
S2 licensed
Welcome and good luck Carl.
S2 licensed
Quote from Damo74 :In his settings he has "g forces affect viewpoint" switched on and turned up a few degrees. Its supposed to simulate what your body/head would do given the same g forces exerted on it, hence the leaning forward under braking, and backward under acceleration and also the lateral movement.

As for the cars disappearing in front, I think he just changes to another car view, thats all.

As for the blur, that just looks like a standard video editing plugin to me, nothing fancy. It isnt dynamic, its the same width around the whole screen.

Can you let me know where to find the "g forces affect viewpoint" option please.
S2 licensed
I welcome your own opinion but I do not totally agree with everything that you say. As this thread has a slant towards concentrating on the "good things" I think I will not mention those things which I do not agree with.

Welcome to S2 anyway and have some fun!
S2 licensed
The two most realistic racing sims in my opinion have to be Race07 and RBR